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  1. some mold has appeared in my music room, any ideas how dangerous this might be for my basses? Keep em in the case instead of hanging on a nearby wall?

    1. knirirr


      What's the humidity in the room? It might be worth using a dehumidifier to keep it around 50% or so, which should keep the mould at bay (after cleaning it up with some foaming bleach spray).

    2. DDR


      how would you measure that?


    3. knirirr


      Something like this would do the trick: https://www.amazon.co.uk/ThermoPro-Thermometer-Hygrometer-Temperature-Humidity/dp/B07TV364MZ

      Humidity should be between 40-60% for normal use IIRC.
      It's an issue for double basses (https://www.stringemporium.com/upright-double-bass-humidity.htm) but I wouldn't think electrics would be affected too much (though if it changes you might need to adjust the truss rod).

      I was getting a mould problem in one room of my house and started running one of these in it: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B082VDS3YH

      That, plus some foaming mould spray from a local shop has sorted it out.



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