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Posts posted by fumps

  1. So is this thread about Mani joining now ?
    or a thread about not being about people being on this forum, which were not allowed to notice or comment on?
    Or is this thread about people who play bass being on here, of whom we are aware of but not allowed to acknowledge because were all cool musicians ?
    Or is this a thread about where did Bilbo's carrots go ?

    At the end of the day we all play Bass & were here to trade info, Buy/sell Basses, Say Nee Noor, chat & have a giggle. i personally don't care who people are, as long at they are nice & bring something good to the community they are welcome in my little world.

  2. I dont hang on to things, the sentimental things i keep are just small trinkets but actual stuff that can be used i always let them go.

    I was hanging on to a Bass for years that was my first Bass, i never played it. eventually i decided to let it go to a good mate, who still has it (He hoards instruments) i remember seeing it cleaned up with new strings & being played on a regular basis it did actually look happy........things deserve to be used.
    to the op: I know where your comming from i love the stingray & often drool over stingrays they are a dream Bass but if you dont play it anymore someone will & get genuine joy from ownership of this Bass.
    It deserves love & to be played as a primary Bass.

  3. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1326594638' post='1499404']
    Practice slowly with a metronome. So many bass players play out of time when playing slap because they're concentrating more on technique than timing, feel & tone.
    If people ask me if i can play slap i say no. i can do some stuff but my timing goes out so i dont think i can play funk at all.

  4. Yeh if there is another event i want to be there, i was gutted i could not make the last one.

    [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1318520898' post='1403282']
    I often gig around Leeds - the Duck and Drake being a fave of mine because of the excellent beer.

    I was struggling to remember where the Duck & Drake is so i just google street mapped it.........check out the "I park like a Kn*b" parking of the land rover to the side of the pub......

  5. Stick a Fender logo on your nuts & they will be people fighting over them......although i'm not sure if that thought scares me or not.

    Editted to make my post sound more rude

  6. Sorry was a combination of cold & busy-ness.

    I got given a free Gig bag a few days ago so it's still going for freeeeeee

    So it's still going freeeee bump :)

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