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Posts posted by Wonky2

  1. Thanks for the comments...

    I'm aware it would have place of manufacture on the back , difficult to see when ordered blind from shop as out of stock or net :(

    The ref to the yellow horn is the horn in the 121h not the piezo tweeter in the P model? I see that the newer ones (the horns in the h) are black and wondered if that indicated the change to non Italian manufacture?

    I think after much deliberation I'd like the 12 but fear I would yearn for the 12 ext cab , I want a single unit solution (rehearsals and small gigs or di for larger)

    I just wish I could find somewhere local ish I could try them all !

  2. Lots of head scratching....... Took some measurements of both and sized it up against my Mesa walkabout.....

    Never realised quite how small the 121p is ???
    Having only played the 151 traveller cab in the bass lounge Manchester (thanks drew :) ) that's my only reference point sound wise....

    I wanted to down size, just enough to get any combo/ cab in my boot and also reduce weight significantly....
    Well, in closer inspection, with a tape measure in hand, the cmd151 is probably just that but small and a lot lighter so I could go that way too?

    I've had 15" speakers for a long time, but I like the tight sound of tens and twelves.... I guess the 15 and 12 will sound massively different but I'm told that the 12 is good enough to deliver 15 like depth ?

    Would really appreciate some opinions ?....

  3. Hey folks :)

    I'm in the mArket for a new combo , having a size down.....

    I've checked out a tc elec rs 450 combo today, it was good, but I didn't like running it quite so high to get the kind of volume I'd like and maybe would need the 750, also bottom end allthough big, felt shallow ? Maybe my poor use of control on the eq but still,......... but played a few other cabs/ combos and prefer the tone of the markbass stuff.....
    Pains me, as I'm not a fan of the looks and prefer a vintage look, but who cares, it's what it sounds like really.

    Size, weight , volume, warmth/ depth is important.... I tried the markbass 151 cab and a 300, then a Big Bang head, sounds great.

    I'm narrowing my lead down to the cmd121p or the cmd121h ..... I've got to get the tape measure out and see just how much bigger the h is than the p, any one seen them side by side and can comment if it's vastly bigger ?

    I wondered what he hatch in the top of the h was, and quickly realise it gave access to rear plugins.... Which then made me wonder how in the heck your supposed to have visual access to the rear panel on the 121p which is top mounted as opposed to front slot ? Any comments ?

    If any can offer any advice on just how much better the h model may be for the extra cost and of course compirmise in size..... I'm guessing it will give more bottom end girth due to size ?

    Also, I see a give away on the h models is that any of them with a yellow horn is Italian made ? Is that a correct guess or wrong ?
    I guess all the 121p 's now will be non Italian models.... Is there a great deal with quality with that in mind or not?

    Any advice is welcom.

  4. There must be a basschat equivelant like .....errrr.... Drumchat ? Loads of talented chimps on here so in the drummers parallel universe of drum chat there may be just the guy waiting for you?

    Worth a trawl and maybe drop a post to set up some ordy's ?

    Don't dispair mate, that twitchy ,can't sit still, little oddballs outthere somewhere :)

  5. Cheers Steve.

    I've just spent the last ten minutes look on gak web site at all the bass combos on offer....

    Just to give this further context....

    The Mesa walk about 15 combo is 28kgs

    By comparison :
    The TC Electronic rs450 2x10 combo is 26kg
    Phil Jones bass suitcase is 23kg
    Bergantino nv115 is 24kg
    The Ashdown abm c115 evo 3 "lightweight combo" 26.6kg
    Most Trace Elliot gear is far far heavier with some of their heads weighing almost this much !!!!

    The Mesa walkabout 15 ext cab is only 19kg's.
    By comparison:
    TC Electronics rs210 cab 19kg
    Vanderkley 115mn6 cab is 23kg
    Eden ex115 cab 18.7kg (Mesa cab is 19kg)

    You get my picture? In comparison they stack up quite well and are not quite the beast some might suggest.
    Even so, the sound from them makes up any difference.

    Granted, ultra Light weight gear does come in anywhere from 5-10 kg less than the scout 15 combo .....but frankly, I've had heavier turds.

