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Posts posted by kodiakblair

  1. 4 hours ago, Rayman said:

    Does anybody else struggle to see the point/need for modding/upgrading a bass in most cases?

    In most cases there's FA 'upgrading', its all about 'Brand Name' dropping in the hope  strangers will appauld and echo the poster's choice 😶


    I don't think it's quite as bad here but over on TalkBS it's rife 😄 


    Little ryhme , reason or thought is given just throw out some buzzword names. It's rare to see a post going "I've X bass but the pickups are lacking 'Y'" or "they've too much 'W'"; "swapping to pickup 'Z' got me ....".  Posts normally go "I fitted 'current buzzword'" and that's it. The 'current buzzword' angle is pretty important since there's a definite pecking order to this consumer p!$$in contest 😄


    You might think I've went a bit OTT but if that's the case why do the buzzword companies all sell T-shirts ? Instead of "Team Aniston/Jolie" it's "Team Lollar/Nordy" 🤣

    • Like 2
  2. 60 days, I was doing so well 😄


    Aria Pro Mosrite thing sat in the BIN basket for a week. The thoughts were many, "under £400", "could do Klarna", "could I build one for that ?"

    Another 'must-have', weird but cool Italia with 4 lipstick pickups parallel to strings. Fantastic look, bet it plays like a dream and sounds as good as it looks only x 2.


    The many pros were quashed by a single con: I'll never play the bloody things !!


    With loins girded by "I'll never play ...." , the rest of 2023 was secure; until yesterday 😐


    Yesterday the Heavens conspired against me.


    Off work and bored  Bored leads to web surfing Web surfing to Gumtree Gumtree opens with preferrences intact  Top of the pile is Telecaster bass 3 miles away

    Ad has been up 1 hour  Seller on the ball, calls me within 2 minutes  Yes, he still has the bass and £60 is the asking price He will deliver  


    I never stood a chance 🤬



    • Like 3
  3. 2 hours ago, KingBollock said:

    You should be aware that they are very, very Grimdark. They are very graphic and can be rather uncomfortable.

    Any idea why they didn't make the 'Westboro Baptist Church' Top 10 Fantasy series list 😄

  4. 6 hours ago, Dan Dare said:

    Danelectro guitars are made of hardboard (Masonite in the US).

    Danelectro was one of those basses.


    Only the back and top are hardboard, about 4 mm thick. They sandwich a frame, on the early models frames were just plywood stapled together, think today it's glued poplar.


    Core of Danos is like this.



  5. 5 hours ago, Hellzero said:

    Try concrete instead of wood

    Why stop at concrete ?


    I've owned basses with bodies made from acrylic, Luthite and plywood topped with hardboard, all sounded great. Other materials I recall being used include CF, aluminium and one year a marble body guitar appeared at Musik Messe; it weighed a ton and was mounted on a stand 🙂


    Companies build bodies from wood for 2 reasons, it's relatively cheap and tradition; creative types are generally very conservative when it comes to instruments 😄

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, EBS_freak said:

    4 string - but the inlays are missing. Think we are pretty close.

    I was one of the first in the UK to own that model, arrived couple of days before they went on sale.




    They never had dots/inlays but stickers or Tippex could be the answer 😄

    • Like 1
  7. I'm pretty sure it's an In Yen Vina from Vietnam. Along with building for ESP they did the Peavey Grind NTB and Harley Benton BZ.


    Current models have blank boards like this but blocks, centred dots and offset have all appeared on previous issues.



    • Like 5
  8. 15 minutes ago, Basscabman said:

    might help.

    I'm going to need it 😀


    Just looking through the different ways these have been wired over the years but I've none that match this.


    What are you like with a soldering iron ? I'd be tempted to redo it to something simple like this.



  9. 33 minutes ago, Basscabman said:

    The white comes from the pickup and Is soldered to the first tab on the volume pot. 

    I see that one, marked it with a black cross.


    It's the one I've marked in yellow, looks to be the bridge ground but if that's the case why is the bare wire soldered and the white snaking down to the middle Vol pot lug ?



  10. Scott Dasson's video.


    No 'out of phase pickups' , no 'click the link below' nonsense. Scott doesn't even plug his own Badbird bridges on his YT channel 👍




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  11. 3 hours ago, lemmywinks said:

    his videos are streets ahead of the Andertons goons.

    Hardly a high bar to beat 🤣


    I'll be honest on the rare occasion I watch a bass review , I'm only interested in the physical points. A video edited in the hope of some , probably small, financial gain by someone using a different set up/rig/choice of string and playing style tells me nothing.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, lemmywinks said:

    Quick look here, pickups out of phase on this one and seems like it needs some work.

    Don't worry, once he works out which pickup company pays the most referral money, he'll do a follow up video.



  13. 1 hour ago, miles'tone said:

    Hooky actually played a faker because he couldn't afford a real Ric.

    Hooky hated playing that bass and and as soon he made enough money to buy a proper bass, he bought a Yamaha.

    Similar story for Bruce Foxton.


    He had a faker, Ibanez if I mind right. A real Ric was bought at Mr Weller's insistence, fitted his idea for the band's image.

     Bruce moved on to a P-bass when given a choice. 

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