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Posts posted by Osiris

  1. [quote name='Bridgehouse' timestamp='1489752720' post='3259453']
    Bass Direct have the EICH and a tonehammer in, and a D800 - you can compare and contrast and choose your favourite flavour.

    As an extra thought, if you find the EICH or D800 does a better job, you could always pick up the tonehammer pedal to get that sound when you need it. Less of a one trick pony then..?

    Sounds like a plan!

    Trouble is I'm out on a stag night tonight and may not be up to blasting anything at volume tomorrow, let alone driving....
    I was thinking of heading out on Sunday to PMT in Cambridge, who have the subway in stock, as Bass direct aren't open on Sundays.
    But you're right, it makes sense to compare a number of amps side by side with the same bass and cab.

    And next weekend is the good lady's birthday so I doubt whether I'll be allowed out :(
    But I'm in no immediate hurry, fortunately, so I can wait a couple of weeks if I have to.

    [quote name='Treb' timestamp='1489753231' post='3259464']
    The TH350 (and TH500) can do clean. Keep the drive down all the way, low-ish gain (with gain at its lowest it still produces sound) and use the master for volume. If I want more sparkle I pull the brightness knob on my DJ-Retro preamp.

    Thank you, it's good to know that the TH will do clean even though I didn't experiment with clean sounds last week.

  2. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1489746647' post='3259372']
    The Tecamp cabinets, particularly the one you have, are/is really good. I would stick with that cabinet! I sold mine to help with moving house but I regret it. In the end I picked up a Genz NX212T which isn't so far off so I'm happy.


    Absolutely, I can't see any reason to change the cab at the minute as it is superb in every respect. It only weighs about 20 Kg and the tone is sublime. Great projection too, even stood right in front of it on a cramped gig I can hear every nuance of my playing. My intention is to gig it until one of us eventually keels over :D

  3. The Eich amps look good although are possibly a bit too hi-fi/clean for what I'm after. I definitely need to, and will, try before I buy.

    The AGS on the TH is the most convincing tube emulation that I've yet heard and is what makes them the current leaders on my shortlist. It's the tone I have in my head and the one I'm hankering for. However, I do wonder if the TH's are a bit of a one trick pony, although if they are, it's a trick that'll take some beating - for me if not for anyone else.

    The plan is to test drive the Mesa subway at the weekend to see that can do. On paper it appears to be more versatile than the TH but in reality I probably wouldn't use the extra tone shaping features. But the extra headroom could well be useful for clearer tones at higher volume.

    I also had the chance to have a blast through OpticalEye's Quilter bass block at the weekend. It's a bit of an oddball for sure but sounded brilliant through his pair of Barefaced 1 x 10's. It's not exactly the tone I'm currently after but is much more versatile than you'd think and is definitely something that I think I could happily live and gig with. I'd love like to hear what it's capable of at gig volume. The bass response from it is a joy to behold, deep, punchy and powerful but without being overpowering. It's almost impossible to describe it, you need to hear to fully appreciate it.

  4. [quote name='Bridgehouse' timestamp='1489675828' post='3258891']
    Got mine from there. The Vanderkley cabs are better than the Mesas IMHO

    I'm only after a new amp at the minute. The cab that I have gigged with regularly for the past 5 or 6 years is a Tecamp M212 which, I believe, a direct ancestor of the Eich gear, so if I was to end up with an Eich amp, I think they'd be a superb match.

    Although I still haven't ruled out the TH 350 yet!

  5. [quote name='Bridgehouse' timestamp='1489669850' post='3258805']
    Good question. Well, I went for the T1000 - I suspect the T900 is closer to the D800, but in brief:

    - To get the same functionality, I would have needed the 800+ (fx loop etc) and it was well north of £1000
    - Tone wise, I felt the EICH just had more range and tweak in them - specially the T1000, and the built in compressor was nice..
    - The killer for me was the flexibility of the T1000 for what was broadly the same cash as the D800+ - you get 2 500w class D amps in the T1000 - so you can mix and match cabs with different ohms, you can set the volume for each power amp separately to balance cabs out, or you can bridge them for the full 1000w.

    To me, the EICH sounded more hifi, more rounded and more complete as a tone compared to the D800 though the same Vanderkley cab...

    Thank you, I'll try and get over to Bass direct who have some of the Eich amps in stock so I can have a listen, although hi-fi is not really what I'm looking for :)

  6. There's some great advice and information above guys, cheers, I really appreciate it.

    There seems to be a consensus that the TH 350 will be probably enough for my needs, a mixture of pub gigs and wedding/party type gigs.

    In terms of volume, we're perhaps not the quietest band on the average pub gig, but we're by no means the loudest either.
    My gigging cab is a 4 ohm, 600 watt, Tecamp M212, which according to the specs has a sensitivity of 101 dB (although I have no idea if that's good, bad or average!).
    Bass is almost always through the PA too unless we're in a smaller venue when we try and keep things down anyway.
    Tonally, I tend to leave the eq flat with maybe subtle adjustments to suit the room if need be, and I like a bit of warmth to the tone too, not overdrive but a touch warmth/hair/grit whatever you wish to call it.