    This is not a d class amp, it will not compare with something the size of a cigar box on weight, but it sure make up for it in boogie :)

    Any way, I can always throw in a pack of weetabix ?
    Nuff said ?

  6. Thanks guys..... I'm not entirely sure some of these opinions are to be taken as general view on the gear ?

    The way we're talking here you'd think it was excessively heavy, and it is by no means the case. It's not going to compare with any of today's lightweight gear but they will in turn no way compete with this rig in regards to depth of sound or tonal capability. Think of these lightweights as a pint of lemonade, the Mesa as a pint of Guinness.

    It's not difficult to manoeuvre either, a genuine one handed lift in and out of car.
    The only reason I wish to move to the 12 is it MAY be a little easier to handle for a disabled person.... Bet that in mind when you think would the 15 be too big or heavy? Nope, I've been using it without too much problem... Easy lift in out the car and then bearing in mind my hips are shot and my back is completely ruined) I usual use my little fold up truck to gently wheel it in wherever I'm going... Easy.... Just to put it into context, At 28kg it's just heavier than a single bag of sand or gravel from B and Q (25kg) ....

    My gigging days are over, I simply want to get down to one combo, one bass.... Just to keep my hand in studio wise and maybe the odd gig as requested.... If I was a regular live player there is not a chance on earth I would want any other rig than this. It's not huge, it's not mega heavy, it delivers a knock out sound, is louder than you would ever need , has a fantastic di for studio and stage, paramedic eq to dial out the boom of ANY room.... And the condition is like new.
    One of the best regarded amps on the market for a long time.

    What more could you want :)
    If it doesn't sell and i will quite happily keep it as it just isn't that much of an issue, I just thought I'd take a leap and down size by all of 3"! I'll take any advantage I can get..... But to anyone else, it's fine....I've had trace Elliot and ampeg gear which makes this feel like an empty card board box ! Hahaha
    Ber in mind also, if it was that much of an issue, I would not be suggesting I'd swap it for the 12" which is only a couple of inches and kg smaller/ lighter I'd be running out to buy one of these ultra light cabs wouldn't I? .?
    I did contemplate selling it to buy a TC elec rs212 and a rs450 but there is not chance the sound could EVER compete. I'll be sticking with Mesa no question.

    It's nearly crimbo, treat yourself !

  7. I am teetering on the brink of ordering a posh padded strap.... Criteria - min 3" pref 4" , leather, black, most important, PADDED.

    the Levys ones look good but I can't decide if I'd just be paying over the odds for the brand, they do look well made though.
    I've seen lots of hand made by players types but they often look a bit like a dress prop from some battle re enactment group thingy ??

    I did order a sandberg one off thomann but it was crap, cheap plastic looking and thin....sent it back and thomann were fab , even provided free postage return label !

    Any suggestions on a strap welcomed?

  8. Laetitia sadier ( ex stereolab singer) latest album "something shines"..... Beautiful ...

    Never hear any one on any bass forum mention stereolab ? Their early stuff is a bit chordal and very repetitive but mid way through their back catalogue they acquired a new bass player...... Changed everything.....
    From "dots and loops" album onwards is great with some great bass sounds.....as well as seductive French female vox.... Mesmerises me :)

    For example :


    Would like to know what most think of this as I always think I'm just out there in my own liking this stuff :)


  9. Any advice on couriers?
    I have a Mesa walkabout rig listed at the moment which is I feel fairly priced in reflection of its as new condition.....
    (300w4ohm combo and 300w4ohm ext cab.)

    I've had some interesting trade offers as understandably its a lot of money for anyone to find, but my trade requirements are quite specific... Only a walk about 12 and cash otherwise it's cash I want....

    Trouble is, all the cash enquiries are too far away for buyers to collect and I just haven't a clue how I could safely package and courier two separate units ( combo and cab), safely, with at least some degree of piece of mind....
    Wouldn't know where to begin ? How to package them best? If I package them for protection, they'd be difficult to handle and likely thrown about..... What courier will or is best for collect a two part consignment which is tricky to handle and delicate ?
    I did see a thread on this recently but can't for life of me find it again !!!
    These walkabouts as we all know usually shift quite quickly?

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