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Posts posted by skankdelvar

  1. As far as anarcho-socialism goes, this is an interesting speculative piece:


    ...and as far as I can see, any form of party or political grouping requires an inherent compromise. The more members, the greater the compromise. In achieving consensus among larger groupings, certain individuals may have to subordinate their views on certain issues to those of the majority. Should they continue to disagree, they may be 'coerced' into agreement or expelled from the party. Sound familiar and acceptable so far?

    So what happens when 'the party' is the whole of society? You get Gulags and Killing Fields. Imposed totalitarian political systems kill. Compromise, tolerance and accommodation form the basis for any successful social grouping.

    In answer to your OP, I think your band is a better exemplar of progress through compromise than any political nostrum. If you're uncomfortable with the possible outcome - that is, getting a deal - it's maybe unfair to contemplate removing your skills at the point when the others achieve what may be, for them, a key objective .

    Perhaps you should leave the band and join one with ambitions more closely aligned with your own.

  2. Either way, the serial number suggests 77-78, and the block, non-serifed italic 'JAZZ BASS' might indicate the middle - latter end of that period, when they switched the type face. So, maybe late 77, early 78?

    It's just unfortunate that the (probably genuine but a bit excessive) headstock wear includes the area round the logo, which might imply 'forgery' to some.

    The headstock faces (but not the sides or back) of this period were nitro'd, the neck poly'd (and I've got a similarly two-toned Tele). His camera may be exaggerating the 'David Dickinson-esque' hue of the headstock face.

    I need to get out more.

  3. For a six month old neck, strung at normal tension to go bandy implies a manufacturing fault.

    If the retailer has had it for a month and can't fix it, it would be interesting to know [i]exactly[/i] what they've been doing with it during that time.

    I'd be (very politely) asking for specific details about their proposed remedies - because I can't think of many, short of a serious bit of neck clamping, hump-shaving or a fat re-fret. And even if it's fixed now, the problem could recur later.

    Without knowing all the details, it's difficult to suggest possible courses of action, but if this was my bass, I'd be after a replacement or a refund flaming pronto. A quiet but firm meeting with a senior person in a back room is certainly in order - no informal chatting over the counter - and take a notepad.

    Banana neck is a banana neck. And this on a [i]new £900.00 bass[/i]? It's not their fault, but the Retailer should definitely take this one on the chin - their beef should be with Fender.

    Send for Shockwave - the punter's friend!

  4. [quote name='AndyMartin' post='341241' date='Nov 30 2008, 05:09 PM']It's a 2008 US standard. The latest model. I've only played one other that was hanging in a shop and that had a neck like a banana. Reading the thread about overpriced American gear, maybe I've been lumbered with one of Fender's "export" basses :)[/quote]

    I read about the banana neck fenders on Harmony-Central - and these were American-bought Precisions. Maybe there are issues with rushing the wood to production before it's seasoned properly. Some similar issues with wood shrinkage and exposed fret-ends on the less expensive Gibson six strings - the "faded" jobs...

  5. [quote]Nay!!!! I defy thee SKANKDEVIL.[/quote]

    Nice return, Sir.

    [quote name='Mrs Tinman' post='341224' date='Nov 30 2008, 04:37 PM']And another thing :huh: One mention of the word 'crevice' and I may need to resort to physical violence :huh:[/quote]

    Errr - sorry mate - didn't mean to cause a domestic - just start a global religious war. (Phew! - good job she didn't notice the fiery bush....)

    Sorry to the OP for dragging this seriously OT :) I reckon basses are just stacking up in peoples' houses and rotating periodically through ebay. When d'ya last see a decent stash of s/h gear in a bass / guitar shop? Years, mate, years.

    Cos we've all got 'collections' these days....or 'harems' as the Mild-ster so aptly puts it.

  6. [quote name='thebeat' post='341027' date='Nov 30 2008, 12:15 PM']You'll be lucky...they all seem to think we're a bunch of dicks across there :) especially Argghh, who should perhaps change his change his user name to 'Vitriol' :huh:[/quote]

    Two nations separated by a common language...and a differing sense of humour.

