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Posts posted by MOSCOWBASS

  1. I've had my d350 for about 18 months. It is very good and is no slouch in terms of volume and is so light and porrable. Ive used it for most gigs, the other choice being my d800. The build quality is top notch, better than any other ive seen. I got mine by chance from America, I paid 780 uk pounds including all taxes. I'm aware that's expensive, but it is very good.

    I have ordered wd800, its now 1300 uk pounds, I think it was previously 1100 uk pounds before the covid sales ban, so that's not an unreasonable price rise.

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, agedhorse said:

    The D-350 is $800 here in the states, so it’s in reality less expensive in the EU when just the exchange rate and VAT are accounted for. 

    The wd800 is about 35% more expensive than Sweetwiter over here.

    The d350 is about 43% more expensive than Sweetwiter over here.

  3. One if the venues I play with a big band has a backline. Recent new bass amp is an Ampeg V4B reissue and 212 cab. Its a really nice amp I enjoy using, I would have one if it wasn't so heavy compared to my Mesa D800, but it is still a joy to use. Wish I'd found a V4B back in the 70s/80s when I was using other amps of the day.

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  4. I play bass guitar in a big band. Ive done the Barefaced thing, they are good, but I now use GR Bass aerotec cabs, they are even lighter and sound is brilliant. I use a 2x10..600watts mostly with the big band. I use either Mesa d800 or d350 amp. I also have a Grbass 112H cab. Ive used both cabs with the big band once in a large venue.

    Really worth taking a look at these cabs. I haven't used gr amps so can't comment on them.


  5. I use GR bass 2x10 and 112H for bass guitar. Our keyboard player just bought a 112H 350 watt powered cab on the back of trying my speakers and comparing others on the market. He is very happy with it. 

    • Like 3
  6. The powered GR cabs are available to order. Our keyboard player had just got one on the back of trying my GR bass cabs. He has a 112H 350 watt and is very pleased with it. I've plugged my bass into it without a preamp...just straight in to try it and it sounds great.


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  7. 12 hours ago, ukbassboy said:

    Cheers, I thought I had read all 15 pages of this thread (genuinely!) and remember reading the bit about the one10s but clearly missed the reference to the BB2! Thanks for the steer. 

    Edit: although having said that, that comparison sounds like the 112 rather than the 112H+. Presume the more powerful woofer just equates to more output rather than different sound though? 

    It's a 450 watt 112H, now known as a 112H+

    • Like 1
  8. 15 hours ago, Oomo said:

    Thanks for all the suggestions so far. Both the Barefaced 1x10 and the GR Bass Aero 1x10 look like they have the right combination of sound/volume/portability.


    Will do some more research on each of those... So far the GR seems to be lighter, but the BF seems to get more positive reviews from people, but that's just what I found after ~5mins of googling :)

    I owned 2 x BF 110s. I liked them, but found their limitations on a rare loud gig. I was going to buy a third BF 110, but decided to try a GR Bass aero 210. I idea was to combine the BFs and the GR to have 4 x 10s for loud gigs. The GR is a 4 ohm cab, so matched impedance with 2 x 8 ohm BFs to give 2 ohm load from my Mesa D800. The GR 210 was much more sensitive and buried the 2 BF cabs. It also went much louder before B string breakup. This is my experience of the GR 10s.

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  9.  I have had 2 of these in the UK. Amps both work fine with my active basses, but with passive bass or my active basses switched to passive, there is a "Hum" when the guitar volume control is backed off from full. Mesa say they couldn't recreate the problem with the first amp when it was sent back to them. The USA store say they did have the problem on the amp when it was sent back to them, and they sent it back to Mesa. The store tested a second amp which was fine, but when I tried that in the UK, it had the same "Hum" problem as the original.
    I have to say apart from the "Hum" issue, the amp is great and because I don't use passive mode on my basses, it has become my first call amp...D800 is now spare and or used for louder gigs.
    All cables/mains checked.....the Hum issue doesn't happen with my D800 or D800+ di.
    D800+ di fed to the aux in on the D350 is also fine, suggesting a D350 input/preamp problem.

    Hum happens with my 3 Sadowsky's in passive mode. Also my Xotic jazz bass. Also happens with other basses I've tried..Fender Jazz Bass, Maruszczyk Jake PJ and a Gibson jazz guitar.

    Anybody else using one of these in Europe 230V/50hz?

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