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Posts posted by fumps

  1. [quote name='thunderbird13' timestamp='1332837648' post='1593633']
    Thanks - I was thinking around the £300 mark - and I'm thinkiing now towards an EUB as I simply wouldnt be able to transport a full size bass anywhere

    here we go ......whoo hoo!
    Thunderbird we can be Noobies together :)

  2. [quote name='TheRev' timestamp='1332756742' post='1592481']
    See? Chicks dig double bass ;-)
    Excellent news, & good luck with your bass hunt.
    ha ha ha ha ha
    Thats so so true, although i think i should wear a tie when playing a db.........although if i wear a tie i just look like a money lender lol

    @Bluejay. yes she has a massive amount of respect for musicians, she has a large group of friends who are very musical so when she met me she was chuffed i was also into music as a passion: The Bass is something that has always been a big part of me & although i did drop out of being into music (Fed up with ego's) i dodged any kind of pull to go back.
    It was Hayley who dragged me back kicking & screaming .......so it's her fault basically !

    A real passion never goes away, it may lie dormant for a while......but it's in your blood forever!

  3. Cool no worries.
    I wish i could have read that book before i was in a signed band..........it would have forewarned me of the theiving scum that is the music business & prevent me from getting the butt widening experience that i got.

    Cheers for the use of the book. now i have to find a new one lol

  4. well i spoke to my other half about me getting an upright & explained what i wanted to do with one & she flipped (in a good way) i'm a bit of a song bird, i can sing but dont do it in front of people. Hayley will often be doing something upstairs & i will be singing something while playing acoustic guitar. she will sneak downstairs & sit outside of the door. she keeps saying that i should sing more.

    The idea of the upright is perfect for me because of the way you stand. i've decided to change some songs to play upright & sing for the first time. Hayley is very excited & cant wait for me to take the upright plunge, Hayley has even offered to take some of her much loved art off the wall to give me space to store my Bass guitar so the Upright can be stored on the floor!!!.......i was gobsmacked by the offer.......it's all falling into place in a way i could not imagine.

    Yes guys i would really love to get a full double bass but i really do live in a tiny house so it literally would not fit in our livingroom without totally dominating it.

    I'm extremely excited by this change, i've been giggling like a school boy all weekend

  5. [quote name='JPJ' timestamp='1332498484' post='1589071']
    Just to throw my twopenneth in here, I was in a similar position last year, had been wanting to try DB but didn't have the space to keep one at home. I went with the Stagg option and have never regretted it. Apart from the different scale, you'll be amazed how quickly you convert, and as a consequence of playing walking lines on the EUB, my electric bass playing has improved to boot. There is a bit of snobbery about the Stagg driven mainly by the price, I mean if it only costs 'that' much it cant be very good can it? Well, its true that you have to change the strings and do a little bit of fettling (shielding the control cavity, foam to stop the end pin rattle, a damper of some description behind the bridge) but once you do this you'll have a very playable EUB that does a very convincing (to my ears anyway) DB. My advice is just do it, buy second hand and with the Stagg you can almost be guaranteed to get your money back if you find its not for you or want to progress to a DB and need to move it on,
    Cheers mate for this i really appreciate your comment.
    This post has just told me exactley what i wanted to hear. And i have definately made my mind up in regards to this new direction.

    I believe we are all capable of a level of snobbery, i try not to be but i do without realising sometimes.

  6. [quote name='ShergoldSnickers' timestamp='1332493827' post='1588978']
    Reading this thread is torture. :lol:

    Had a quick go on a very old German DB way back in 1982 - that was all I was allowed. It was a three stringed one that hadn't been converted to 4. Massive and controlled tone. All this is just reminding me. :(
    I happen to know where there is an old DB in a junk shop. it's very old & dusty with no strings on it. i was very tempted, i was thinking about buying it and getting it fully restored. but to be fair i dont know anything about DB's also no where to store it, i'd be lost & not sure if it would be actually worth doing in the first place.