    Is the 350 likely to be man enough for this? Form what a few of you have said above, I think that it probably will be.

    It took me all of about 20 seconds fiddling with the TH 500 to get a sound that I liked and think would work well with the band and I love the simplicity of it.

    The only thing preventing me ordering one right now is that I'm hoping to try the Mesa Boogie Subway D800 at the weekend to see how I get on with that :)

  7. [quote name='krispn' timestamp='1489575319' post='3258014']
    Twice the price for twice the features but how much does a wee fan cost, a speakon connector and an fx loop

    I'm sure the TH500 sounds great but it does feel pricy in comparison if the two essentially sound the same.

    That's exactly what I'm wondering too.

    [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1489577751' post='3258041']
    At the risk of ruining a perfectly good witch hunt. . . . Not twice the price.

    If my maths is right, the TH500 at approx £819 is slightly over 30% more expensive than the TH350 at approx £600.

    My intention is not to start a witch hunt, but to try to understand why there is such a significant cost difference between the 2 amps. Obviously the higher powered amp with the additional features will cost more, I don't have an issue with that, what concerns me is that size of that difference.

    A quick look on Google shows that you can pick up a new TH 350 for £420, which is almost half of £819 :P

    So my question probably ought to be, is it worth paying another £400 for a few additional components that likely have a negligible cost, some additional power, which from what a number of the guys above have said that I'll almost certainly not need? I don't use any effects, and only ever gig with a single 4 ohm cab, so the loop and the extra speaker out aren't essential for me.

    I think I've just answered my own question!

  8. [size=4][quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1489531697' post='3257770'][/size]
    Yes you are. Check the specs again.

    [size=4]Looking at the specs above, it looks there's also a bigger amp case, an extra fan plus an extra speaker output in addition to the additional 150 watts and the effects loop. And while I'd expect to pay more for the extra power etc. I still don't see why there is such a huge difference in price between the 2 models. [/size]

    [size=4]So what is it that I'm missing here? [/size]

  9. I'm in the market for a new amp and had the chance to try out the Tone Hammer 500 at the weekend and it sounded great, exactly the tone I'm looking for.

    But sniffing around online, the best price I can find for the TH 500 is £768 from Gear4music, everywhere else has it at £829 upwards - Whereas Andertons and PMT are doing the TH 350 for £420.

    Why is the 500 almost double the price of the 350? As far as I can tell all you're getting is an extra 150 watts plus an effects loop. Is there a reason for this? Am I missing something?

  10. What about something like a drum hardware box?

    Hardcase do loads of different size and shapes, they're not particularly cheap but they do last - our drummer has a couple that have been battered around for years but are still going strong.

    I nearly bought the 28 x 10 x 10 inch one for cables, stands etc. but was only put off the the asking price which I think is a lot for what is essentially a glorified Tupperware box :)

  11. They're more usually known as the Model P, there's loads of reviews online if you Google 'Dimarzio Model P' but as usual you'll get a ton of often conflicting information!

    I've had a couple of these over the years - and have just picked up another one on here recently for a great price.
    They are a very different beast from the quarter pounders though, the QP's supposedly have masses of bottom end and a mid scoop so are more modern sounding (I've not used the QP's personally, but this seems to be the online consensus, so apologies if that's not right!) whereas the Model P sounds much more like the classic Precision tone - solid, rounded bass, punchy mids and enough top end to cut through without being too bright sounding. Think something along the lines of the tone that has served Steve Harris so well over the years and you'll be in the right ball park.

    Personally I love the tone of them. I've read that 1 or 2 people think they have a bit more mid range than the Precision is known for, but in my experience that is not the case, they give the classic P tone but with a somewhat higher output from the pickup. They work brilliantly in a band mix too.

    As to whether they're the sort of thing you will like, only you can answer that :)

  12. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1488569002' post='3250199']
    Yes, that's right.

    Brilliant, thank you :)[size=4] [/size]

    I don't claim to understand any of the technical talk above.
    What I do appreciate, however, is that you need to know what you are doing with a valve amp as it seems that you can easily kill it if you don't. And I'd rather be safe than sorry before diving in head first.

  13. Thanks for the help everyone.

    I have 2 different cabs, one is a 600 watt, 4 ohm, 2x12 and the other is a 300 watt, 8 ohm 1x12.
    And I only ever use one or the other - never both together.

    So using the scenario in my original post, if was to use either cab with a 100 watt all valve amp (using the appropriate output from the amp) then regardless of the cabs nominal impedance, I'd still be getting the full 100 watts through each cab?

  14. [size=4][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]I'm pondering the idea of getting an all valve amp, the only one I've ever had was when I started playing about 30 years ago, it was an old Park guitar amp and I really didn't know anything about them at that time, and if I'm honest, I still don't, having played through solid state and Class D ever since. But, happy as I am with Class D, this is an itch that I think it's about time to scratch….

