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Marc S

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Posts posted by Marc S

  1. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1379336884' post='2211386']

    ...The origin of the fork being in the left hand is because you fend off the enemy with the knife in your right hand. Well... some folk do/did. Whatever.


    Don't think I've ever tried to continue eating, while fending anyone off lol

    Some good points here folks
    And I really didn't mean to get you wound-up lefty bassman ;)

    Was actually thinking about this thread last nite
    I tried to play my bass the other way around
    It just felt so uncomfortable & un-natural
    Bit like dancing to me....


  2. Yes leftybassman,
    You could add to that list of right = good
    That if someone is said to be a deputy / assistant that you can't do without
    they're said to be your "righthand man / woman" .... not your lefthand man / woman

    ..... so there are some good lefthanded dancers...
    ah well, bang goes another theory ;)

  3. Another question / observation thingy
    Years back, someone told me that left handed people can't dance
    He obviously saw me on the dancefloor!

    Anyhow, I continued to find other left-handers who are all equally bad at dancing as me
    I was at a celidh a few years back, with 2 left-handed colleagues
    and both these young ladies admitted to being bad dancers...

    We all watched the other dancers, and the usual pattern to celidh dancing seemed easy enough,
    however, when we were forcibly dragged into the group, we managed to completely destroy the whole dance!

    I'm terrible at all sorts of dancing
    and to this day, I've only ever knowingly met one good dancer who was a lefty
    and he had to work really really hard to get any good at all
    while other pals who started the same time picked it up more quickly....

    Any thoughts / observations on this point?

    NB. Bad dancers are said to have "two LEFT feet" - not two right feet!


  4. Not seen a lined EUB
    I often wondered about playing double bass
    I had a few very brief "dabbles" - just a few minutes really....

    Last year, I bought a Stagg EUB
    and though the strings were awful, I persisted
    Then I got some much better ones, and loved it

    I've just recently bought my first "proper" DB and I just wish I could play it all the time :)
    Yes, you may end up buying an acoustic DB after buying an EUB
    But I fully intend to keep my Stagg as a backup & more portable DB....

    You could always pick one up on here second-hand?
    They aren't lined, but you've got the dot position markers on the side of the neck....

    I'd say go for a 2nd hand one
    If you don't get on with it, well you haven't spent a fortune
    and you could flog it on anyway

    For me, it convinced me to buy an acoustic DB :)

    Have fun....

  5. [quote name='pietruszka' timestamp='1378987513' post='2207361']
    I don't get this knife and fork thing. I thought it was left handed to have the fork in your left hand, but it seems not! When I visit my girlfriend's parents with her, they set the table with the wine glass/glass/cup on the left side for me. I admit it looks very odd against everything being on the right hand side!

    I do most things right handed, I suppose I've just had to get used to things being right handed, ie bread knives, tin openers, scissors, etc But veg peelers are impossible right handed.

    Whats the one thing lefties here really struggle with?


    I don't get the way right-handers use their knives & forks either ;)

    I'm not sure what I "struggle" with most
    I use right handed scissors, tin-openers etc and seem to get on well enough with all these things....
    I used to struggle, when sharing an office and computers with right handers
    However, I learned to be more ambidextrous with the mouse too....


  6. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1378980842' post='2207240']
    I'm a righty who plays right-handed.

    Based on this thread, I must be pretty unusual ...

    It seems there are a few of you about, so you are not alone :)
    Anyhow, there is no such thing in life as "normal" - is there? ;)

    EDIT: I'm guessing but you must be all the members NOT replying to the thread lol

  7. [quote name='Dave_the_bass' timestamp='1378930019' post='2206749']
    Tiny holes in t-shirts? Check
    Buckle rash? Check
    Scuffs, dings, chips and other assorted playing marks? Check

    Am I worried? Not really as 99% of those marks have happened at various gigs I've played up and down the country. As such; everyone of those imperfections is a little bit of my bass playing life.

