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Posts posted by timmo

  1. My first Bass was from Ebay. A Warwick Fortress Rockbass. Luckily I liked the sound and tone. However I bought right hand, but need left hand. I have never been to a shop to try out basses, but I want to try some out before buying. I know the budget and sticking to it is important. I am at the mercy of the shop assistant as I can play scales and arpeggios, but can`t play any music as such.
    Has anyone been to Bass Direct as that is where I am going? I have looked at all the left handed basses they have in stock, and read reviews and watched clips, so I sort of know roughly what to expect

  2. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1377702467' post='2190568']
    It means you liked it, and that's all that matters.
    [/quote] To be honest, anyone that can play a nice bass well I like. As I had no idea what it really meant, I will look at some youtube clips of different basses to compare, and see if I can tell any difference. Thanks for the replies.

  3. [quote name='Ziphoblat' timestamp='1377693541' post='2190430']
    Single cut basses. Vile.
    What is a single cut bass. Are they all the ones where the slab of wood comes half way down the top of the neck, or is there something else that defines them as well? Some of them do look awful made worse by having a cut out that looks like a handle.. Strangely I am drawn to it though

  4. Ok thanks. I have never seen a Clover, but they sounded good on youtube clips. Either they are not very popular, or good, no one parts with them, because they don`t seem to come up on the second hand market. I am going to the shop on Thursday. so maybe get an idea of which is better when I hear them. Also give me a chance to see a couple of 5 strings to try. There is a nice looking Mayones there

  5. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1377537876' post='2188616']
    I like the Clover, obviously I'd want it the right way up and with the correct number of strings but other than that, I like it :)
    [/quote]I was thinking more of if they are going to be any good rather than the asthetics <_< Has anyone got them and can recommend them as I might be tempted to have a look as it is 50 miles away from me

  6. Anybody got some opinions on these. The Roscoe is well out of my price range unfortunately




  7. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1377464856' post='2187920']
    Have you looked in the 'Basses for Sale ' forum? There's a dedicated Lefty thread. Depends what your budget is of course. but you may find something in there.
    [/quote] Yes I have looked thanks. There are some nice basses, but a bit out of my price range at the moment. Currently I have one bass at home, and one at work, but they are right handed. I wanted to try a cheap left hand one first, then get a better one later on if I am getting on better with a left handed one

  8. I am thinking of getting a left hand bass. Anyone any thoughts on this as a beginners bass please? [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/130974101695?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/130974101695?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649[/url]

  9. I am just looking at ways to get there . At the moment. I am working the Friday night. I don`t get bookable holidays. they are all assigned for me. The only way is too get a swap. If I can`t, I finish at 7am Saturday morning. I can get a train , at 8.15 and arrive at Addelstone at 11. I don`t mind getting a taxi, and get a return at 5.10pm. I really would like to go as I am learning and think I would learn a great deal from all of you nice people. I still need a day pass from the wife, but just wanted to know how I could get there before I have to get one. So Addlestone and taxi so far seems the easiest for me. I won`t have any gear as the only things I have is a Warwick Rockbass Fortress and a battered Pro Aria 2, with an 50 watt EC10 Eden amp. Latest model just released this year though

  10. Weirdly I saw a piece on the BBC website about how Marianne Faithful had to cancel her tour. I looked her up on Youtube as I had only heard As Tears Go By. Anyway, on the same page was Spooky Tooth. I have heard of them, but not really listened to them. I have been listening to the full album of The Mirror by them, and quite liked it. [url="http://youtu.be/XIHfhrPLr5s"]http://youtu.be/XIHfhrPLr5s[/url]

  11. I have been trying to learn to play the bass for a while now. I just don`t think I will make it as I have arthiritis in my left pinky, and it is fairly crooked. I know I won`t be able to stretch it enough to cover 4 frets. Anyway, I was thinking perhaps I should try left handed as my right hand isn`t too bad and will stretch a lot better. Has anyone tried to switch from right to left, and if so, was it like learning to play all over again?

  12. [quote name='mart' timestamp='1376070146' post='2169397']
    There are several different lines of Rockbag, with different pricetags, ranging from around £15 upto around £70 depending on size. You've probably got one of the cheaper ones with quite thin lining. The only Starbass-sized one is from their top-of-the-range line, so is likely to be a good deal better (though there are probably still better ones out there).
    Yeah that is correct. I did state that it cost me £15. Student Line they call it. It is thin material.

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