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Status Updates posted by Chaddy

  1. "Off Topic" - Does anyone use / recommend a valve power amp for a phono connection? Ideally something for a vinyl player + into at least 50watt 6 Ohm's or more. 

  2. Any NE soldering guri's? having a headscratch... 


    What's the best time to give up soldering? asking for a friend.... 

    Ground hum, or no sound.. May have to rework some parts to fit properly in the smaller channel.

    Did a test run but it was getting abit unworldly. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SpondonBassed


      Happy to help.  Good hunting.

    3. Dood


      Lots of ground hum with no sound in a passive instrument: The first place to look is whether or not the circuit is completed with proper grounding. If it isn't grounded then all the components are kinda acting like an aerial to noise. If the noise goes away when you turn the volume down then its between the pickups and ground, if the noise stays no matter what you do with the volume then check the ground to the volume control and to the socket.


      Grab a cheap multimeter to test with - I got one for £5 just for chucking around.



    4. Chaddy


      Thanks Dood. 


      Turns out I had missed out one arm to pot solder.... call it wood for the trees.


      I've got to do a review on the charval as there is an obvious grounding issue but the wiring looks fine so I'm thinking this is linked to the poor shielding spray that is tripping it. 


      I may add an extra layer of body to jack for grounding as this is split from the bridge and body cavity to the glock pre-amp. 


      Last time I ever buy Fender. Sick of it now. 😒 

  3. Sanity check - Musicman "sub" tuners, will any direct replacement be a fit for the string peg hole? I.E Wilkinson WJBL200 
    And where to get a black control plate from also...... 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chaddy


      I "think" so but haven't sized them up.  Black control plate but dunno if fleabay ones are any good. Alot of money for plastic as I'm going passive.  :D It's a good headache 

    3. jezzaboy


      Not so sure about the Wilkinson tuners as they have a rather large mounting plate and the headstock is quite petite. The G tuner might bugger you up due to the way it sits, maybe.


      The own brand one`s that Northwest Guitars sell are decent tuners and come in a choice of colours and r/h, l/h.



    4. prowla


      I'd be checking the location of the screw holes on the base plate too, rather than turning the headstock into Swiss cheese...

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