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Posts posted by Wonky2

  1. Ordered some feeler gauges which came today.... Gonna have an evening at the table with her..... Rather then just making tweaks i will attempt the factory figures using the old dude from elixir strings guides...

    I've always done ok with this but just made tweaks if you know what I mean, in the attempt to lower action....

    This time , with this bass, its neck off every time you want to tweak the truss rod so yes, a pain in the arse.

  2. I'm all for fender jazz basses, but are these signature models american basses?
    Sure I know thats a snobby opinion but it's why I could bring myself to by the road worn bass i dearly wanted, I wasn't never gonna pay that money for a Mexican fender. An American option would have had me running to the cash machine.

    I know there are plenty of good non usa fenders out there, but I just likes me fenders american and me birds with curves.
    I knows what I likes....

    Nice colours though, would look sweet worn.

  3. [quote name='stoo' timestamp='1426651363' post='2720329']

    A taller nut will only make a difference to fretbuzz on open strings. As soon as you're fretting a note then the string height at the neck end is determined by the height of the frets, not the nut.


    Ahhh of course it would.... I'm an idiot. Thanks.
    The thing is if I take some relief out of the neck and then shim under the d/g string side of the bridge saddle it will likely give me an increase in string height I won't like......
    But I think that's the only option. Maybe that's ok for an acoustic bass, I'm just used to my jazz.

    Don't get me wrong it's totally playable, just wanted to remive the fret buzz on the g string from 5th fret upwards without increasing string height...
    I'll give it ago.... I suppose it can all be undone if it doesn't work.

  4. I know I'm not as good as I was :)
    I used to do it as a regular thing somewhere in the lower levels of semi pro .... I then had a time away from it following a motorcycle accident and took to simply entertaining myself with an acoustic guitar.... Did that for quite some time.
    But in recent years ive come back to the fundamental roots of being what I am, at heart, a bass player.

    I've fell deeply in love with it again and come to realise I am deffinately a bass player. That being affirmed by some exceptional guitarists I know who have the opinion that what I do is as much as a deffinate style or technique which is that of ...... A bass player, ie not something a guitarist could do with a bass in there hands.

    I love what I do, which at present is some session stuff for a guy with a publishing deal....

    I sometimes play and impress myself, other times I feel like a ham fisted novice.....
    I am always acutely aware that the Internet is full of YouTube clips of players who can make me feel good about my skill level or those who can crush me to the point of thinking "why am I bothering "....
    The same goes for playing with other musicians, especially drummers.... They can make you play fantastically or make you miserable as hell.

    The main thing is, I get so much enjoyment out of playing....

    I admire all who try.

  5. Howie, I'm talking tightening the neck to lower string hight at about 12th f but raising nut hight a smidge to accomadtate the fret buzzes I'll pick up from frets 5-1 (ish).... I'm thinking this way because the bridge has no adjustment it's like an acoustic guitar with a fixed plastic bridge saddle. Sure, I could put a shim under the bridge saddle but I figured that would raise string hight even more, I want the opposite... So my thinking is akin to working backward, flatten the neck and remove relief but accommodate with marginally higher nut at headstock end.....

    If you think I'm way way wrong in this approach please let me know.... I much prefer my baddass bridge :)

  6. Interesting...... I've always fettle and tweaked for as low an action as I can get....
    Just bought a new acoustic bass which has action I would consider high.... It plays well but has a few buzzes on the g string from about 5th fret upwards..... As the bridge has no adjustment, I'm stuck with how to resolve it best way ?
    I'm thinking along the lines of flattening the neck out a tad more and replacing the nut with something a mm or so higher?

    Any suggestions on that?

    As for my bass, (fender hot rod seventies reissue) the truss adjuster is a neck off job.... Makes it very frustrating tomadjustbthe neck :(

  7. I managed to get my hands in a cheap strat copy when I was about 13.... A mate showed me a few chords to some basic creadance Clearwater revival songs like fortunate son etc and we began "jamming" (making a racket) in his dads garage....
    Soon after an even better guitarist came along and there was three of us twiddling away merrily ......
    A short time after, You'd never believe a 4th Even better Guitarist came along as we were kids and all just begining to form what would be our first band....
    I very quickly realised there was now 4 guitarist and I was the worst of all of them ! ( having only played for a short amount of time....)

    So i instantly knew the tactical move I would have to make to remain in the band And help it to progress into a band in the traditional concept.... So off i went and traded my strat copy on a marlin p bass copy....
    It payed off , I was now not the hindrance of the group but a VITAL member who was last on the list for the boot .... :) two guitar players where ditched and a drummer and Hammond player brought in......... I was still in !

    I was happy with myself for the foresight but more so, I quickly gained a better understanding of what I was doing with the bass, I felt instantly at home.
    With the guitar, I always had difficulty with any type of note progression switching onto the top b and e string, it just didn't feel comfortable ..... PROBLEM SOLVED! Who needs a b and another e string !