    +1 :)
    I think they call it "character"
    well, that's what I call my own wrinkles & grey hairs ;)

  8. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1378899314' post='2206184']
    I always wanted an old japonese ATK305, i've almost snagged one on e-bay but missed the end of the auction... one day... one day!

    Hope you can get one soon :)

    I've heard many people rave about the quality & playability of Japanese built early Ibanez basses
    I know my Roadster was great
    To my mind, Ibanez seem to produce the most consistently high quality results
    I've got to say it, but I don't think I've ever played a bad one
    Even their newer budget ranges compare favourably with other budget basses

    Good luck in your search

  9. Well I would never have guessed there were so many left-handed people playing instruments intended for right-handers!
    As I said initially, I thought I was the only one :o

    The lefty guitarist / bassist pal I mentioned also said
    he felt the dominant hand should be doing the trickier fret / finger board work
    Maybe there's something in that?
    But obviously, I suppose it's whatever way is more comfortable for the player....

    Oddly enough, I use my knife & fork the way right handers do
    fork in the left hand, knife in the right
    and I always think right handers use these the wrong way too

    I mean, when they're eating with a knife & fork, they use the left hand to feed themselves
    and when eating a dessert they feed themselves with a spoon - in their right hand!

    Oh dear, have I opened a can of worms (with my right-handed tin opener)?

    Still interested to hear from other lefties playing right
    and righties playing left....


  10. I thought I was something of a unique type,
    in that I'm left-handed - BUT, I play a bass as if I were right handed...

    A couple of years back, I had a few jams with a guitarist pal I was in a band with way back
    He wrote down some phone numbers for me, then I spotted he was left-handed
    but he had always played guitar in right-handed fashion!

    He didn't realise I was fellow lefty, and did the same with my bass
    Within a month, I had met another guitarist working in a music shop who does the same
    and shortly after, joined a band who's lead guitarist did exactly the same..
    turns out he's a great bassist too and plays the bass in the same fashion....

    I once met a girl playing a few acoustic songs at an open mic nite,
    she played a left-handed acoustic, but was right handed!
    She learned on a leftie, because it was her sisters guitar

    When I started playing bass, I did try a couple of lefty basses, but they didn't seem comfortable
    So I just bought my self a right-handed version

    I was just wondering whether there are any other bassists out there doing the same
    and just how unusual this practice is??

    As to thoughts on why myself & these other individuals play this way...
    .... answers on a postcard please ;)


  11. [quote name='ubassman' timestamp='1378910822' post='2206394']
    Im impressed that the new addition will have its own room ...how did you manage to get that past SWMBO ? ...you are clear an expert on that front ! ...way above my level so heres a :hi: to you !

    Well, it'll have to share the room with plenty of SWMBO's odds & ends
    - and there's a fair few of them, I can assure you ;)
    I'll just have to point out to any guests using the room, that my courtesy doesn't extend to them using the bass! :lol:

    And Sarah, I wouldn't want to wish my dancing on anyone else!

  12. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1378907950' post='2206341']
    Congrats mate :)

    Chuck a review up when it arrives!!

    Yes stubass, let us know how you get on with it :)

    I bought an Ampeg portaflex s/h from ebay
    It's a backup head really (long story, don't ask)

    But it's useful for smaller gigs & rehearsals too
    It's a lot like my Markbass 2x10 combo,
    in that used with one 8ohm speaker, you get 300 Watts
    but with a further 8ohm extension cab, you get 500 Watts
    Which is a nice, flexible arrangement, I think

    BTW. The s/h Ampeg head was in brilliant condition
    It looked unused when it arrived - so don't discount buying used gear
    You can get more value for your money...

    Like I say, let us know how you get on with the Hartke -
    I must say, I was put off them when a rehearsal place I used to use, had a faulty combo
    only to be replaced by another faulty combo....