    My question is regarding the output from all valve (tubes as the cool kids and our brethren out in the colonies call them) amp outputs. Whereas the SS/Class D's that I've used seem to work on a minimum load i.e. 500 watts into 4 ohms, 300 watts into 8 ohms etc, it looks to me that some valve amps have dedicated impedance outputs i.e. an output for 8 ohms and a separate one for 4 ohms.

    Do the same rules apply to the output i.e. if you have a 100 watt all valve amp and run it with an 8 ohm cab, are you only getting half (or thereabouts) of the power from the amp as you would with a Class D/SS amp? Would you get the full output running valve amps at 4 ohms? [/font][/size]

  15. Just received a VT Bass pedal from Dave and can highly recommend him as a good guy to deal with; fast and friendly communication and he posted the pedal really quickly too - I paid for it on Thursday night and was playing through the pedal by Saturday morning.

  16. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1487538066' post='3240645']
    Off the back of this thread I've just ordered a 'Blue Juice' bass O/D PCB from Fuzz Dog to do a 'boutique' low gain circuit and see how it sounds.

    Are you having it built by fuzz dog or putting it together yourself?
    Can you let us know how you get on with it once you get your hands on it, please?

  17. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1486669006' post='3233743']
    Just seen this - apparently there is a new version of the Bearfoot in stock at Prymaxe with more treble response, and you can tell which one you have as the new one has the tone control reversed (i.e. turning it up adds more bass and reduces treble):


    That sounds interesting, although the inherent dark tone of the Bearfoot is what appeals to me.
    Any sound clips or videos available as yet?

  18. [quote name='ben4343' timestamp='1486489999' post='3232244']
    I got it from Joe's Pedals. The guy is a hero and a total mine of info, drop him a mail.


    Thanks, I'll look into it a bit more.
    Just looked on the Fuzz dog/pedal parts site and it looks like their kit is out of stock.

    [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1486490861' post='3232252']
    Just had ten minutes with the soul food think you might like it so you are more than welcome to borrow it and see if you like it

    Cheers Paul, I might just do that :)

    [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1486504075' post='3232398']
    If you order from Prymaxe, they often run 15-20% discount codes (and if they don't work just use their online chat and they'll sort you out), and you won't pay anything extra when it arrives either. ;)

    Just to clarify, are you saying if I buy from them I won't have to pay import duty on it?

  19. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1486461961' post='3231913']
    Yes it's one of the older style pedalparts kits that I hacked to BJFE specs. The kit has been updated so no hacking is now required, although I'm not sure if it's the Bearfoot or BJFE versions you can build with it.

    As Danny has said the standard BJFE is a little dark for my tastes (nothing a little EQ wouldn't fix) but being the tinkerer I am I made a few mods suggested by Josh Broughton (from that other bass forum) which brightened it up and made it a much more flexible pedal. As standard it's great, but the modded version is even better. I'd been meaning to get back to fiddling with the pedal and putting it in a bigger enclosure to allow me to add a few switching options and make the tone control a little more usable (a little nudge makes a huge difference and all the really nice sounds are between 9 and 2 o'clock), but I haven't got around to it just yet.

    Stacking my Blueberry clone and an Ashdown Lomemzo Hyperdrive makes for a really flexible drive section.

    The Bearfoot sounds really good and more like it could be the better option for what I want, although I do still quite like the lower gain tones from the Mad Professor version even if they're a bit higher gain that I think would be usable with my band.
    Can't seem to find any Bearfoot versions in stock in the UK though but there are plenty to get from the states, but allowing for import duty it's going to be around the £200 mark.
    I'm going to give the pedalparts boutique clone some serious thought which if you buy pre-built comes in at just under a ton - I'm no electronics engineer and have no previous pedal building experience so I'd rather pay to have it built properly than risk making a mess of it myself :ph34r:

    [quote name='No lust in Jazz' timestamp='1486463430' post='3231945']
    Creation audio - Grizzly Bass creates the kind of sounds that you describe.

    That also sounds like the sort of thing I'm looking for, cheers!

    Ben4343, can't find out much about the [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Jasmine Boost by Faceless FX online, where did you get it from? [/font][/color]

  20. Cheers guys, I'll look into the Bearfoot.

    Bigwan, you mentioned in another thread about a [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]pedalparts clone of the Bluberry (presumably the original BJFE one?[/font][/color]
    [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]Is that the one you have? If it is, how do you get on with it? Would it meet my needs as in the first post? [/color][/font]

  21. I'm looking for a low gain, vintage sounding drive pedal. From hours of searching online and watching YouTube clips (yeah, I know) the MP blueberry sounds like it will deliver the tone I'm looking for - think warm, rounded 70's tone, nothing too bright and definitely not fizzy or fuzzy.

    Anyone used one in a band situation?
    How does it cut through the mix?
    Is there any loss of the low end?

    If I end up getting one, it'll be on for about half a gigs worth of the set so I need it not to lose any bottom end so that it compliments my clean sound - my eq is generally set flat with only small adjustments made to suit the room if need be. I've a variety of basses and usually play passive on the neck pup almost exclusively using finger style through a single 2 x 12 cab.

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