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Marc S

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Posts posted by Marc S

  1. When I first bought a bass - a few years ago now ;)
    The general attitude at the time was
    you either buy a Fender, a Gibson or a Rickenbacker..... or you buy rubbish

    This may have been true in many cases,
    but there were some real gems around
    I once owned a Shaftesbury Rick copy
    and it was brilliant!
    You can't get them for love nor money now
    and I wish I'd paid the dosh to have it re-fretted, and hung on to it

    I also recall playing a couple of good Ibanez basses,
    and a really nice Aria bass
    Yamaha made some pretty good models too at the time
    A pal also owned a cheap Jazz copy, and that was really good
    But I can't recall the manufacturer.....

    At the time, I was influenced by the way many people thought,
    and bought a Fender P.
    It was well built, sounded pretty good,
    but weighed a ton, and had a really thick neck
    which wasn't too easy to play either

    There's much more choice out there now
    and I've played some really nice cheap basses


  2. Hi,
    Just signed up today & wanted to say "hello"
    I played bass back in my youth, and gave up following band-splits galore,
    marriage, having a son etc etc

    Anyhow, I'm playing again
    I started about 5 years ago or so,
    and now wish I'd never given up

    Mind you, the bands are still a pain
    They seem to keep folding for a myriad of reasons - but never anything to do with me! Lol

    Anyhow, I play an Ibanez Soundgear SR500
    and it's the best thing I've ever played
    It sounds awesome, is lightweight with superb active electronics
    and it's got the thinnest, fastest neck I've ever come across

    My backup is a Squire, Indonesian built P bass,
    with 2 pickups and a J bass neck
    It's honestly much better than the USA Fenders I owned back in my youth....
    Many won't believe me when I say this - but I've played a few basses in my day...

    I also own an Ibanez electro-acoustic bass, picked up for about £200
    and that's brilliant!
    Never played a bad Ibanez actually...
    My son now owns my old Roadster 11
    and he loves that

    I also have a Stagg electric double bass,
    and am enjoying playing that - and now want a 3/4 conventional double bass....

    Amp gear wise, I use a Markbass CMD102P
    with a 151 extension cab
    The rig sounds brilliant, and I've even played some big-ish outdoor gigs with it
    and it has coped really well

    Anyhow, I'm looking for a band...... again
    I'm in South Wales
    And just wanted to say hello

    Marc :)

  3. [quote name='Len_derby' timestamp='1376901222' post='2180402']
    There are some that say all P basses are crappy. But not me!

    Nor me!
    I had a USA Fender, years back
    Also owned a Fender Musicmaster

    Now I have as a backup bass, an Indonesian built Squire P bass
    It's much better than the USA Fender ever was!
    It's lighter, it sounds much better - it has 2 pickups

    And it's the model released with the J bass neck
    So all in all, it's much more playable

    I'm more than pleased with it
    and wouldn't swap it for a USA Fender - well, except to flog it & buy another Indonesian one! ;)


    EDIT: Welcome from another newbie BTW

  4. Thanks for posting those pics of your DB "rig" ubassman
    I've got a Stagg, and I think it's great
    I may well have a bash at making something along the lines or your rig
    Although, I think I'm getting used to playing it sitting down


  5. Hi Mr Bassman,
    I'm glad you posted this
    I've not really given much thought to 1/2 size basses
    But they really do look more manageable, in terms of portability

    Wish I knew someone who owns one locally to me (South Wales)
    So I could go along & try one out
    I haven't seen any around here in the shops...

    Re the neck; you say it's thin
    Is it around that of a bass guitar?


  6. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1376772250' post='2179045']
    Just done an outdoor gig, and am amazed - yet again - at how my tiny Markbass CMD121P combo & NY121 ext cab performed. Nothing other than vocs going through PA, in a big pub garden under a tent/marquee. Had to up the lows a bit, but other than that, the depth of sound, certainly where I was, was great. I did another outdoor gig a few years back using my Marshall DBD7400 & VBC412 and I think the Markbass sounded better.

    Yes, I did an outdoor gig a few weeks back
    I used my trusty CMD121 combo, with my added 151 cab
    I was the only one not going through the PA, and was asked to turn down!

    It was the 3rd time I've used my amp gear for an open air gig
    And I've always been told it sounds great, and carries and cuts-through well

    I'm more than pleased with my Markbass gear :)


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