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Posts posted by cd_david

  1. [quote name='Clarky' post='250386' date='Jul 29 2008, 12:47 PM']Bruce Foxton was wearing a Jetglo with black scratchplate on the cover of Bass Guitar Magazine a few months back![/quote]
    Knew id seen one before, Model 4003S/SPC Blackstar from ric forum

  2. [quote name='Bigwan' post='249547' date='Jul 28 2008, 01:18 PM']Not a bad find that...

    I bought an '83 Wal Custom for 500-nicker a few years ago. That was a pretty good find too...[/quote]

    I got an 84 custom for 290 was up for 320 and i had the cheek to knock him down, I feel ashamed! :)

    But that is deffinatley a bargain, very similar to my 85 4003s, only difference i can see is the stereo/mono socket and 2 piece pickgaurd on mine, Well done and hope you enjoy it but if you dont please bare in mind i will always offer you what you paid for it mate :huh:

  3. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='244320' date='Jul 21 2008, 11:03 AM']I've got a 2 pup Wal on appro at the moment[/quote]

    You got a Wal? you going all geddy?

  4. [quote name='Rasta' post='243200' date='Jul 19 2008, 08:19 AM']How much you looking for? Is there anyway this can be wired to create 8 ohms (My old Eden head min load for 800watts is 8 ohms, doesn't take 4)....am after an 8 ohm 8x10[/quote]

    It has 2 separate inputs for the 2 4x10s both are 8 ohm loads, it offers the option of wiring in between cabs so you can run it at 4 ohms or 2 separate 8 ohms.

    I havent thought about price i was after swapping for a 610 before a sale,
    Hope this helps?


  5. Hello
    Feeler at the minute
    PR-810H Dual Bass Cabinet for sale but i would ideally prefer a swap for an ampeg 610.
    This is the BIG ampeg 2400 watt peak cab, see spec sheet attachment.
    Havent thought of price yet?
    Selling due to new estate car not as big as the last one, bugger should take tape measure when i buy a new car! :)

  6. [quote name='99ster' post='114147' date='Jan 5 2008, 05:42 PM']And I now wouldn't really recommend anything after 1974 if you're looking for a truly great 70's Fender.[/quote]

    Aren't we getting away from the fact that fenders are a MACHINED body and neck held together with either 3 or 4 screws? Its not alchemy. The only variations are wood, Which being a natural substance varies greatly even within species. Fender are timber engineers who source wood for ease of supply and cost.
    I own a 75 Jazz and a 78 Precision both of which are stunning instruments, yes I'm sure there are QC issues in some instruments in that decade but I've played dreadful Fenders in the last 10 years that wouldn't even deserve a squire decal. I would after years of exposure and experience with fenders would expect that if the neck and truss rod are in one piece, each bass has the potential to sound and play great.

  7. Hi again,
    There seems to be a lot of discussion happening regarding electronics and sorting out of tones. IMHO the electronics should not really effect your sound. The bass construction and choice of woods should create the sound and the electronics should only fine tune or further tailor the sound to your tastes. I would definitely advise against buying a bass and expecting the EQ to sort out the tone. Chris at Overwater will put any combination of circuit and pickups you want in a bass so you could have the circuit of your dreams but Overwaters sound like overwaters, they will never sound like a Wal or a Status and thats why you should buy one, if you want a Wal or Status sound buy one of them.
    But do some personal research go and play some and try out different scale lengths as that makes a hugh difference to the sound. As mentioned earlier all my Bs are 36' and have a clear fundamental and not clouded by harmonics and over aggresive EQ, but thats the sound I like.
    MMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Overwater! :)
    Dave (honestly not on commission)

  8. Hi
    I have had a couple of 5vs a 6 and 4 fours, The 4s are 34" and the 5vs and 6 are all 36", The B strings sound unbelievably defined. All the basses sound different due to the woods used but i think the through neck helps the bass enormously. They have the overwater humbuckers and circuit which is the old vol, pan, tone tone. I haven't heard a B string sound as bassy or as clear on another bass I've tried, I am an Overwater nut though so take that as my opinion although other people always compliment them. The basses themselves overall have the same character, Very clear and solid cutting tone. Plenty of headroom and the necks play themselves. I prefer the 4s now but have gigged both the 5vs and the 6 extensively and have never had a complaint and as you've already heard the build quality is second to none. I cant recommend them enough, If i had the money i would own more.
    Hope this helps

  9. [quote name='ped' post='230444' date='Jul 1 2008, 12:17 PM']I met an ex Take That bass player in Minster Lovell who was playing a pub and he had an identical bass.[/quote]

    Minster Lovell??small world i go there alot its my favorite place, would love to live there ^_^

  10. [quote name='paul, the' post='224101' date='Jun 22 2008, 12:47 PM']I will sleep better if you can find anything you don't like about this deal.[/quote]

    Its good to have the bass back, I had it built 14 years ago, sold it and regreted it ever since, its been passed around bassist all over the country and then Doug the star that he is, sells me it back for a good price, Hes happy im WELL happy so unfortunalty its a sleepless night for you :) LOL

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