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Posts posted by jonno1981

  1. 5 hours ago, SPHDS said:

    That colour combo kind of reminds me of Sandberg's 'Aged Roquefort' 
    (Very nice btw)

    I think you’ve (and sandberg) have nailed it. I’ve tried to be a fan of their basses but just don’t like the tone. It’s perfectly usable but I can’t get excited about it.  

    • Like 1
  2. Played a gig in London once where we went on first. The next band broke up during our set! We looked out the window of the Camden barfly and could see members of said band fighting each other in the street. Cue awkward 45 minute gap until the headline band played. Their tour manager was loading out their gear and merch by himself. All in all a bizarre experience. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 4
  3. Ever see a picture in an art gallery and think, I really want a bass in this colour! This is like an aged seafoam green with an undercoat of Aztec gold. Maybe. Fender experts may correct on this. 

    Taken at the Tate at St Ives in Cornwall, artist credited in the pic. 



    • Like 1
  4. Just thinking that. Bit weird there isn’t a hard case with it. Still counts as a bit of a bargain, all the others I’ve seen have been around double this. Plus silver burst is very much back in fashion again. 

  5. Completely agree. 10 minutes of research before the act and it would be vaguely useful. I generally like the presenters but this one was pretty bad on the basics.

    Understanding heritage of the brand, that these aren’t the first Far Eastern made basses, getting that the eq is boost only, not chambered, etc…  


    it didn’t do much to really sell them. 

    • Like 2
  6. I gigged one for years. Filled the room really well with a very loud drummer. I wasn’t ever delighted with the build quality of it but it sounded really good. It was a bit “wonky” with an irregular grill and the paint finish chipped off all the time. However, for the band I was in and the volume needed it really sounded ace. 

  7. How long before hofner release period correct versions with a rounded back. I bet they’re creating the cnc templates already!
    They’ll be a flood of owners of the current reissue selling their basses as they’re not vintage correct to Paul’s bass. 

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Maude said:

    The X in the models number only means it has the pickguard and chrome control plate. It's a purely cosmetic change, ie the 1024 is the same as the 1024x just without pickguard and control plate. 

    I much prefer the look of the X but others don't, horses for courses. 


    How did I miss this! Thanks! Yes I prefer the x as well but not a massive factor for me. 

  9. I’m thinking about going up a few quality levels from my bb414. I really like the pj tone, passive electronics, basically the bb414 but up a few levels in materials/ feel. Guessing I’m looking at 424x, 1024 models. Have I got this right?

    Budget up to 650+ whatever the bb414 is worth. Black model, upgraded bridge, good condition.  

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