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Posts posted by such

  1. I listened to "Word Of Mouth" on my way to the cinema :)
    That album has been important to me, found it in a window of a secondhand book shop in Poland soon after I started playing bass as a young hardrocker, and remembered that someone recommended the name. First jazz album in my collection, probably far from usual "gateway" choices ;)
    Great documentary.
    Managed to have a brief chat with Janek Gwizdala before the screening :)

  2. Before the age of internet I used to drool over this bass in one of the many catalogues I had. It was pretty unobtainable back then, now I won the auction with what a typical night out costs. Very happy with it - quirky yet effective electronics package, very comfortable instrument overall and it just sounds good. It took me no time to bond with it.








  3. Very nice event. Don't know how, but I managed to miss the jam room completely :/ Won a Joni Mitchell live dvd with Jaco, Pat & Co though, so all good. Next time I'll contribute to the raffle in some worthy way. Enjoyed all the talks, and chats with basschatters too. Finally had a chance to check out a Sire Marcus bass in flesh - it was a lefty, but we compared it meticulously to my righty japanese Fender Marcus, and well, the differences are in design (preamp etc), not in quality. But that's for another thread, so I won't continue. Also an Alpher (also a first for me, although I've been following them for a while now), a bitsa with a Status neck (my bucketlist), so many Wals in one place, the cab shootout, it was all fantastic. I'm very happy these things happen and to have become a part of the community. Massive thanks to Nick, Hamster, Silvia and everyone involved.

  4. https://www.facebook.com/marcin.bass/media_set?set=a.10205850993892066.1073741830.1174473192&type=3

    I'll be there both days and taking slightly fewer pictures, compared to Bluejay ;) It will be my fifth one, I think. Always good fun.

  5. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1443132298' post='2872613']
    You're looking at three hours total journey time from Walthamstow if I take you but spacewise, it shouldn't be a problem.

    It'll take you 1.5 hours to get to somewhere near where I am and the drive there will be another 1.5 hours. I'm leaving to collect another chatter from Horn Park around 10:30am and we're aiming to arrive shortly after 12.

    ah! forgot how big this city can be. Looks like it will actually be a bit quicker if I take the train. Thanks and see you at the bash :)

  6. one is bigger, has a somewhat simpler eq and an addition of a "Color" preset and distortion circuit. The other is a small, super-clean eq with semi-parametric mids.

  7. I was fortunate to watch Paul work up close, on many gigs and in the studio (Hook End, while the studio still existed). As you've said, his great talent is in developing the basic groove. He's also very economic with his moves, his technique is impeccable, all his fingers are exactly where they need to be. Add great tone and awesome time command. And versatility! Old r&b, disco, pop, synthy club stuff, jazz gigs, blues and some metal on top of that. That email, when he asked me to dep for him on a gig, well I have it printed and framed (ok, I don't but I probably should, who knows if something like this happens again) even if in the end he managed to make it himself. For me, Paul Turner is a model pro bassist, like Pino, but more local so easier to keep up with all the little projects and stuff.

    I admire your attitude here to take it as a learning experience. I love watching other bass players at gigs and rehearsals and pick their brains. Always thrilled to have someone show me their tricks, and always honoured when asked about mine (the latter happens more rarely).

    Also, congrats on the reunion gig. I haven't heard about the band before, but seems like really good stuff and a seriously fun occasion.

  8. I've been shopping for a P bass for almost three years now, but cannot decide on any. I'm loving and GAS-ing on many that I try out, from Mendel signature to 70s ones, but all that love and GAS goes away when I get back home and pick my BB415 up. I'll still get a P bass for the looks, but I've got THE sound already.

  9. I don't think it's something to be reported. He asks too much, so he should have trouble to sell it. Unless of course someone hasn't done their research and buys it. Not the nicest thing in the world, but not counterfeit item or fraud either. Only about 15% more expensive than amazon (who can afford smaller margins and/or lower wholesale price) plus shipping - as not everyone has amazon's power to have deals with postage service providers.

  10. I would refinish it, but definitely not black. Just a personal preference, I can't remember a black bass that I liked (or liked more than other colours of the same model), they look incredibly dull to me :rolleyes:

  11. just to clarify one little thing - there was a time I was very into Warwicks and knew their custom shop options pricelist by heart. While indeed they only do unlined fretless as standard, lined fretless fingerboard used to be only £100 extra (not sure how much it would be now).

    Personally, I wouldn't be much concerned about all this, I do play fretless and had quite a few of them, also defretted a couple myself and can say this is quite normal. However, I also wouldn't like to find this condition on a bass sold as "excellent condition", as it is in a need for some work (re-planing, polishing, filling some gaps), even if not urgent or critical.

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