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Posts posted by DirkThrust

  1. I don't suppose it'll put anyone out of business. Just that the price of lightweight speakers will go up for anyone who wants to buy them. It's too big an increase for the manufacturers to absorb so the end user will end up having to pay.

    I also think we'll see more of this sort of thing going on in the future as China flexes it's economic muscles

  2. Excellent condition. Some minor chips on the end of the headstock and some very tiny, almost unnoticeable dents in the finish.

    Comes with all the bits and bobs. I'll also include a good quality Levy's leather strap, Warwick Rockbass gigbag and a couple of good quality instrument leads. It's fitted with D'addario Chromes flats and apart from the bridge cover and holes for the pickup cover is completely stock.

    Also included is a faux vintage tweed case with snazzy furry red lining

    I'm not gonna post this but will meet halfway up to 100 miles or will deliver if you pay for my diesel @ £0.10 per mile which'll probably work out cheaper than a courier anyway. If collected I'll throw in a Line 6 LD15 combo also in excellent condition.

    Sorry no trades because I need the cash.

  3. I've had mostly good experiences buying and selling here. The only one that left a sour taste in my mouth was when I sold a little practise combo.

    We agreed a price and I posted it without receiving payment first. As the guy is a regular poster and can often be heard pontificating about morality and doing the right thing I didn't think twice about it.

    I sent it on the Monday and let him know, but on Saturday I still hadn't heard from him and I was starting to get a bit worried that something had happened to it so I PMed hime and got the reply back "Oh yeah it arrived a couple of days ago. I sent you a message but must have forgotten to press send" Yeah right. How gullible does he think I am, but I did receive payment shortly after.

    If he had wanted it on approval I probably would have agreed anyway.

    Then a couple of days after that I get a PM from him with a very whiny tone complaining that it wasn't working so I offered him a full refund and also told him to keep the amp. So he would have had the money and the amp and I'd taken it on trust that it was faulty. I never had a problem with it. Then a bit later I get another PM saying it's working after all, it was just the fuse. What!!! Why didn't he just try that first, if it stopped working at all?

    So after all this the p***k couldn't even be arsed to leave me some feedback.

    My main issue with this forum is the bad manners. I've given a few things away and a couple of times the ill mannered recipients didn't even bother to PM to say it's arrived and thank you. Again they were both regular posters and the items in question were worth a few quid. Everything goes on Freecycle now. Well done BC

  4. [quote name='davidmpires' post='1186611' date='Apr 3 2011, 11:34 AM']but the learning by ear gets me everytime.[/quote]

    Like most things I've found that learning by ear gets easier with practise. After a while you will be able to hear a note and know where it is on the fretboard without having to noodle around to find the right one

  5. [quote name='davidmpires' post='1186386' date='Apr 3 2011, 01:03 AM']I blagged my way through bands, by learning the chords from the guitar player or using tabs, which I still do.

    Last year in April I played my last gig, and since then I've been without a band mostly by choice though. But now after a year without playing I start to feel the bug again and slowly start to make my way into bass. But I realise that I'm a fake and that I can't cut it as a player.

    I would like to play originals with a band or with a singer but my first problem would be to learn songs that are already written, since I can't learn by ear.

    At the same time I thought of selling the rest of my stuff, (i sold a bass and a cab last year) and find something else to do since I've been a big fake for years.[/quote]

    This pretty much sums up exactly how I feel about my playing but ironically most guys I've been in with bands think I'm quite a good musician. I guess there are worse fakers around

  6. No one's laughing. Not everyone has top end gear.

    I expect most people will recommend Peavey but I would think either of these would be fine for home use. I have no experience of the Peavey but I used to use an RB3 at an open mic night where it was the supplied backline and it coped perfectly well and sounded pretty good. It didn't rattle the windows but you wouldn't expect it to.

  7. That's always a difficult one if you're playing a Ric with the pickup cover removed. I don't think they're really designed to be played over the pickup fingerstyle like a Precision.