  7. + 1 on the legals.

    Although you've had it six months, it's already been back twice, so they can't say it's a new problem.

    As regards the practicalities - well, they've tried in good faith to fix it but no joy. Your choice as noted above should be refund or replacement.

    re: Replacement - If you only ask for a new neck, they may have to send the old one back to the MFR, leaving you with half a bass and a long wait. And it's the [i]whole bass [/i] that's unplayable, because of the neck.

    Easier for everyone if they send the whole thing back and give you a new one off the wall. Saves them having to get money out of the till. And, subject to the legals above, I can't imagine you'd have to wait for a refund from the retailer while the mfr identifies the problem - doesn't matter [i]why[/i] it doesn't work properly - it just doesn't work.

    Or you might want to get the cash back and buy a secondhand item that's been played in and is known to have no issues.

    Have seen a number of comments recently about Fender neck bows - which Precision was it?

  8. [quote name='Tinman' post='341011' date='Nov 30 2008, 11:52 AM']I do hope not. :) That certainly wasn't my intention. I was merely commenting on the statement about God taking a Fender player to sit at his right hand. :huh:
    Certainly no insult intended[/quote]

    No, that's it! I'm so deeply offended reason hath deserted me!! The name of the Lord ith being taken in vain!!!

    The doors of Heavenly Paradise are henceforth shut to all humanity until you, [i]SINMAN[/i] repenteth and go forth into the wilderness and pluck for me from the fiery bush a Mojo-laden yet somehow entirely pristine NOS '55 Precision and send it to:

    Pastor Billy Bob Spittoon
    Latterday Church of Non-Believers
    15, The Council Houses
    Cemetary Crescent

    And this just in from God - as with dogs, [i]all[/i] basses go to heaven - even Hondos.

  9. [quote name='solo4652' post='340437' date='Nov 29 2008, 01:21 PM']I'm in a similar position. Perhaps we could help each other out here.

    How about: You don't send me anything and I'll exchange that with nothing? I should point out that my end of the trade is zero-rated VAT AND it's free post and packing. Complete bargain. Must be Christmas. :)[/quote]

    I [i]rather[/i] think it would help if you posted some pics. :huh:

  10. [quote name='SJA' post='340454' date='Nov 29 2008, 01:53 PM']check out the pink custom shop 55 reissue in this thread-

    I went through that thread and GAS-ed on every one of them. Thank you so much for posting that link. :huh: :)

    A 54-56. It will be mine.

    Oh yes, it will be mine.

  11. [quote name='tauzero' post='340186' date='Nov 29 2008, 12:33 AM']As the saying goes, "Anyone who hasn't had a Fender by the time they're 25 has no heart. Anyone who still has a Fender by the time they're 35 has no brain. And anyone who has a Hohner B2 has no head".[/quote]

    If we're talking about Bass Heaven - well, look unto the Good Book for guidance, wherein it is written in the Old Testament:

    "He who takes unto himself a Fender, yea even unto a 'previously cherished' Squier Badz Maru, is thrice-blessed by the Lord and shall sit upon His right hand for all eternity, yet he who worships at the Altar of The German Antichrist shall be cast screaming into the lake of fire where they shall roast until Judgment Day (and no inconsiderable time thereafter).

    So saith the Lord."

    [i]Book of Rehoboam - Chap 8 vs 23[/i]

  12. [quote name='Stag' post='337531' date='Nov 26 2008, 06:08 PM']Ive never really been able to "get" DC. It doesnt help that the track of their we cover in the band does not require the use of the fretting hand throughout the entirety of the song (Hell Aint A Bad Place To Be), so I use it to drink a pint with during the song.[/quote]

    Bearing in mind which band we're talking about, I'm sure the song was deliberately written with that possibility in mind :) . Personally, I welcome any song in the set that enables one or both of my hands to have a little rest.

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