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Posts posted by Fisheth

  1. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1464788290' post='3062541']
    What is this "down-sizing" of which you speak?


    Now that's a collection I can get behind!

  2. [quote name='Machines' timestamp='1464780919' post='3062414']
    I've gone through about 25 instrument in the past 14 years, it has been an expensive but fun journey through many different types of basses until I found out what it is I generally get on with. Every one I have sold has had a good reason for me not using it, and I am sure my acquisitions will slow down a lot now I have such a versatile range I can do anything with. There is nothing I don't love and I can't think of anything i'd swap them for (price relative).

    Same boat, there's a couple that I really love in my bass arsenal. But there's also a couple that I don't use due to needing repairs or just not sounding as good, but they're good work horses, you know? I think I'm on seven basses or so now? So many guitars, but I might get rid of a couple at some point and go for a high end ESP or something.

  3. [quote name='Schnozzalee' timestamp='1464558683' post='3060375']
    I've owned 7 instruments at once, but now I currently have 2 and would like to make it 3.

    I've cut back opting for quality and I'm happier now that I can't pick out issues, or things that need upgraded etc and I get on with my playing.

    You can try and get lucky with the budget thing, or blow £2k+, but I think that £1.5k mark is as good as it gets from a practical point of view - 1 or 2 of those and you're set for life.

    Currently sitting on over ten or so instruments. Which to be honest is eating up my room space. Especially the cases, but there's some for sentimental value I'll never get rid of, you know?

  4. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1464700593' post='3061539']
    I've had a '63, a US and a MIM Roadworn P. I have also had US and MIM Jazzes. I'll discount the '63, as that was something very different due to its age, but the others, by comparison to my Elwood L, felt very 'put together'; a collection of parts (albeit a well put together collection of parts - for the most part). The Elwood L feels more organic and hand crafted, which, of course, it is.

    Interesting, so it feels like one whole thing as opposed to parts? Gotcha.

  5. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1464694686' post='3061453']
    Still cheaper than a mass produced Fender US Standard (£1400 at Guitar Guitar) and street loads cheaper than a Custom Shop which would the comparable build.

    Man alive I really sound like a fanboy! Probably true, but with good reason :)

    Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't you play US P's for a bit?

    How are they in comparison? I've never actually played a USA Fender!

  6. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1464689910' post='3061387']
    It seems that Adrians prices have gone up a little, but still worth it in my mind.
    I asked for Dark Rosewood on my build too, isn't as dark as ebony, just looks like nice rosewood after a good oiling.


    Oh it's worth it if my first one is anything to go by, I'll get a second one from him and if they're as good as the first I'll sell a couple of basses and get a couple of Jazz's from him.

    I just don't remember him charging for reversed headstocks and things when I originally asked about it with my first build

  7. Sorry for the double post here:but have the prices for Adrian gone up slightly? Build I'm planning is at least 100/200 more expensive than my last one and it's similar in spec. But I'm not sure,

    also WOT how dark is dark rosewood? I know you asked for some, but is it almost like ebony or is it slightly lighter?

  8. So many good basses in that price point from Yamaha, Fender, Ibanez and more recently Maruszcyk (I think that's right) I'd probably get a custom from Maruszcyk or a couple of Classic Vibe Squires if I needed more than one and have some change left over

  9. [quote name='phin' timestamp='1464639662' post='3061091']
    Hi all,

    Just wanted to update and say thanks.

    After a lot of reading I decided that there wasn't enough of a difference between the lower end Yamaha and Ibanez basses to worry a total beginner, and just bit the bullet and got what I could for a decent price on eBya. That ended up being a Yamaha RBX370 for £72. Pretty happy with that! It's in decent nick and I got some new strings and a replacement string tightening key from The Bass Gallery for another £33. I have just won a Peavey Microbass for £28 and will pick that up this week, so I feel like I'm set up with a system adequate for a beginner. When I can walk into a bass shop and play something that won't embarass myself, and (more importantly) be able to clearly identify the differences in sound, feel etc. between different basses, I shall think about getting something better. But I suspect that won't be for a while!

