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Posts posted by Lw.

  1. Fender Custom Shop do some incredibly nice relics - I've played 5 or 6 of their Precisions (admittedly most of them only for a few minutes) and every one of them has been great (vastly better than the actual vintage basses I've played). The new price is pretty brutal but the used prices are actually not too far away from new Roadworn's or Limelight's so could bring them into contention. 


    Not played an Olinto but I've been snared by the hype - my next bass will probably be an Olinto relic. 

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  2. Congratulations on the new bass! 


    I did a similar thing a few years ago trying everything that was out there - you're right in that it's so hit & miss, the vintage stuff is even more random too! 


    I ended up with one of those CS '57 P's with the chunky necks - you're right on the size, they really make you work for it! 

    I have been eying up these Squiers as 2nd P to have rounds on, so good to hear they're nice things to play.

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  3. On 04/05/2021 at 15:10, bassadder said:

    The only place you’ll get to try one is in the US. The only places I know that have em is The Guitar Shop NYC and the Chicago Basement 

    That's a shame, will have to see what the travel situation is like later in there year then! 


    Out of curiousity - have you owned many other high end retro type basses? I've got a fender custom shop P that I love, so would want the quality at a similar level. The SBL discount on Olinto's makes them quite attractive so curious about comparison's with basses I know.

  4. Some comments on the vintera Mustang; it's got the 7.5" radius fretboard - I can hardly notice it, all my other basses have been standard ⁹" or whatever it is. If I didn't know the vintera was different I don't think I would have flagged it. 

    Vinteras and JMJ's have the same neck profiles and I find them to be tiny compared to a proper chunky 50s neck. I suppose it depends on what your hands are used to. 

    The small size does really help with the weight though; it's insanely light considering it's still real alder! 

    • Like 1
  5. @bassist_lewis inspired by your Mustang fettling I've had a go at darkening the fretboard on mine - quite pleased with the results; kept the grain of Pau Ferro (which I like) but darkened up it's grey-brown colouring. Couple of before & after's below, now what else can I mess around with... 







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  6. I don't think it has a negative result on bass, just different tonal option. 

    Depending on how hard you play, turning the bass volume down but the amp up (to get the same volume) will often remove some of the clankiness. 

    Also when in a band setting, starting the gig with the volume on your bass a bit lower gives you some leeway for subtly turning up later without being seen going to your amp in the volume wars! 

    • Haha 1
  7. I have the ampeg - very happy with the sounds from it. Not used it for recording but I feel it would probably be good for it given the out out options. The down side would be it's not particularly versatile, you'll get the ampeg sound and not a lot else. But then I play a P with flats through it so I'm hardly breaking the mould! 


    Ashdown; I've never played the model you're thinking about so that may be different but I've played countless of their other ABM type amps and have never got a sound out of them I liked. 


    Reliability wise; I've blown two ashdowns in rehearsals, but the only two bass amps I've seen to up in smoke at gigs have been SVTs so probably about even? 

  8. Looking good! 
    How much lemon oil did you use? I've oiled my Mustang twice now & while it looks similar to yours when wet, it dries back to grey-brown - it's the only thing that's annoying me about the bass! 

  9. Oldest discussion on the internet, bit harsh to compare premium gear from the 80s to modern budget gear though. 

    As ever, it's marginal gains. At the lower end maybe a £600 bass is twice as good as a £300 bass, maybe. But is a £1200 bass twice as good as a £600 bass? Maybe but probably not. 

    Ive just bought a Mexican fender, it's nowhere near as nice (using any measurement) as my custom shop fender, but then you wouldn't expect it to be. 

    You buy the nicest playing bass you can afford then don't worry about the rest, 1-to-1 improvement by the pound just doesn't happen in any industry. 

  10. @scrumpymike - yes, decent little amps! It was my back-up amp tucked in my bag at gigs but it probably deserved a better shot at things, they do have a great tone - I don't do anything with the EQ! If I'm being picky, I'd prefer it if the fan wasn't always on but that's the case for many amps! 

    The cab is TKS - probably similar ethos as the BF; lightweight with vintage tone. Has a real bark when cranked though! 

  11. 30 minutes ago, Aidan63 said:

    20.65mm behind the 1st fret

    Thanks! I've just taken delivery of a vintera Mustang & it feels so tiny! It's ~20.2mm front to back & 41mm nut. 

    I think I've ruined myself with a super chunky '57P re-issue! Going to have to see if I can get used to the smaller size! 


    Happy NBD! 

  12. 6 hours ago, ezbass said:

    @Lw. The Vintera neck is a P rather than J width (my JMJ is just 40mm BTW).

    Interesting thanks, I'd forgotten about the vintera range actually - bit out of the loop with fenders current naming convention! 

    There's so much mixed information around on th specs of each one! 

    Annoying the shops aren't open for trials too - might have to start with the cheapest then return and try the next level up until I find one I like! 

  13. I think I'm falling down the SS-bass rabbit hole - convinced myself I need a smaller bass at the side of my home-working desk, for cheeky daytime noodling. 

    On the Mustangs; I quite fancy the squier VM but am seeing specs saying it's a 38mm nut. Is it just the fender JMJ that has the 42mm but? 

    My main bass is is 44.5mm "soft-v" neck so quite chunky and I'd rather not drop down to a teeny-tiny neck...

  14. I'd just get a P-bass, if you don't you'll end up with a nagging feeling at the back of your head telling you you made th wrong decision, then you'll have to buy one later down the line anyway. 

    Lots of brands and price points available. 

    There's a reason everyone plays P's - took me 15 years to work that one out! 

  15. Free to a good home.

    Washburn XB-125 bass. 

    Functional 5 string for someone that wants to dabble with the extra string before splashing the cash on a new one. Or just for someone looking for a free 1st bass. It works and stays in tune but it wouldn't feel right charging for it. 

    Black. Alder body. Maple neck with rosewood board. P-style pickup.

    It's had a hard life - gigged heavily in the early 00's, the body is bashed, it has an old band name scratched into the back, the strap pin has been pulled out so many times its just taped on (has worked like this for many a gig), the neck has a crack down both sides from it hitting the roof at one too many venues (it has been like this for about the last decade and hasn't given way yet, though I don't know what would happen if you took the strings off), there's also a minor crack on the head stock. 

    It's been hiding under the bed for a lot of years but the time has come to set it free, someone please come and get it before it goes to land fill. 


    Collection only - Deptford SE London (8 mins from London bridge). 



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