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Posts posted by Cato

  1. I think it depends on your mobile, mines a bit rubbish for internet stuff in general, but the mobile version of the site is generally excellent on my Kindle Fire.

    (Apart from not being able to watch embedded youtube vids since the last software 'upgrade' but thats entirely a problem with the Kindle, not Basschat).

  2. I've got the first couple of Cribs albums, which I like a lot. I suppose their biggest claim to fame is that Johnny Marr joined the band for an album & a tour.

    Pretty surprised Gary's got his own signature model though, although they've been touring internationally for years, maybe they've got wider appeal than I realised?

  3. I'm not sure Fender can really win.

    If any of us were offered our choice of any new Fender bass from the current range how many would go for a Dimension?

    Over the years they've had a few goes at doing something different both with guitars & basses, none of which, as far as I know, have set the world alight sales wise.

  4. They seem roughly in line price wise with the deluxe line they are replacing.

    The natural jazz with black blocks looks very promising, similar to the Squire VM 70s which for me is just about the best looking bass in the entire Fender range (especially now they seem to have discontinued the natural deluxe).

  5. There's no definitive answer for me, my tastes are in constant flux.

    As an example, for years I found Rickenbacker 4001s & 4003s to be unspeakinkaby ugly, then one day I saw one in darkest blue & fell instantly,inexplicably, head over heels. If I'd had the funds I'd have bought it on the spot, about 30 seconds after seeing it, probably without even trying it out.

    I also used to be pretty indifferent towards Jazz basses. Now I own 2 & think its generally just about the sexiest shape around.

    My love is fickle.

  6. From my somewhat limited experience with 5s the only immediate possible problem might be that you have to adjust your left hand technique more to cope with the extra width of the neck.

    On a four a lot of the time you can play with your thumb over the neck, on a lot of fives that doesn't work so well so you need to go for the more 'correct' thumb on the back of the neck left hand position.

    Of course if you already have a more or less classical left hand technique on guitar it probably won't be much of a change.

  7. I'm getting tempted to get my first 5 after 25 odd years of playing. That may be down to Basschat inspired gas rather than any practical need though & I'm not entirely confident that the extra string won't end up getting most use as a 34 inch ( or longer) thumb rest in my case.

  8. Probably less than I used to.

    I used to listen to the Zane Lowe show a lot on Radio 1 which was a great way of hearing new stuff, since he left the show's focus seems to have shifted more from new bands to new dj's/producers which isn't in itself a bad thing but less to my personal taste.

    Me and a few mates do try to go into Brum every couple of months to watch a band on the national touring circuit, more often than not its someone none of us have heard.

    It may be because Birmingham has a huge student population but generally the audiences for those bands are late teens/ 20s. I've been a bit surprised at some of the recent comments on here about young people not going to gigs anymore because that hasn't really chimed with my recent experience at all. Though maybe those people are talkng about pub gigs rather than national tours.

  9. Its listed on the Fender webiste at £2700.Which actually seems to be at the cheaper end of the scale for the current custom shop models. Compred to the Pino or the Dusty Hill its an absolute snip.

    There is an actual jazz shaped Journeyman Jazz as well. Aparently 'journeyman' refers to a light reliced finish.

  10. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1453553455' post='2960472']
    It seems that manufacturers can't have a NAMM or MusikMesse come around without having something 'new' to show off. These offerings from MM are definitely not for me, especially at what I can only suppose will be £1k+ prices.

    Has anyone looked at the guitars (sorry)? The Stingray is...well you decide http://blog.music-man.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/SRG-crop.jpg

    20 odd years ago when I used to play guitar in an indie band I reckon I'd have quite fancied one of those. Slightly unusual looking retro style guitars were all the rage.

    Probably not for £1500+ though.

  11. I know the local guy who does my set ups charges £15 for advice and small jobs, which might include resoldering a loose wire but probably not fitting a new pot.

    Your best bet is probably to contact a few people & see if there's a standard local fee for this kind of work.

  12. Not a whole new bass, but I got gas for a Babicz bridge I don't need about a week ago,told myself I should at least wait until next month, held out for two days before viewing it for the umpteenth time on the Bass Direct website when I found myself 'accidently' putting in my basket and watching myself press the 'pay with paypal' button as though in some kind of trance.

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