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Everything posted by DanOwens

  1. Which amp did you go for? If I could find a tiny power amp it'd be enough.
  2. I've got an A35 I got out of storage a while back but I recently sent it to an amp tech. He said the fault is in the power amp section (consistent with the fact I get a tiny headphone signal from the effects out). What should I do? If the problem is in the power section then I've got a working preamp and nice speaker. Can I just get a little power amp from somewhere? It'd have to be tiny! Or do I just try and sell the speaker? I'm not keen to sink the £150 or so into a valve amp kit but my father-in-law has experience with audio building. Your help is appreciated!!
  3. I suppose you could transition to tremolo quickly but no legato!
  4. I spent my youth as a classical upright player and I'm currently planning my move from NS CR4M (with Helicores) to a Thomann 2W TN. I've been practicing with a Manouche quartet and I'm interested in adding a bit of slap to the set (Dubouchet-style) but since we're hopefully be busking unamped I have to consider the balance between volume and ease of slapping. What would everyone's string recommendations be to be loud, considering I'll be playing mostly pizz with some slap? Thanks!
  5. Bump for new, unbelievable £300 price. My fiancee needs some expensive makeup brushes for Christmas!
  6. Sold pending payment for £100 plus postage. Making an offer is always a good idea!
  7. ebay this weekend if there's no takers. It is niche gear but my goodness it is AMAZING!
  8. Thanks, man. Been a while since I was active here so not changed much. Also: lots of interest but no takers. It'll be ebay this weekend if I've not got a buyer
  9. Ebay this weekend if there's no takers. Make me an offer and I'll post it to you
  10. Actually it's just the bridge as its currently wired but the JB1 does allow for an easy coil tap if you've got 10 minutes and a soldering iron or know a guy. There's some great accessories available including some predrilled and (I think) prewired plates (available at the above forum link). There was an assortment of pickguards at Guitar Fetish but I've not been recently so I don't know if that's still the case. Dan
  11. The problem is this has an in-built drum machine (not too shabby either) and a headphone out; this means it's practical and ridiculous fun without having to set up your amp. I loved this pedal for a long time and loved lending it my guitarists in the studio for cool rhythmic layering. GAS indeed!! Dan
  12. Each preset is on one chord. You can change it with a MIDI note input, but otherwise it's only set to one chord, so by scrolling through presets you can change it or by connecting your keyboard player to it you can. It doesn't detect pitch though. You would have to buy my pitch-to-midi convertor too to do that
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