  13. [quote name='ChrisF' timestamp='1378900214' post='2206203']
    What with being unemployed and my osteo-arthritis getting steadily worse..... she knows its the only thing keeping me sane-ish ;) :lol:

    so.. have you got the UB bug yet ?? ....once it bites there is no going back :)

    Sorry to hear of those problems Chris
    Anything to keep me remotely sane would be welcome ;)

    I've got the bug - there's no cure, but I don't want to be cured

    I am finding it more tricky than anticipated - more so than my EUB...
    I think that's much lighter and easier to handle...

    But it's such a lovely sound
    And it just makes the room look so much nicer!

  14. [quote name='ChrisF' timestamp='1378898759' post='2206173']
    This is where I keep mine.... right next to the wife's dressing table in the bedroom.....it was her idea honest :lol:


    How on earth did you manage to implant that idea into her head?
    Some sort of subliminal message, I'm sure ;)

    I wouldn't be able to fit my DB in the bedroom, not without having to move heaps of clothes, shoes, makeup, face creams etc!

    EDIT: None of them mine, I hasten to add

  15. They really are superb basses
    A real bargain of a bass for that money IMO

    I'm a big fan of Ibanez
    I used to own an old Japanese built Roadster and that was great
    I now own several basses, but the soundgear SR500 is my firm fave
    One of my other basses is an Ibanez electro-acoustic and that's loverly too - and just over £200 was a bargain!

    Well done on your purchase - lucky you :)

  16. [quote name='ubassman' timestamp='1378891895' post='2206024']
    ....don't know of any stand that does that ! I am sure if they do exist that someone here will post ...but it would be better to not rely on a stand anyway !

    I know - it's best to play it "properly"
    But it's in the lounge, where the phone always seems to ring when I'm in the middle of playing....
    I'll get shouted at for not answering the phone ;)
    And I don't want to have to hurriedly put the bass to one side

    I also liked the idea of that type of stand - just while I improve my left hand techniques
    And the bass is such a beauty I'm almost being over-cautious with her
    I've seen the stands on ebay - but only in the USA
    with all the importing / time / tax issues that brings with it....

    Re its' position, I'll be keeping the curtain mostly closed so it doesn't sit in direct sunlight
    I'm sorting out the spare room, and eventually it'll reside there :)

    Cheers again

    EDIT: This is the stand I've seen on ebay

    Also urbassman, I think SWMBO may have something to say if I kept the bass right by the bed!
    I may even get an ultimatum....... which I'd have to think about ;) lol

  17. [quote name='Cat' timestamp='1378737115' post='2203932']
    Hiya, Phill.

    I'm one of the few here [b]not [/b]from South Wales! Although my grandmother was, so I suppose that gives me an in. ;)

    Hi Cat, of course it gives you an "in" but you'll still have to pay the extortionate Severn Bridge Toll when you visit! ;) lol


  18. [quote name='ubassman' timestamp='1378830144' post='2205264']
    ...Marc are you going to post some pics ? ( ..tis the done thing with a new baby in the house ) !

    Better fix that one then!
    I've taken a look at a few stands, and actually I'd like something that allows me to play the bass while it's on the stand too.....
    A big ask, I know, but does the Hercules stand allow this?

    Anyhow, here she is :)

    Cheers again all

    EDIT: As you say ChrisF - those pickups are cheap enough to experiment with....
    And maybe a future back-up too...
    Let me know what you find re the damping of the click sounds

  19. [quote name='sarah thomas' timestamp='1378828342' post='2205218']
    I'm glad she's going to be played and enjoyed. It was a pleasure meeting Marc and I couldn't have wished for a finer new custodian for the old girl.

    Thank you so much Sarah
    Nice to meet a fellow South Wales based double bass player too
    I'm glad you decided to let me take her off your hands
    Indeed, she is being played and much appreciated :)

    Now for some strings more suited to my style of playing
    I think I'm going to opt for Innovation Silver slaps

    .... and must start thinking of reasonably priced pickups too
    I've seen some dual pickups on ebay
    which consist of a bridge pickup and a slap pickup, fitted behind the fingerboard...

    Oh, and I need a stand.... and a carrying case....
    But I'm broke! ;) lol


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