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Posts posted by tayste_2000

  1. Again with the clear out.

    First up the Tone Factor Huckleberry this one is serial number 10 one of the first 10 ever made and only 1 of 12 available in this colour. My reason for selling is this is my favourite fuzz pedal and a main stay on my band board for ages but it is no longer my main sound for my band so I don't need 2 (1 was a backup).

    It sounds like this.

    Please Note I do NOT recommend this for active basses I've been using it with an impedance buffer and it is amazing it is also amazing with passives but the signal of an active bass is just to much for it. These are now made under the Mojo Hand name and not available direct from Tone Factor as they have a UK supplier.

    I'm after for this little beauty £75

    Next is an Aria FL-5 this is one of the best flanger's I've tried so good I have 2 of it's big brothers the FL-10's same sound just you have 2 rate settings with the FL-10's.

    Sounds like this [url="http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/Aria%20FL-5.mp3"]http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/Aria%20FL-5.mp3[/url]

    I'd like £35 for this pedal.

    Here is a pic


  2. I've decided after various talks with my band, managers and producers to simplify my rig down so this is on the chopping block.

    You can read about it here [url="http://www.rane.com/pdf/old/dc24man.pdf"]http://www.rane.com/pdf/old/dc24man.pdf[/url]

    But basically this is the best compressor I've used I sold my EBS Multicomp once I got it. It can be used for many things Mono, Stereo or best of all Dual Band where you can compress the highs and lows separately and then you can recombine them or run them out to different amps so it works for biamping and has its own cross over in it.

    This has been in my rack since I got it and is in excellent condition and comes with the corret power supply and I give you the option as well as to if you want an IEC plug on it or standard 3 prong jobbie (Ie If it's going in a rack with a power conditioner).

    I'd like £100 not including shipping. It does not come with original box or manual but the manual is available at the above link.


  3. Well I've not noticed any real tone problems it goes down to 35hz and I'm hardly using crap gear Overwater, Valenti's and a Bongo into EA Iamp600 and Iamp800 with an NM410 and 2x CXL112.

    I mean it's not amazing and it's fix frequency but it does do the job fine I just need something more robust for touring which I've had for the past year in the WMS400 and been using this as a backup and plan on getting another WMS400.

    We could arrange a trial period maybe?

    Or I can try and find £100 :)

  4. Yeah about £700 would do it.

    Wireless is like this

    But 2 antennas on the front of the unit so it doesn't drop out it's been used and the bug can crackle sometimes but only if you run round venues. Also have a charger for the transmitter

  5. In my defence I'm only using 6 actually effects live :) The rest are for recording, jam sessions and some are collectable and vintage.

    I got Fuzz, Filter, Phaser, Distortion/OD, Boost and a Noise Box

    The other pedals are switchers and a Tuner, 1 allowing me to blend my effects with my clean signal while also buffering my signal so active basses work with my fuzz and the other allows me to switch basses and amps in seconds so I can Bi amp or if I break a string etc etc.

    I can justify all of them some only get used on 1 or 2 songs but the fuzz and boost are used on all the songs and now I Bi-Amp I pretty much just leave the fuzz on and switch it to distortion when I swap from playing with a pick to fingers due to the volume and clarity difference I use the Dist as it's slightly clearer and set it just a touch louder than the fuzz so my sound is very even regardless of how the song is played.

  6. [quote name='99ster' post='49972' date='Aug 24 2007, 09:56 AM']Many thanks tayste_2000 - nice one.
    Are there any particular models for the Multron clones that I should look out for...?

    And why not the EHX Q-tron???[/quote]

    Like I said Univox, Monacor and Coron if you find my thread on the Monacor Effectomatic you can see what it looks like and all 3 look the same.

    The Q-tron regardless of what people say is not a Mutron clone, it's not even close and IMHO (Humble yeah right) it's crap, it has a huge volume jump, the sweeps are generally to big to make it useable in a band situation.

    But bare in mind bootsy use to use a couple of mutrons on different parts of his signal like splitting it and have a Mutron on eqach side of the chain but one should get close enough.

    Else the most musical filter I've used is the Mojo Hand (Previously Tone Factor) 442 (with Bass Mod) on it's own it doesn't sound that impressive but in a band mix it really shines which is like the opposite of the Q-tron.

  7. [quote name='Muse_Cubed' post='49898' date='Aug 24 2007, 01:10 AM']Board (on a board! - courtesy of G-Bitch :) )

    With the two finishing touches indicated. The VT2's on its way.


    As a tip I would recomend putting the deep impact at the front and the DHA behind it due to the height of the dha it will be difficult for you to get at the Deep Impact but if they are the other way round both will be accessible.

    Also I presume the multi comp doesn't get turned off so maybe stick that under the shelf? and place your blowtorch behind the whammy as it looks impossible to get to where you have it now unless you have that on at all times as well.

    Just some friendly pointers take em or leave em after all what do I know :huh:

    Good board btw

  8. [quote name='G-bitch' post='49881' date='Aug 24 2007, 12:12 AM']Just got my new downsized and simplified one done:


    There appears to be something missing hmmmmm oh yeah it's another 10 pedals get this fixed asap.

    BTW am loving the PB&J but don't tell anyone don't want the prices to go up on ebay. But its way better than a DD-3.

  9. Just feels wrong :)

    I'm pushing about 30 pedals with another 20 or so I hope to pickup in the next 2 months :huh:

    Not sure what I'm mounting on boards for jams and what will be left as collector pieces my band board is pretty set though.

    Congrats on the cool setup

  10. Ideally £110 shipped I just bought a new power supply for it and together they are quite heavy so with special delivery I expect it to be at least £10.

    But I've only had it a few days so I'm not really willing to budge on the price.


  11. Got a few that I'm not gigging :) and the pedalboard in the top right corner

    Home Jam Setup today just to try some things out.

    DD-20 and Whammy are for my guitarist but he's not paid me so they are currently MINE. Think I'll be getting a space echo after playing with the DD-20 and figuring out what I love/hate about it the Space Echo will prolly do me proud.

    Whammy I don't know, the only think I like it flicking it up 2 octaves mid riff but I find the tracking all over a bit crap, I think I'd end up with the Digitech EX-7 Expression Factory or what ever due to it doing the modes of the whammy I like and none I don't and those Space Station sounds but we'll see.

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