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Phil Adams

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Posts posted by Phil Adams

  1. Great thread Hammy.
    Certainly let you ears let you decide what to buy, cheap or expensive. I just wonder if the name on the headstock affects some peoples hearing a tad.
    Personally I love a bargain and I want another 4 string, but rather concerned that I might end up with a cheap wrong 'un. Maybe comfort is more important than tone - tone you can alter with amps and pedals, comfort you can't.

  2. I'd admit to being a bit of a Tull fan. Seen them twice on I think it was the JT.com tour. Mr Anderson was very active on stage then even if his voice was going. Life's a long song is among my top 10 all time fave raves, a beautiful song.
    Living in the Past was given to me by my girlfriend for my birthday in 1969.
    Living in the Past was reissued in the mid 70's and was a hit again. I remember seeing Anderson, possibly without a band, miming to the record on a saturday afternoon pop show what was introduced by some camp producer stylee presenter who's catchphrase was "cue this" or "cue that".
    Anderson gave it the whole routine, one leg, popeye etc etc and when it came to the instrumental produced a pint of beer from somewhere and proceeded to drink. Towards the end of the instrumental, you think, he's going to put the beer down soon. He didn't but on his cue (to mime) opened his mouth and all the beer spewed out. I.A. at his awful best.
    Happy days.

  3. Interesting question and I'm also interested in the answers being in a similar place coincidentally with a Japan P bass.
    I'm looking for a used SR300 which people seem to rate (especially our Space Chick). There must be some right dodgy stuff in that price bracket, but hopefully the odd gem.

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