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Posts posted by PunkPonyPrincess

  1. I’m moving to the San Francisco Bay Area and I have too many basses and gear to transport. 

    ‘This  is a nice copy of a 51 precision bass. I built it myself from parts all over the Internet. Bolt on neck. No-name pickups but my god they sound terrific, with the right ancillaries it can sound like a real grinding warhorse and the only reason I am selling it is because it’s expensive to ship to the USA. 

    this was used in its entirety on my first EP and you can hear it at its gnarliest here. https://clairefoxx.bandcamp.com/track/rise-up-2

    I now have a relic MJT '51 P bass which is as good but this is in new condition and not been gigged. 

    it has a good action, chunky frets and a maple fingerboard, it has sculpted body meaning it’s not a heavy plank like the original 51 shape and design. it weighs just a shade under 4.15kg. it is through body strung and has a sustain to die for. 

    I hate to let it go but I’m moving and I have to cut back on basses, amps, cabs and pretty much everything to make moving possible.

    Can be shipped  in a styrene mailer.


    • Like 10
  2. And now the final stages, promotion promotion promotion promotion

    “Four hard-hitting gender politics pop punk bangers – essential listening” - Loudwomen.com




    ...and promotion (the download cards do well, usually 10 or so a gig depending on size which is not bad for a solo support slot, which is where I am really happiest anyway)


    well this is an awfully big adventure, the next two songs for release are about to begin recording.




    • Like 2
  3. All download codes stickered and sent off for adding to the Vinyl art shrink wrap.

    So, to use up the rest of the download codes, an experiment is to print up 100 to sell at gigs, like the vinyl inserts, these same download code stickers go on a nice 8” piece of glossy card for that “something to look at/something to take home and stick it on the fridge or in the record collection” totem.

    These can also be added to press packs and as giveaways.


    Vistaprint had a 50% off voucher so these cost me about 68p each to produce. which is about what Bandcamp/PayPal takes from every online sale of a £4 EP.


    PS sorry if this is old hat to some of you, I’m really new to this and sharing the process.


    • Like 3
  4. My iMac is probably bit big and fragile for the stage (I thought mainstage was an iOS app by now), I have an iPad though I don’t mind using. Drum tracks are now stereo files but so far no one has replied to my band member searches for guitar and drums, so I’ve gone it alone with the EP and gotten gigs from it, I may have to be one of those solo people, which is lonely... this whole process is lonely... I have friends, but I don’t have any friends that play instruments... I left the band I was in because it was slowing me down and not working out.

    I found an app called stage traxx for iPad, that might work well.


  5. in Song, ok will check that. I use Logic X on a Mac and wondering if Mainstage has anything...

     I don’t like the idea of using different drums/rhythm track to the record. I can do the guitar/bass and vocals myself to a drum backing track playing...  I’ve been practicing it and that’s ok, I just forget lyrics from time to time...


    the drum track i was hoping to lift from my EP and just play along to it, with an onscreen lyric or prompter track (”Middle 8 coming up’ etc) just in case I have a brain fart. Which I do have.

  6. I have a support slot for a Gig coming up in December in London, it’s just me, Bass/Guitar and possibly a backing vocalist, it’s a lot to drop on me as I had hoped to get a drummer playing my parts by now, but no such luck (I do all my own drums on my record). So I’m putting my recorded drum tracks onto an iPad or something and playing along to that... 


    Are there any apps people can recommend that they use that I can strap to my microphone stand that I can hit play that both plays the drum track and shows the lyrics like a karaoke type system? I occasionally have a brain fart live and lose my place or forget lyrics because I am playing bass and guitar simultaneously (via my pedalboard) and I have a lot on so anything that eases the process is welcome. It also helps new and possibly unfamiliar backing vocals to look across and know where they are too.

  7. Bandcamp provided me with 200 unique codes off the bat. I bought another 100 for just $3 total to make the first pressing of 250 inserted when the pressings are sleeved and bagged... the remaining 50 are given away to reviewers, radio play, gifts, buddies and so on. Laser labels are £2.50 for 20 sheets containing 189 labels a sheet. 

    Codes are an interesting idea, print off download cards for ppl to buy at gigs or QR code at the merch desk, Is that even a done thing?




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