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Posts posted by bazzbass

  1. you may find the result unsatisfactory, as I did. Not because the amp isn't good, but because the cab adds more to the sound than I realised. Using the amp's DI is not much more 'warm' than going straight in to the interface. Just my experience trying to find the right tone. Bought a tube pre amp, tried micing the cab, tried the amp's DI. In the end, the bass sounded better going straight into my interface, go figure.

  2. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1483438421' post='3207053']
    My God, that sounds like a nightmare.... fingers crossed for ya.

    don't do that, makes playing bass even harder :)

    the good news is,we have some pubs that refused to get pokies,who have stayed rundown, but have live music. And most of them promote original music over covers. Where there is hope......

    the new drug driving laws didn't help either, no one wants to leave home anymore, myself included.

  3. I know musicians who have played for 20 plus years, constantly gigging, but can't get their act together, turning up late, broken gear, no spare anything.
    Experience doesn't mean they're gonna be good, but most people learn SOMETHING after all those years.

    I've been lucky enough to have always played in bands with people I was friends with already, bringing in one new person maybe.

    It's more important that the new member gels with the band than whether they've played in bands for a long time, assuming the talent is there.

  4. here in South Australia, the live music scene died about 20 years ago when they legalised pokie machines and every pub got rid of their dart and 8 ball teams and rooms, kicked out the bands, and put in 40 pokie machines. Five years later they were rolling in so much money, they all upgraded the facilities and put in restaurants and beer gardens.
    Now,the public are broke, pokie money is dying.

    I'm hoping they turn to live music to get people back in to their venues again.

  5. too late. You have tinnitus. For life.

    It will only get worse. You didn't wear ear plugs?

    I discovered good ear plugs when it was way too late.

    I've lived with loud tinnitus for over 35 years, my hearing in my right ear, the one that was next to the bloody drummer's cymbals, is about 50%.

    I used to larf at electronic drums in the 80s and 90s. Now I long for our drummer to use them in our band, won't happen.

  6. I bought a used Hipshot Vintage bridge for my MIM Jazz over a year ago and only just installed it.

    The seller had lost the allen key to adjust the saddle height and none of mine fit. It is a really tiny screw .

    I emailed Hipshot and they replied within a day that they'll post a few spares out to me, free of charge all the way to me in Australia.

    That is great customer service, to send a part to a second hand buyer goes beyond what is expected.

    Just thought I'd share my experience.

  7. My hi tech plan for my second go at gigging after a long break is to have BIG setlist sheets on the floor with the chord structure for verse chorus and bridge next to each song.

    we need autocue like the tv stations use. or a lacky with white cardboard sheets hehe

    but yeah I have seen an app that lets you change song order etc, and there are usb and bluetooth devices to turn the page for you. I'll let someone who uses one chime in.

  8. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1482802858' post='3202842']
    I swear, I'm not trying to be flipent.

    Could you point out where your seeing any level of drum skill or talent in the clip. I'm missing it.


    I'm with you, Blue.

    He's playing about as well as I do. I SUCK on drums. I sound just like that :)

    attention seeking loook at ME look at ME !

    I bet he slaps a da bass next

  9. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1482803498' post='3202847']
    I discovered that radio controlled Technic Lego was a thing on Christmas Eve, so I bought me some of that

    I saw an ad for the new Mattel remote controlled car THAT CONVERTS TO A PLANE AND TAKES OFF !!!

    I'm 55 but when I saw that I was 14 again hehe

    now , which nephew am I going to buy if for? :)

  10. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1482443985' post='3200727']
    but before I make any decisions, I want to find out how easy they are to deal with, what options there are etc.

    All help is much appreciated!

    I don't think anyone has addressed the OP's question. Instead you're arguing over whether one luthier's bass is better than Fenders.

    OP asked how easy FCS is to deal with and what options are available.

    Unfortunately I'm down under and FCS is not even remotely doable for me, so I haven't even looked.

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