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Posts posted by Cato

  1. I got one for my 18th birthday 23 years ago & I've had it ever since.

    Status pickups & headless hardware, needs tuning about once a year*. It's similar to a jazz bass in sound although the pots are master volume/pan/tone, which I reckon gives you a bit more control over the overall sound than a standard V/V/T.

    The active tone control is maybe a little bit feisty. I've never been exactly sure what it boosts or cuts but at full rotation the treble will take the top of your head off.

    The only problem I've ever encountered with mine is that the
    grub screw at the nut which allows it to take standard strings is busted on the D string.It's not really a problem though as I always use double ball end strings with it anyway.

    All in all a very nice bass.

    *may be a slight exaggeration.

  2. [quote name='Luulox' timestamp='1457863498' post='3002366']
    Crash test dummies - been there. Not sure that was the name of either the band or the song but it sounds about right.

    You got the band right, the song was called Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm. Nearly broke my vocal chords trying to cover it many years ago.


  3. I'm not in one but I saw one headlining a local festival last year.

    There were 3 different bands on at the same time in different locations in the town & the 90s one drew a very respectable audience of mainly mid 30s to early 40s all thoroughly enjoying themselves to the brit pop soundtrack of their youth.

    I would say that there is definitely an audience out there for that kind of project.

  4. Black block n' bound maple fretboards.

    Music Man humbuckers with massive pole pieces.

    3 + 1 headstocks.

    The flowing curve of the classic Jazz body.

    Pickup pan pots.

    Natural finishes on non- exotic wood. Ash is pretty much perfect.

    Rarely seen all together on the same bass. ( Is this the point where somebody suggests I order a Maruszczyk?).

  5. Might be worth trying something like this


    (Other thumb picks are available).

    You still have to grip it, but they're harder to drop if you're not used to using a pick.


    On the rare occasions when I pick up a skinny string these days I sometimes get a bit of an ache in my pick gripping hand, which I reckon is mainly through lack of use, so the discomfort you're experiencing may not be entirely down to your injuries.

  6. I don't have a list of specific things I hate, I think some things, like single cuts & fancy woods, work on some basses better than others.

    Having said that I saw this the other day,


    Which as far as I'm concerned is very nearly through the far end of the spectrum of ugly & in danger of emerging out the other side.

  7. When I was about 17 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' was the cue for the lads from the local rugby club to surge onto the dance floor and start randomly punching people.

    It swiftly got banned from every pub & club in town. Land lords checked your setlist and if that was on you were told to either take it off or cancel the gig.

  8. A band called Brittany Fox supporting Alice Cooper on the Trash tour at the NEC.

    I was pretty much at the front & I swear when they started everybody took a step back because of the physical force of the volume. Then people started leaving.

    They were an order of magnitude louder than both the other support band & Alice himself when he came on. I've never experienced that sort of stomach churning physical discomfort from the sheer volume of a live band before or since & I've seen a fair few bands famed for their supposedly excessive volume.

  9. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1457376926' post='2997970']
    I'm no collector, but I would have thought with its pedigree that would be one of the most collectable basses around, so, relatively, well worth the price.

    It's got to be a sound long term investment, there will presumably always be collectors willing to pay a premium for a pretty important bit of Leo Fender's legacy, especially as it seems to be in near pristine condition.

    You'd have to be seriously wealthy to buy it and gig it though.

  10. [quote name='Graulges' timestamp='1457248840' post='2996630']
    Cato, doesn't the Fire have Bluetooth? You could improve the sound a bit with some Bluetooth speakers. Quote didn't work problem between keyboard and chair I think :-D


    Having read this thread I'm going to take another look at bluetooth speakers. The ones I've heard previously have been pretty cheap & nasty, but having just had a quick browse it seems there are some pretty interesting options from reputable manufacturers out there.

  11. The previous owner planted pyracantha across my back fence.

    It really is the most evil plant I've ever come across.Even 'thorn proof' gauntlets don't provide adequate protection when cutting it back as the thorns just go straight through at the joints.

    On the plus side I seriously doubt anyone is ever going to get over the back fence. Not without life threatening blood loss.

  12. Probably not worth quitting the day job, but I imagine it could be quite a lucrative sideline, especially if you don't just limit your commissions to depictions of bassplayers.

    If you enjoy doing it, it sounds like a potential win/win in terms of getting paid for your hobby.

  13. These days mostly mp3s on my phone through headphones while I'm out walking, all though I must confess I listen to a fair bit through my Kindle Fire speakers in the evening as well.

    There's quite a lot of excellent 'free' music available on Amazon Prime, the caveat being that you can only listen to it through certain Amazon connected devices so you can't just download the free stuff onto your mp3 player. There is an Amazon music app, but its not compatible with my phone, so rubbish Kindle speakers it is.

  14. If anything the industry is slightly more honest about manufactured bands & writing pop music to formulas than it was back in the days of the Monkees.

    There has always been a huge market for that knd of stuff and probably always will be.

    As for dumbed down lyrics, at the risk of transatlantic ire 'Love me do' and 'I Wanna Hold Your Hand' were not exactly Shakespeare.

  15. I don't think the average shop does much more than tune them.

    The set up and intonation, or lack of,happens at the factory, so a mail order bass (barring any accidents in transit) will generally be in the same condition as the same model if you picked it up in a shop, although the mail order one generally won't be pre tuned.

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