  7. [quote name='ShergoldSnickers' timestamp='1332426788' post='1588189']
    Genius. One lick saves on a box of carpet tacks. :)

    Good luck with this Gav - I've been toying with getting an EUB for the past 15 years. :rolleyes: Out of the question for some time now, but eventually....
    lol yes i've decided to at least look into it more seriously. i decided to be more brave in 2012 & act more think less :D

    the thinking isn't a big hurdle i may add

  8. Hi mate
    Yes the difference is kind of what attracts me, I have always been a lover of all things Bass so when i hear the tone & sound a DB makes i do go all distant with a half smile on my face lol.
    I love The NS design Bass' it is a beautiful looking Bass, unfortunately budget restraints are a big factor in what i can have unfortunately, I'm not a massive earner so most of my disposable money goes on my son or the house (we are first time buyers) ......i vary rarely spend money on myself, which is why i got permission to start taking this endeavor seriously.

    I just had a look on evil bay & there are some very low cost EDB's on there from China, does anyone know what they are ?
    I'm not considering them but just interested in general

  9. Hi guys I know you get asked this a million times over so I will keep this at least a little interesting for you guys.
    I've been drooling over a double bass for over a decade to be fair & never really believed I would be skilled enough to be able to hold one for someone else lol. I do go into a strange hypnotised state when I see or hear a double bass being played. In short i've always been transfixed by the instrument.

    Anyway recently after a very frank conversation with my boss (Some people call them girlfriends apparently) I enthused about the idea of playing an upright, I didn't realise but when I stopped talking she admitted my passion for the sound had taken her back a little bit. she agreed that I should start looking into the idea of getting an electric upright. She told me that if you can make this work go for it.
    I would love a full Double bass but I live in a brick built Wendy house so space is at a real premium. I have looked around at various EUB's and was looking naturally at the Stagg 3/4 EUB.

    Am I right in thinking that if I'm 5' 9" a 3/4 bass will be correct ?

    The reasons I am looking at the Stagg are:
    firstly budget- I'm not 100% sure I will take to it (Worried about meeting your idols lol)
    Other reasons is simply because I know the brand have been around a while & I have no knowledge of any other budget manufacturers who make EUB's ......but am open to recommendations.
    Also I have checked them out on You tube & it does deliver the sound I'm looking for (But again I'm open to recommendations)

    What I need to know is am I missing something ? Is there anything that I have clearly not taken into account ?
    Am I being stupid & should stick to my round the neck bass noodlings?

    If anyone could spare the time to help me with some information & advice I would greatly appreciate it.

    Thank you guys

  10. I think it's fair to say that Behringer are a budget company. if you treat their equipment as so then you are going to like & use their stuff.
    If you expect more than they can deliver then you will always be disappointed.

    I'm looking at their BSY600 synth pedal, it comes in at just under £40. I am only buying this as a budget pedal to mess about with, as I want to make some mad noises in my home & create some samples to turn into loops to play with later. It's a budget pedal & I don't want too much from it. so I guess it will suit me.

    If i wanted the same pedal for a heavy gigging dub band I would expect it to fall apart in a few gig's.
    so I guess it's what you expect from a budget product.

  11. My first Bass didn't even have a name on it (I think that was due to the fact that no company would own up to making it)

    The action was high, it stayed in tune for 10.5 seconds & it's jack plug was really naff. but i played it for 2 years before i upgraded (Amp & other stuff took priority, like girls & erm other items of relaxation)

    I still look back at that era with a smile, the endless confidence & the life of just playing that Bass. brilliant times god knows how i got that thing to work lol

  12. I'm great at meeting famous people because i never know who they are.

    I was at Glastonbury, in the beer tent on the edge of the pyramid stage, we was laughing at the P*ss police when a big fella opened conversation with me & a mate. we chatted to him for ages offering pointers at the lesser known bands & just basically having a laugh with a stranger.

    As we walked away my mate gushed at how cool i was when talking to him........i had no idea what he was on about. It was Jonah Lomu. Being from a Yorkshire thats a big deal......i just never recognize people until later. but i stand by my comment. people are just people
    But it was nice to meet such a friendly warm guy, who just happened to be talented at what he did.

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