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Posts posted by Fisheth

  1. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1473073073' post='3126519']
    You're welcome to have a go / lend of either of mine. I'm just near Whitley Bay.

    Cool! I'll keep that in mind.

    [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1473079489' post='3126634']
    So having just been asked the pickup questions, of the delanos and Haeussels, which are the more agressive? I don't really want smooth old school.

    Just got the invoice for mine. That was a lot more than I intended spending, but you know, if you are going to get something you want, the last thing you want afterwards is 'oh if only I had got'..

    Oh and Yay, Luminay!

    Yeah, I was the same with mine. Just wish it had a reverse headstock, but it's a minor detail.

    The Haeussels sound hotter to me than the Delano's but the Delano's sound like they have more poke as it were. Haeussels are great if you want an oldschool P bass sound, which you don't. He also has EMG stuff too IIRC.

    There's also [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Maruszczyks's own pickups, which I have no idea what they're like. Someone in here will know more about them than I do though.[/font][/color]

  2. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1473071625' post='3126505']
    Pity. It was a great night!

    Both my Jakes are on dry land at the moment. I tend to use the Stingray mostly anyway, but I'll soon bring out the Jakes more. The red one (reverse P, bit closer to the bridge than normal) is being modified to incorporate a John East MMSR (Stingray) 3-band preamp, with a black plate to suit the other black hardware. I hesitated when ordering it and went passive... and there's only a couple of basses I like passive: a Precision and another Precision ;) (ok, maybe a good Jazz). The P/JJ... I removed the P pickup and put in a Seymour Duncan SPB-1 that I like better... but I managed to break one of the mounting screws, and in order to remove the bit that was left I had to enlarge the hole a bit... so I need to fill the hole and redrill before I am happy to use that bass 'in the wild'... I still use it at home, and I love it... but I don't want to play live with a bass whose pickup is not firmly fixed in place. Not a lot of work, but there's always something else distracting me :lol:

    And I can't find anything that beats the Stingray :)

    I just saw it on your band page and I'm literally 20 mins away from Morpeth! If I spot you're ever in Edinburgh I'll get the train up to see you guys.

    Oh lovely, a JE preamp. I've been contemplating doing something like that to my Jake, but I'm unsure about it. What advantages would I really have outside of more control and a possible DB boost?

  3. Question for you guys, has anyone in this thread ever went ahead with a complete custom from him?

    Just was curious to know, there's a model called the Horn on the Mensinger site that isn't on the Public Peace one and I was wondering if he could/would do a bass version of it? Of it it was still in production:


    Anyone done it before?

  4. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1473013777' post='3126072']
    That mirrors my experience.

    They're not like the Duncan SPB-1 or the Steve Harris Duncan's I was using before, they're different in terms of overall base tone, as the Harris is very mid-rangy but without using the bass and the [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Haeussel's are much more vintage sounding than the SPB-1's are.[/size][/font][/color]

    They're nice, considering I knew nothing about them, I trusted Adrian's judgement and it paid off in spades.

  5. [quote name='pierreganseman' timestamp='1473002644' post='3125923']
    well put, been there twice and going back tomorrow. Small Family business for sure.

    Very inspiring place , considering that he started 10 years ago with 4 basses and now has 600 at his show room. His house is utterly inspiring for me.

    When he started his company 10 years ago there was 3 people building in Poland. He now has 19 people under his orders. (or around that number total , German team + Polish team)

    100% reliable for sure.


    According to the Mensinger Facebook page, he's looking at expanding next spring, is that correct?

  6. [quote name='colleya' timestamp='1473008986' post='3126007']
    Thought you didn't fancy one Muzz? :D If you go for the haeussel pups I'd be interested in hearing them rather than ordering a set based on YouTube vids.

    I have Haeussel's in my Jake and they're nice, but my latest build from Mensinger is going to have a Delano P pickup in, as I liked the midrange on that one more, as we are a one guitar band now opposed to two. (with a different name)

    But I've been using the Haeussel's for the last few months and they're pretty cool. Very warm, very oldschool and very Jamerson, but they have a decent output. They're pretty nice.