    When I had one I went through all the various different methods but in the end I put the cover back on and rested my thumb on that. It meant playing behind the bridge pickup and there's a bit more string tension but once I got used to it I preferred it to playing directly over the pickup

  8. [quote name='Basska' post='873583' date='Jun 21 2010, 02:51 PM']It's in my hands and I believe I am being too forceful! School boy error on my part haha.


    That's exactly what I used to do. It may be obvious but how about turning up to let the amp do the work

  9. It would be perfectly safe to use both cabs together providing they're both 8 ohms. They would share half the wattage as you say.

    Whether it would be desirable to do so is another matter. If you like the Ashdown sound then the ABM500 + ABM410 would be a very powerful, bassy sounding rig.

    Do you need the volume of 8 10" speakers? If you do then there is no reason not add the MAG except that the MAGs are budget speakers and won't sound as good as the ABMs so you'll be detracting from the overall sound quality by adding the MAG.

    In practise though, if you like the sound then that's all that matters.

  10. [quote name='bassaussie' post='1083077' date='Jan 9 2011, 12:41 PM']Isn't this seller somehow related to Tuneomatic? He's that guy in California (I think) who seems to have a constant supply of vintage Fenders that he sells for obscene prices.[/quote]

    AFAIA it is Tune-O-Matic under a different name.

    Apparently he has a time machine which he uses to go back to the sixties to buy up new Fenders.

  11. If you like the sound you get now then add another 2x10. Adding a 15 or a 12, especially from a different manufacturer, without hearing it first is fraught with potential risk. It may sound great or it may sound cack.

    Wherabouts are you from? You don't need to apologise for your English. It's better then a lot of posters whose first language is English.

  12. The Ashdowns are fairly good cabs but Ashdown aren't known for making the lightest gear around.

    Since you are after light weight and 15s then I would suggest the Barefaced Compact. It's a single 15 with no tweeter and sounds like it would suit your sound requirements down to the ground, although the people who know speaker science will tell you that sound is not determined by speaker size

    The Compact is a great sounding cab which weighs in at arouind 30lbs. Pair this with one of the modern micro amps and you have a total rig weight of less than 35lbs.

  13. [quote name='Steve Spector' post='1069384' date='Dec 25 2010, 11:03 PM']Thanks for the reply, but to be honest any reply that's not backed up by some sort of reason is not of any interest to me - I'm here to learn after all. If you carry on with "Useless idea ... because..." that would be great.

    Hey, it's Christmas day :) We're just fitting it in around all the other stuff we have to do today. You'll usually find JTUK to be one of the better informed posters on here

  14. A 15 won't necessarily go deeper or boomier than a 4x10. We've been sold the idea that you need a 4x10 with a 15 underneath to produce the lows by speaker manufacturers for some time now but forget the idea that a 15 will go lower than a 4x10 because with modern speakers it's simply not correct.

  15. [quote name='iommi1423' post='1069197' date='Dec 25 2010, 11:09 AM']i have a 515 combo nd its a beautiful bass amp. but there is no DI out put which can make life hard if you start gigging. if you like the ampegs tone then it really is worth the extra money. but i would strongly reccomend that you check out some reliability reviews first. but if you like the ashdowns tone then heres something to check out



    i have giiged with both of these amps nd i cant say anything wrong with either of them[/quote]

    Eh?!!! Some mistake surely. The EB is more expensive than the MAG and they're both more expensive than buying from a Britsh based shop

  16. You've pretty much answered the question already. It would work but be almost completely pointless.

    Assuming they are both 8 ohm you would be feeding half your amp's power into each cab which would not be the best use of the watts available to you. You would be far better off putting it all into the 8x10

    You would also be mixing cabs that aren't designed to be used together and the results would be unpredictable due to mixing cabs with different drivers, tonal characteristics, frequency responces etc.

    OTOH what really matters is how it sounds to you so give it a try and you may like the result

    EDIT Actually it would be a bit louder using both because you would be getting the full juice out of your amp but I think the difference would be tiny and almost inaudible and the possible drawbacks would outweigh any possible benefit

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