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Posts posted by xgsjx

  1. 7 minutes ago, lemmywinks said:


    Is that the one you stripped the finish off years ago?




    It is indeed. Well remembered. 😎
    Could do with a rub down & waxed again. Hopefully after we move house I’ll have plenty time. 

    Wow, just found the thread. That was 12 years ago!!!!


    • Like 1
  2. Bought an Aguilar OBP2 & PJ set from @cetera & fitted them last night/this morning. A good upgrade from the IBZ C4 pickups (as good as they are too). 
    The amount of low end it is now able to produce is phenomenal!  Should be able to go well with my synth bass stuff. 



    • Like 7
  3. 16 hours ago, bass_dinger said:

    General issues.


    ○ We have a rota supposedly showing attendance 3 months in advance, maintenened by the Worship Leader.  It is  regularly allowed to run out, leaving the team to ask on Friday whether they are playing on Sunday. 

    ○ The rota should include one person from the church choir. The WL regularly forgets to invite someone or they can't make it and tell him- but he forgets to invite a replacement.

    ○ We did a Worship Central course but the last one clashed with the August summer break. He never rescheduled it.

    ○ The song chord charts are often late, or never sent. Apparently I am the only one who asks for them

    ○ A guitarist plays from memory, while the rest of us use the chord charts.  Occasionally the guitarist will play differently to the rest of the band but won't tell us that he is doing his own thing.

    ○ 3 ½ years ago, I was told that I would be on the rota for guitar.  A year ago, I gave up waiting for it to happen. 

    ○ the WL said that new singers would be given 3 rehearsals before they were allowed in a service. It never happened.

    ○ I have frequently mentioned these issues, but they are not dealt with. I have concluded that it does  not matter to them.



    ○ The guitarist for that rehearsal played something that other than what written.  "What are you playing for the bit that says C G C?" ",oh I am not playing that" (,(but did not say what he was playing).

    ○ The WL was the drummer, and was speeding up. I told him so - and he said that he knew, and carried on.

    ○ The WLs wife sang, and one phrase was so off key that I stopped, and asked the WL what had happened (I thought that I was in the wrong key). He said that it was "a bit pitchy ".

    ○ When I asked for clarification and guidance, they carried on playing. 

    ○ When I packed up (which took about 3 minutes) they carried on playing. They did not stop to ask what the issue was.

    ○ Over the next day, I got two WhatsApp messages saying not to turn up for the band .


    I have been asked to meet up with the leaders.


    So lots of general issues, that make me wonder how supportive the band is, and if I want to be part of it. Indeed, if I have the ability to play with elastic drummers, fretless singers, and guitarists who go off piste in the songs. 


    Walking out was not my finest moment, but I am not impressed with them either. 


    Right now I am off to visit my dad, in a Covid ward where he is on oxygen. Somehow, that feels worse his mild stroke and heart attack that hospitalised him on Christmas eve,  and his next hospital visit on new year's eve. 


    My feeling is that I just wanted to play in the band, and not have to deal with the hassle of the band.


    This is sadly very relatable. 
    Since quitting the band & not having set foot in church since, there’s only been 2 communications to me, both WhatsApp messages before Xmas from 2 WLs pretty much trying to find out if I can play. I didn’t respond. 
    No one’s bothered to find out how me or the Mrs is. They only want us when we can be of benefit. 

    They talk a good game on stage, but off stage they seem to forget it all, become wee cliches & lack the basics like compassion, care, community, inclusion & so on. 

    • Sad 4
  4. 15 hours ago, LeftyP said:

    Did you not think to keep in touch with them?  I've known people who have left church or clubs and complained that no-one kept in touch, but it is a two-way street.  I don't know why or how you withdrew from the team, but people can feel awkward in those situations.  Don't expect everyone to run around after you if you show no signs of keeping in touch with them.  I hope the situation resolves itself and you can mend bridges, but it will take effort on your part too.