    I soon started listening more intently to bass parts in songs and yearning to be able to replicate these sweet sweet grooves. I had found an all new respect for my instrument and saw the light of not being a guitarist playing a bass, but really dedicating my efforts to being a bass player and understanding that they are completely different.

    I did a gcse and a level in music and for my practicle exam i studied two books :
    Tony openhiems slap bass studies and a book on James Jameson standing in the shadows of mowtown....

    I play all sorts of stringed instruments but have only ever played bass in a band.

    Great reading everyone's story's....

  8. Hi folks
    I picked up a nice (semi) acoustic bass today , a Samick HFB590 artist.
    Not sure how old it is or even what its value is, i bought it simply on its great tone and very nice playing feel.

    Any one else got one of these basses, i understand Samick make instruments for Epiphone and Gretsch too. ( i have a gretsch resonator which is sweet).

    Gonna try it for some in house practice and song writing sessions.

    Any one else got one or had one ?
    Have i picked up a good bass here ?

    Sounds wicked mcartney esqu sound plugged in....

  9. Ask them to sing all of the operatic vocal parts from bohemian rhapsody to you whilst you sit stern faced as a panel of fierce critics.
    If they don't at least have a go and piss themselves laughing in the process, well...... Clearly they take them selves far too seriously. Often the greatest flaw with front men/ women ..... ? People ? .....? Front bums.

  10. Im a heating engineer by trade, infact these days I'm considerably higher up the food chain in the world of gas and wet stuff.
    The little 1.5-2kw oil filled rads are superb and very cheap to run too. The better models out there have timers and thermostats on them so you should be able to leave it on auto pretty much all the time really. Some models actually look like radiators and can be wall mounted in much the same way to make it a more permanent feature if you fancy......
    I look after some extremely large gas service, maintenance and installation contracts for social housing providers, i write the specifications for these contracts and I manage many nationwide companies your all likely to have heard of, I spec for the more affluent clients oil filled radiators to be provided for tenants experiencing temporary loss of heating and hot water services. Why oil filled ? Far safer and cheaper to run then fan or radiant type heaters.
    The tighter clients spec electric fan heaters, and the complaints generated by tenants in regard to consumption of their whole weeks electric credit are guaranteed every time. Never once get such a call when oil filled ones are left, if anything some even ask if they can keep me instead as they think them cheaper to run then their gas fired boiler !!!
    Great bit of kit for anyone to have as a back up, store it in the loft or garage for emergencies :)

  11. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1420668946' post='2652090']
    £50 says scam. Even if not, as someone who's sold a thing or two on here, if in the same situation I'd decline the sale and seek a more straight forward deal. Good luck either way. C

    Such a BOLD statement should most certainly be followed up with handing over said cash to bC bass relay. :)
    Unless your all pi55 and wind that is........ ;)

    Made me laugh from start to end this thread , if someone offers to pay you cash in your hand, be a big boy and take a look at the money.
    If in doubt, knock em out ;)

  12. I have same issue, and yes worse with laptop track pad...... iPhone messages are alway nonsensical mis hits where I think i point at he right character and it must pick up an electrical pulse from maybe the side of my finger and hits the wrong key.......

    Won't adding moisturiser make your calluses peel off ?

  13. Understand your caution mate..... If he turns up with anything other than cash , as I'm sure you will, turn him away.

    And just for the record bud , the "just cos he's polish" comment wasn't aimed at your o.p, it was more so to wards the tendency for all to assume its deviance of the highest order.... I'd imagine trying to buy a decent used amp head in Poland isn't as easy... Getting someone to post one there , not easy too.... Easiest option for him would be the route he has suggested i guess.

    But if you don't like it, tell him it's sold ;)

  14. Take the money, tw@t him, keep the amp head........

    See it from that perspective he's as much to risk as you.

    Lets not forget, the OP said he's coming to collect and paying CASH :)

    Plenty on cautious anecdotes popping up JUST cos the guy is Polish for Christ sake. If he was English and said, I'm gonna get my mate to pick it up for me cos he's passing your way and it will save me the journey, you wouldn't bat an eyelid.
    A polish person living in the uk is likely to use a network of polish services available in the uk to him, something he feels comfortable with and pehaps has a connection with etc.....

    As for cautious anecdotes.... Fair do's , everyone's right to always be cautious ..... but just use your head. If it smells like a rat, it's usually a rat. If the cash looks right, take it.
    Anecdotes .....Here's one..... Advertise car on eBay, prospective buyer calls and asked to view with intent to buy, he's travelled a fair way, you know he has the cash with him. You tell him your selling car cos of divorce or the like and as such you currently living at local travel lodge so you tell him to view the car there......
    Guy turns up with cash. You take it off him and drive away in the car with his cash. He goes home with an mpty pocket and a sore head.
    What I'm saying there, is this guy has every right to be as cautious as you.

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