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Posts posted by skankdelvar

  1. I've changed my mind. You're a back-stabbing treacherous slack-a$$ed malcontent with the integrity of Judas Iscariot, the credibility of Barney The Dinosaur and the personal hygiene of Albert Steptoe and there's no blazing pit of Hades deep or hot enough for you!

    FFS, Stop beating yourself up. :)

    1) It's only rock'n'roll
    2) The others bailed before you did
    3) The band leader called you at the last minute to tell you not only that the others had dropped out (days before in one case) but that you'd be dicking around on the bottom string of a Ukelele and banging on some bongos like a reefer-crazed Jazzbo. Obviously a ploy.
    4) Your Missus was feeling crook.

    Stack it up and it's a no-brainer. Sure, if it were a big showcase / well-paid gig and [i]you[/i] called [i]him[/i] and blew out on the afternoon with no excuse, then he'd have a case for giving you the swerve.

    Get him to call me. I'll put him straight.

  2. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='353740' date='Dec 13 2008, 05:32 PM']+1 I'm not really too fussed what a bunch of Americans want to do with there money anyway.[/quote]

    Neither am I, unless it's GM putting Vauxhall workers on 30% pay for 9 mths.

    Suspected TB might take this view - they seem a bit more [i]normal[/i] than us weird, shouty Brits on BC, plus there's all sorts of potential legal ramifications in the Home Of The Brave And The Land Of The Lawyers.

  3. Rick forum has (not unsurprisingly) a list of players past, present, famous, otherwise:


    And it's cos they sound pumpy and look real purty.

  4. [quote name='AM1' post='352513' date='Dec 12 2008, 10:53 AM']I think the big chief would prefer a selection of Jamiroquai's finest :)

    Ha. Ha. HAHAHAHA.[/quote]

    As his intended and general honeybunch cutie-pie, you'd know best.

    BTW, I've got that on vinyl. It's a double A-side.

  5. [quote name='craigjf1969' post='352679' date='Dec 12 2008, 01:19 PM']dont want any comments on whether or not you like them or whatever else,just interested comments please...cheers Craig[/quote]

    OK, I'll keep mum.

    Not a word will pass my lips.

    Don't have a view. Really.

    Silent as the grave.

    No, won't say a thing, honest.

    Promise. Totally not commenting.

    Please accept a opinion-free bump and good luck with your sale. :)

  6. Copyright that headstock. It's the most original design I've seen in years.

    No seriously! - not just being nice. Do it. Do it now!

    I'd buy one of those. No offence intended to whoever you showed it to but - [i]WRONG!!!!!!![/i]

  7. [quote name='bassmansky' post='351080' date='Dec 10 2008, 06:21 PM']were they any good?didnt seem to last long as a company or were they bought out?must be worth a few bob surely![/quote]

    At the time, they were seen as pretty high-end for a British built guitar. Highest profile user was probably Mike Rutherford. Shergold had a long-ish (10 years?) and commercially chequered history - one of the last of the UK-based volume builders. There's at least one Shergold fan site out there...

    Some 'enthusiasts' will chase Shergolds to the ends of the earth, others think they're firewood. Prices reflect this...

  8. Just make the holes bigger. Cheaper.

    But don't drill.

    Have a look at this:


    Then nip off down to a DIY store or do the interwebz shopping thing.

    I'd lend you mine, but I lost it.

  9. [quote name='BassMunkee' post='351038' date='Dec 10 2008, 05:31 PM']Can I therefore now please have a sticky poll as whether or not I should have a poll about the fact that I had a big old strop last week; kind of a retrospective poll, if you will.[/quote]

    Sorry, but that wasn't a strop.

    No offence intended, but compared to some of the stuff that's been flying around here, it was like a sheep clearing its throat on a distant hillside.

  10. [quote name='The Funk' post='350666' date='Dec 10 2008, 01:32 PM']I was born and raised in London, and I've played around a bit. There are probably not more than 50 good bass players here.[/quote]

    One less since I left.

    And I know - I went round and counted. 48, there were.

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