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Posts posted by PunkPonyPrincess

  1. I have a new pop punk song i’ve demoed for the band 

    it has chipmunks in it

    i want the chipmunks live for this song

    what is a good way?

    its just for a few lines:


    “Hashtag not all men’`,

    “ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba”

    “being a Nazi is haaaaaaaard!”

     “Can I still be your friend?”


    something that is cheap and one-shot is great. I’d normally consider a soundboard type application with a raspberry pi or a sample player mashing on some game pad Buttons but the “ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba” is sung and in time with the other harmonies....

  2. As above Seymour Duncan quarter pounders are pretty fracking excellent - A set should  set you back about £160. They’re very cuddly and warm presentation and work very well on fretless and  have an excellent high output... your pots remain. Snip snip and replace where you found everything with new pups. Easy. satisfying.

    That being said my daily driver is a set of active EMGs which can be had for the same sort of money.  This replaces everything: pots, pups and wires. As a short-term measure you can talk the battery pack in the cavity below the precision pick ups but it really needs a proper battery pack at some point. It’s not really a classic sound unless you want cranked up and gnarly.

    Whatever happens upgrading a lower cost Bass with primo parts is always a good idea... 





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  3. I’m planning a new bass at the moment and I was going to get some stickers made but I thought it might be more fun to actually have a scratch plate laser cut and with stencil text and a logo so that the colour underneath the instrument comes out through the pickguard

    Before I begin this process has anybody tried this?

  4. Jean Jacques Burnel for me. He’s used Swing Bass for as long as I have been playing bass and it’s kinda etched into my mind now so that I just buy multipacks of Rotosound Rotobass and re-string every new bass that comes through my door. His bass playing is unique and aggressive but melodic and punchy without being too twangy, that’s a good basis for my own bass explorations. Tough too, they can take a lot of hard playing. I know what I like and I’m not going anywhere.

    I always carry a set of 45/65/85/105s in each bag, (as essential as fresh knickers and anti-social “go away” earbuds.)


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  5. Taken from my Korean basses (that have since been upgraded with EMGs and Seymour Duncans). I was going to keep them for Bitsa projects but in all honesty I don’t need more basses.



    At the moment they make some pretty good fridge magnets. It’s almost worth keeping them for that tbh.

    One has a prewirewd pot loom, all that is needed is ground wire and jacks.

    They sound fine to me, Seymour Duncan’s are louder and EMGs more raspy, but perfectly good sounding pickups to my ears.

    Come with springs and screws. First come first served. Let me know if you want generic Wilkinson type bent metal bridges FOC as I have a couple of those too.


  6. I’m having artwork for a relic (aka bashed up) 51 pink bass being made for me, I need to send the ppls doing the cosmetic relic work a decal but I could do with a size at the widest point for my artwork...

    can anyone tell me  what size i’d Need to fill this space? please? Widest point at the tips of both arrows ideal...


  7. 18 minutes ago, Bigwan said:

    Alan at ACG could do you something similar in design but far superior in build quality for less money... 

    To be honest I’m mostly a punk rock bassist and playing punk on a £3K bass guitar is an enormous form of bogus... I’ve got my instruments all sorted out now; DIY assembled, DIY upgraded, some posh pickups for good sound but nothing obscenely foo foo. If I want to go nuts, I can go nuts on a chop shop bitsa. If I want to sling the thing on the floor and stomp offstage...  yeah... not gonna happen with a £3K foo foo Bass.

  8. I’ve played 5 stringed and headless (NS/Steinberger) before but never in the same combination with fan frets — an easy adjustment. I felt the price was not reflected in the sound or build quality of the instrument and that I could do  better by  buying better hardware for what I already own.  Strandberg’s woodworking was presentable but so so, the finish was inferior to my £180 Korean Ash PJ Bass and the neck — an interesting piece of machining technology — was not enough to counter my other misgivings. I felt like I wasn’t getting my money’s worth.

    It was lightweight and comfy to hold but that alone did not  justify its price. For £3K I’d rather commission a luthier or do what I eventually did: self-assemble/upgrade with better quality parts and pocket the difference.

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  9. I bought one on the proviso I could return it... I returned it. 

    I was looking for a lightweight bass. The Boden was a comfy but not a great sounding instrument, I spent a few hundred quid upgrading my Korean chop shop bitsas PJ basses Instead with EMGs and Seymour Duncan quarterpounders, bolt mods, Hipshot bridges, Schaller and Fender machine heads, and spent some time on a good setup. £2.4k better off.  Frankly, for the build quality I could do better elsewhere.

    Itch scratched, I don’t miss it.  I also came to realise I don’t like headless or five string basses. 



  10. Just fitted two of these to replace the bent metal ones on my Fender PJs. Bolt Modded, Pup upgrades, Kickass Bridges. Really surprising what you can get out of a Korean chop shop Bitsa stuffed with crappy parts...






  11. NOW SOLD


    Nice bit of maple without a skunk stripe... tension at headstock end, came with a Chinese copy I bought to upgrade with EMG actives and so the rosewood is something probably Chinese ebony on this neck. Just converted  my P Bass to a fretted bolt on maple neck so am not needing this as I have a similar fretless anyway.

    It’s 33” from heel to head and dimensions are added to the pictures. Ideal as a precision fretless bitsa.

    The decal is professionally fitted and although it’s not a fender jazz bass profile it would look pretty cool on a JB body.

    comes with its set screws and a set of machine heads To match with the holes.











    NB Dots are between the frets not on them.




  12. In the past, the higher up the instrument chain I go the more guilty I feel about owning such a bass. I just returned a Strandberg 5 string fan fretted boden to the guitar shop: a gorgeous instrument, plays  like a dream but way too good for me: too pretty, and definitely too frou frou. My partner (who is totally behind me in my bass playing) said: “In a punk band a £3K Bass guitar is prettying frickin bogus thing”... and she is right... My pedalboard is almost frou-frou territory but I accept I need it to do gonzo-punk riff guitar parts for the 3 piece.

    I love to look at all the figured woods and beautiful craftsmanship that aspect appeals to me as technology and machinery and luthiership does get me wet, but In reality a proper bass guitar for me is a bashed-up Fender Precision about 1977-78 with manky chrome and in a state where no one has a heart attack when the bass falls off the thing it is propped up against.

    Fortunately I was able to return the strandberg for a full refund, but the most I will go on anything bass wise is a Precision/jazz bass  with the shite kicked out of it... 

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