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Posts posted by Gypsyfolk

  1. 22 hours ago, bassist_lewis said:


    I've gigged the PF-50T a couple of times but it's only 50 watts and it just can't keep up with a band and stay clean. Live I use a Mesa D800.

    It's either more bass or less upper mids. Alex has said that their cones take a while to break in so we'll see how it sounds in a few weeks.



    Do you think the 50t will have enough clean headroom with the 310? I guess it all depends on your drummer!

  2. When I was selling an Orange ad200 a guy tried it out with his cab (BF supertwin). I couldn’t believe how bad it made my amp sound. Probably just needed somebody who knew how to eq. But I could not get a bad sound from that amp using my MB Classic 410 or a couple of Aguilar db112. I think the BF 10’ drivers are supposed to be more ‘coloured’

  3. Thanks guys, you were spot on. I'd forgotten that I'd replaced one of the drivers and I hadn't used both together since. I flipped the wires around and all is well in the world again! The aguilar driver that I took out was making a bit of a buzz sound although I cannot see any physical damage. Does anyone recone them? 

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  4. I have for years been using a genz benz streamliner 600 as my main gigging amp. It has been trouble free and sounds great with an aguilar db112. Almost all the time I find one cab enough, I last played with 2 cabs about 6 months ago. Yesterday I was trying some things out at home and I noticed whilst the amp sounded fat and wonderful with 1 cab (running 8ohm) when I connected 2 cabs (running 4ohms) it sounded thin and horrible. Each cab individually sounded great and I'm sure 6 months ago running 2 cabs was glorious. Any ideas? I tested the leads, not them.

  5. Some valid points of view. I think they are known amongst the guitar community. Just wondered what they actually sounded like. My usual amp is a streamliner which is probably pretty similar, just a lot less £

  6. On 12/05/2023 at 10:45, thodrik said:

    I am probably in the minority but my interest in old school bass amps from the 1970s through to the mid 2000s outweighs my interest in bass guitars. I am always far more likely to buy an amp or a cab than I am a bass guitar. 

    My main interest areas are generally either heavy rock or old school blues where artists are generally sticking to the traditional amplification routes. 

    Yes, with modern technology there is the ability to gig with in-ears and if I was gigging in a group that required me to use them then I definitely would and definitely would if I was in an international touring act, but I'm not. I am also aware that in a gigging scenario my amp is essentially just a personal monitor and the FOH is receiving a different signal altogether. However, in most scenarios I still prefer that to having in ears or using a EQ/DI pedal and using a wedge monitor. 

    At this point I play music for pleasure and it brings me more pleasure to use an actual amp than in ears or amp modulations of the amps I already own. As a result I will generally use one unless requested otherwise. When I am paid for a gig though I generally do whatever is asked of me without fuss.

    For context I am 36 and still able to lift stuff and my hearing is still good, my answer in 20 years time might well be fairly different! 


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