    This is my Jake here: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXhNyA6nSlQ"]https://www.youtube....h?v=dXhNyA6nSlQ[/url]

  7. [quote name='AREA' timestamp='1472998955' post='3125874']
    I know Adrian as 100% reliable. If you visit him in Aldenhoven in Germany, (what I recommend) you'll see, that it is a Family Business at least. The Basses are made in Poland by Mensinger Guitars. In Aldenhoven Adrian lives with his Wife and his Daughter in a Farm House, with round about 600 Basses and Guitars in Stock. He does all by himself. He has Customers there, who test Basses and buy them at his House (like I do),. Also he has an Recording Studio, is a Bass Teacher, is always in Contact with the Mensinger Company and the Customers who get in Contact via e-mail. As far as I know the whole Work is done by only a few (3-4) People.

    At least you also can give him a Call. He is not the Best in "speaking english", but his Daughter does well.

    kind Regards

    Really? That small? I remember reading he employed 15 people. I had assumed it was 15 working as builders. His English isn't the best, however I've got nothing except good things to say about communication, aside from not having an out of hours/we're automated message. But Adrian has contacted me via email really late at night too. So overall pretty good things to say.

  8. To be fair, I have noticed this about Adrian, sent him a couple of emails and nothing.

    However as soon as I sent it from a different account I got a reply back in a couple of seconds, not sure if that means anything, but you never know. Email systems can be weird sometimes.

  9. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1472823692' post='3124556']
    Yep, both of my Jakes have custom specc'd neck dimensions.

    Out of curiosity, how did you measure it?

    I went online and sourced the specs for one of my Fender's but it doesn't feel quite right, a little less chunky that I wanted, but still pretty nice and very, very close.

  10. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1472818973' post='3124502']
    indeed! That's the first thing I would do, in fact.
    My first Maruszczyk was pretty much a stock Jake, only I specified the neck dimensions and finish, that's all. I don't think it added to the cost. The finish did, marginally, but not the neck size specs.

    My first Jake wasn't much more than a stock one, however I did specify for a light body and ultralite tuners too.
    Can't see neck dimensions changing anything. Infact I've just trawled through my emails with Adrian, he said that neck isn't factored in the price difference as it's the same work.

  11. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1472768089' post='3124185']
    Well, got quite a long way through discussions - I think he might have got fed up with me asking now :/
    Trouble is everything you say the price goes up and the more you realise you want. But if I am going to spend that much on a bass it has to be perfect.

    Thats my only real concern, without trying one, if its not perfect, that is a large amount of money down the tubes. I mean I am sure it will be technically perfect, but if it has some clunky neck I can't get on with, then you do lose a lot.

    Still, damn gorgeous looking things, and if he gets back to me I think I am going to end up with something quite soon!

    Can spec the neck dimensions at no extra cost IIRC.

  12. Long time no see thread.

    Ordered a bass from his Mensinger brand a while ago, would I be able to post it in here when I receive it?

    Adrian was as helpful and accommodating as ever, really happy to work with him on my bass ideas. Especially when my first Jake came out really, really well.

  13. This is a very strange thread.

    Why would you post a bass of that value without asking for some sort of proof that the seller is legit first?

    Also: In light of the situation, I'm not sure what there is that can be done aside from police/Facebook pages. If he's a serial offender, why hasn't he been caught by now?

    Also: In the future, I'd by a UV pen and write some details somewhere on the Bass. The Police will be able to uncover it and contact you.

    I know it's not much help now, but it could be useful in the future.

    I hope you get your bass back.

  14. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1464867244' post='3063263']
    I think it's safe to say that even with the current noticed price hike for custom builds, Adrian's instruments are still really good value for money. I'm certainly thinking of another build (the wife is sitting opposite me as I type this, I hope she can't read upside down).

    EDIT: oops, busted!


  15. Going to have to order it when I finish for the term. :(

    Got a few things to repair before I can commit to a build sadly. One of which being my mac screen after it was dropped, but still. Nearly there with funds though. So optimistic I can get this done!

    In terms of a reverse headstock that's matching do you guys think that Dark Red or gold would be better suited to it? Been having this debate with myself for a while, was wondering what you guys thought.

  16. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1464808985' post='3062834']
    I'm not entirely sure the 'standard' CS pedigree means much these days. They're mostly off-the-shelf.

    My Maruszczyks are built to a target spec & weight, have necks profiled to my preference, the exact hardware I want.

    Which is why I love mine. Can spec the neck and the weight. Perfect for my back.

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