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Posts posted by andy67

  1. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='113171' date='Jan 3 2008, 08:32 PM']oh well a few months back someone had a headstock break on an SG and they were quoted £400. Luckily it was covered in their home insurance.[/quote]

    thats an extortionate quote..really would take a luthier around an hour to prepare and glue dowels/headstock and a further couple to finish off...£50 an hour would seem reasonable to me!

  2. [quote name='99ster' post='113119' date='Jan 3 2008, 07:17 PM']Sorry but in IMHO - it's not as easy as that to fix - when it's done properly it often requires metal pins being added to support the break because of the stress caused by string tension. I've seen repairs look great until the first time the strings are put back on & it's tuned up...then it all comes apart again. Especially with Gibsons which are infamous for having weak headstocks. It's really not a job for an amateur & a pro repair will only cost around £150 - & like you say can be made to look 'invisible'.[/quote]

    concur 100%

    job for a true professional...last few times I have seen it done hard wood dowels have done the trick allowing for a little flexibility in the tensioning which lets the neck and glue set properly.

    I'm sure - hope so anyway - that your insurance will take care of it or the rehearsal room insurance...you may need to look into the liability/imdemnity clauses pertaining to the owner of the rehearsal rooms...but dont just accept their excuse of not their problem! they must have insurance for loss of earnings/contents/buildings and health & safety.

  3. had the following:

    stiletto elite 4, extreme 4 and custom 5 - all were superb instruments in their own right, the elite is a superb instrument.

    construction and design are flawless...I dont understand how they can make quality basses this cheap??

    recommend an elite 4 to any one!

  4. yes cahs convertors and every other pawn shop around as these people will take stolen gear and leave it in the back shop for a year to cool down!

    this happened to one of my mates guitars...we went round all the shops with photos and accurate detailed descriptions of the item and the dodgy gets still took it in...it appeared one year later!

    I bet you can guess the rest!!

  5. I hate thieving bastards!

    hope you get it back soon!

    looking at your gear its pretty well specialised so think it may be a little too hot to move quickly, therefore allowing these criminals to make silly errors in judgment!

    if you get a hold of these bastards - give em a severe kicking!


  6. hey sugden..

    as I said at the time; my freind paid £250 for his v6 and has recently bought another for £300, the auction we got caught up in for this amp went way over price range! I had agreed to buy this of the seller for £450 before you entered the ring and he dinged me! pissed of I was! not at you but at the seller for agreeing in principle..but thats life...


  7. I've been watching 8x10 for ages on ebay - they come up frequently, ranging between £400 and £500.

    A1 condition £500

    cant make my mind up if I want one, I already have two b410hlf but the issue is my amp it wont deliver 2 ohms..

  8. talk to Rumour6 he will give you the lowdown on these things...he sold a 'Jaco' type rig recently...

    I tried his out and it was mental...volume was unstopable, big lows and sweet highs but dont think any ordinary cabinet would handle these amps....

  9. hey folks!

    was that bass not on sale here a while back?

    seem to recall the selling pitch??

    tosser anyway getting folk to do dodgy work....pure greed

    here is how I run my auctions....not trying to sell here on this thread,just examples.


  10. [quote name='SJA' post='100161' date='Dec 6 2007, 12:55 PM']the MK1 Attitude had that- an aluminium block, but there were 4 visible bolts on the back of the body, with 2 inset plates.
    on the MK2 they did away with the block.

    Andy67, you've got one of each?[/quote]

    yup! on the mk1 it was aircraft grade aluminum fixed onto the neck to give more through body support...this was changed to a wooden block on the mk2 and is bolted on the inside.

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