    Spent the last week getting my head around scales, trying to figure out the best way to teach myself to read music (figure I may as well go all-in) and also try and make sense of the musical notation system and all its weirdness (like there being no E# or B#). Quite happy with my progress so far - feel reasonable confident with the Major and Minor scales, had a look at triads and printed myself out a song, all in musical notation, to have a proper look at. Any suggestions for beginner funk/jass pieces are welcome!

    Will try and avoid posting stupid questions but possibly see you around in the future on here :)

    Nice scores there, it would help to learn a little bit of theory, such as what keys are, a couple of scales. how to write music (It takes practice) and generally just take your time and have fun doing it. It won't fall into place right away and we're all still learning, but just focus on playing and making a sound!

    The guys on here will answer any questions, they're pretty quick and patient.

  10. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1464630263' post='3060983']
    I've experience with both the stock tuners and the Ultralites. The Ultralites 'feel' higher grade, but the stock tuners are just fine.

    The reason I went with the Ultralites on my custom orders was purely to minimise any risk of neck dive, as I'd asked for lightweight bodies.

    So at 4KG the tuners shouldn't be an issue?

  11. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1464629542' post='3060978']
    Really? Wow.. mine must be one of the last of this run, then. It's a shame as they're as pokey as hell...

    Yeah so I was surprised.

    My last thing to know is about the tuners, are the Hipshot Ultralites worth the money compared to the stock ones? If not I'll be ready to put a deposit down at the end of the week.

  12. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1464619792' post='3060837']
    They're high output and pretty gritty. They do the rise against kind of sound really easily.

    Shame he's not doing them anymore, I went with Delano's instead. Sound much better on the video's than the ones I have in my Jake already.

    Been tempted to swap them out for some Dimarzio's but I have no idea if they'd be a straight swap or not.

    Anyone who's had one of these, can you guys tell me IF the Ultralites are worth the 150 extra? So far in my build I've got them in, but if they're not worth it, then I'll skip them

  13. Yum, sent him an email.

    Not sure on wood types yet. May go for Alder/Mahogany/Maple for this one.

    If you had to describe what his own pickups sounded like what would you go for? I'm having a hard time finding samples in the context ( older style Metal and general use) that I'd use it for.

    Adrian has just told me his own brand of pickups aren't doing a Humbucker right now, just letting you guys know

  14. That;[quote name='cocco' timestamp='1464591154' post='3060466']
    Hey buddy, it was me that got the reverse headstock Jake. I added it about 3 weeks into the build, luckily it wasn't a problem. It didn't add anything to the price though. I think the only part that knocked the price up slightly was the ebony board.

    Here's the pic
    [/quote][quote name='cocco' timestamp='1464591154' post='3060466']
    Hey buddy, it was me that got the reverse headstock Jake. I added it about 3 weeks into the build, luckily it wasn't a problem. It didn't add anything to the price though. I think the only part that knocked the price up slightly was the ebony board.

    Here's the pic

    Lovely, stock electronics too?

  15. Hey guys, been off site for ages. So I've got thirty odd pages of this thread to go through. Looking forward to seeing what sort of basses you guys have got from Adrian!

    I'm planning another one from him, as I've been saving for about seven odd months. My band folded and now the money I have that was going to recording is now going to another bass.

    I'm wanting another Jake for sure, with a MM/Split P combination and a Sea Foam green colour scheme. However I can't find many basses with a reversed headstock that's a P style.

    Didn't someone in here get one of those from Adrian? (Seabasskid?) What did it look like and how much was it added onto the price? Looking at going no pick guard for this one too. Bit of a departure from my usual solid colour/chrome guard but I wanted a change.

  16. Ever had a feeling to downsize? For those who have, have you missed any basses that you've sold got/rid of? If so has anything ever filled the void for those missing basses for you?

  17. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1456004680' post='2984536']
    Very nice custom bass that is! I kinda wished I'd thought about a Maruszczyk before I bought my MIM Fender P bass. The Fender's a superb bass but those Maruszczyks look just out of this world gorgeous and are by all accounts amazing to play.

    Yeah it's lovely!

    Already emailed Adrian regarding a custom Speesy from the Mensinger side of things!

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