    Yes, I did try to keep in touch, but many of the messages I sent to the team chat went unanswered. 
    I’ve not left on bad terms. I told them I needed to step back to get the house renovated (which itself is true), but I’ve also had enough of the nonsense. 

    The Mrs has been largely ignored & they only ever contact her when they want something done, never to ask how she’s keeping. 

    Anyhoo, I’m not gonna derail the thread & don’t want to get it locked, so keep up the Lord’s work & be blessed. 

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  5. That's my days of playing in a CCW team done.


    I told the WL that I was stepping back a couple of months ago, but remained in the Team chat.  I've not been to church since, & during that time no one from the church has been in touch to see how I'm doing (One person got in touch to ask how the renovations are going, but that's only because we're both bassists & regularly talk.  We didn't talk about church at all).

    So last week, I decided to leave the worship team's WhatsApp group.  4 days later the pastor's eldest daughter (who was the WL until about 4 months ago) got in touch and just said "Hi, hope you're okay.  Saw you came out of the team chat.  You're missed this season & hope it's just temporary".

    It leaves me feeling only valued for my bass playing & not actually valued as a person.


    So on that, I think I'm done with organised religion.  I do still believe in God, just not this cliquey false compassionate organisation that claim to represent God.

    • Like 3
    • Sad 4
  6. Got mine finished & it's went a very different direction from what I thought it would.


    Starts off with a heavily processed hi hat to make the swooshing portal loop sound.  Guitar part is me on bass playing up the dusty end.  The rest is a mix of NI Komplete & Roli Equator2.


    Just got some unexpected time, so I've added the horn solo that I wanted.  Played it on the Roli Rise.





    • Like 5
  7. 1 hour ago, SumOne said:


    Thanks. There is one in decent looking condition for sale for £140 on Gumtree, I reckon that is about as cheap as I'll be able to find a reasonably decent Bass so am going to go for it.

    You can always upgrade the pickups then the electronics at a later date. 

    • Like 1
  8. 10 hours ago, gjones said:

    Hasn't Perth got a music college? I know a lot of musicians that started off there. I would have thought there would have been a healthy live music scene up there.

    It's got a college that has a music department.

    The music scene from 4 years + ago was meh.  There's the Twa Tams, which is probably the only actual music venue.  The Green Room is advertised as a music venue, but it's been pretty dead whenever I went.


    Dundee on the other hand, seems to have a great music scene.

    • Thanks 1
  9. I enjoyed that.  It's a fun song to play & you did a splendid job, very nice playing.


    My only criticism, & it's more of a personal preference, is the 2 note slide chord did nothing for me & I found it distracting.  But apart from that, it grooved nicely.

    I especially liked your take on the 2nd part (The "I don't ask for much" section), with some cool grooves in there.


    Keep up the good work.  "Skate" is a great fun track to play too.  😎

  10. 1 hour ago, Tim2291 said:

    Anyone else really want to write a Jazz Funk Nursery rhyme album using a Fodera now?


    On a totally related note, if anybody wants to donate a Fodera FOC to me I am happy to accept!

    I’d love to, but alas I don’t have a Fodera. So both the album & the donation shall remain in your dreams for now. 

  11. 3 music related companies come to mind that have been above & beyond in their after service.

    Hercules.  I had a stand that was a couple of years old & the plastic bits went sticky, so I emailed to ask if they knew how to remove the sticky residue. They asked for my details & sent me a new stand. 


    Roli.  My Rise25 which was about 3 years old, developed a charging fault & wouldn’t charge over USB. I asked them if they knew how I could fix it or what it would cost. They sent me a returns label (paid for shipping) & fixed it free of charge. 

    Cambridge Audio.  I got a pair of Melomania 1+ earbuds last Xmas. A couple of months ago they wouldn’t turn on & had no lights on them. I emailed them & they tried some diagnostic things over email, but still wouldn’t work. They sent me a returns email & it was collected that morning & the new pair arrived the following morning. 

    I’d happily buy from these companies again. 

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