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Posts posted by xilddx

  1. [quote name='Groove Harder' timestamp='1415094513' post='2596515']
    I believe that his Mother was Polish and pronounced 'Gary' as 'Geddy'. Could be be wrong though.
    Correct. She couldn't pronounce Gary.

    Also Lifeson is a literal translation of Zivojinovich which is Alex's real Serbian name.

  2. My man Nick Page aka Count Dubulah on bass, Natacha Atlas singing ...


    Nick again with TUUP from Transglobal Undergroud singing ... totally sexy dub


  3. And may I add, if you want to hear where that amp shootout bassline came from, head over to the BC (re)mixing challenge and you'll hear BCers' remixes of the original song by the band I'm in, London Zulu. Then you'll really hear how out of time I played it :D

    If you're interested, the bass you heard going through the rigs was recorded to Logic 9 direct from a POD X3 LIVE, the patch was a modelled Acoustic 360, generic 1x18 cab with a U47 room mic, a touch of reverb and compression. Bass was a 1983 Fender USA Standard Jazz with a maple board, neck pickup only, tone and volume full up.

    Listen and vote here [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/244967-remixing-challenge-voting/"]http://basschat.co.u...allenge-voting/[/url]

  4. [quote name='PlungerModerno' timestamp='1414768624' post='2593154']
    I'm embarrassed to say I started with the intention of listening to the entire piece - but had to skip to the last minute. Can't listen to that, even if the bass is promising.
    Nice to have the bass at the outro - but can't compensate for that vocal. Not what I'd call good by any definition.

    What do you want? Some old crooning bastard like Paul Rogers on it or summat?

    Not digging it is cool but saying it's crap because you can't understand it is unclassy.

    I wasn't that keen on the solo to be honest, I liked the tune though.

  5. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1414686956' post='2592272']
    I remember hearing Roger Daltrey defend Mcfly a few years back, saying something like the Who where a teeny bopper band when they started.

    He had it in for Disco, and now 1D, but as Mick Jagger said, theres always been pretty boys with nice haircuts, its not new, just perhaps more dominant that it was, the charts used to be vary varied.

    Just for the record, I like McFly

    Haha, I wonder why he was defending McFly ..

    (I agree, McFly were good)


  6. Yeah it was excellent. I don't really dig the Foo's music, but I have great admiration for them as a band, and for Dave Grohl. They epitomise everything good about music and being in a band, with a very deep and genuine adoration of rock music and its history. He's a great ambassador, and one of the few torchbearers for good old honest rock music.

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