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Status Replies posted by Raslee

  1. Expensive night of flowers, wine and cooking tea...but ahem,...the wife allowed me to dip into the savings to buy Mr Synchro's lovely MM Classic Sabre on here.....slightly chuffed but will have to sell a few of my others ...in due course, of course :D

    1. Raslee


      ...it's a life motto, 'keep the boss happy' :D

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. Warwick GAS...first GAS in a long time...off to see a Streamer S1 & LX tomorrow...credit card looks good and the wife is smiling :hi:

    1. Raslee


      .....well after a thorough road testing of the  LX, Stage 1 and a Mansons bass I totally fell in love with the Stage 1 (what an f'ing awesome bit of kit), ....it had to come home ......and I cooked dinner this evening :drinks:

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. Thinking of trying an Aguilar AG4M pickup in my Stingray - Anyone had experience of the pickup? Thoughts?

  4. That moment you see some gear you want but have to shift old gear first and it just doesn't seem to sell.  Keep checking on the gear I want to make sure its still available aaaarrrrgggghhhhh

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