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Posts posted by julietgreen

  1. [quote name='WalMan' timestamp='1405978913' post='2507277']
    Fear not. The punters sadly know sweet FA in most instances, just what they want to hear that every other band does :( Walked off a month or so after a car wreck of a first set dep (definitely NOT all down to me by a looooooong shot) as was told by most of the crowd how brilliant we were. That was a night I came close to giving up after, even though the second set got slightly better!!

    Very true. I gave up worrying about the punters in my latin jazz days. :D

  2. Re the earplugs: I've got a great pair of 'musicians' earplugs' that work brilliantly [i]when I'm not playing.[/i] In spite of the claim that they don't change the sound quality, just cut it down, I really find it difficult to play with them in. Perhaps I just need to get used to it. :unsure:

  3. Is this a happy ending then?

    My muso circle is a really a set of interlocking circles in which every member is in at least one other band. As part of a horn section, I'm also pimped out to whoever wants a bit of brass (!). We don't care, as long as when a gig is booked and everyone agrees they're available, they don't cancel in favour of another band.

  4. Some good gig advice. I suppose marrying a woman is much easier these days. Not sure what my bloke would make of that, even with the small hands. I think if I'd add something, it would be to remember to check that you've retuned after a drop D! Arg. I like the idea of different colour leads but getting to the front isn't so easy. We all know that one guitarist takes up half the available space.

  5. Even as a mediocre sax player, there are lots of useful tips and tricks on playing reeds I've picked up over the last twenty years or so. But I'm pretty new to the world of bass; I'm sure some of you veterans (and others) have some great tips for bass playing. Care to share?

  6. [url="https://www.hilltopfarmshop.com/fillthehill/"]https://www.hilltopfarmshop.com/fillthehill/[/url]

    Note - my band, Semillon is playing - not our tribute band 'Semillion'! Sigh...

    Lots of other good stuff too.

  7. I play bass in a band where at least 3 of the other musicians would probably be more skilled at it than I am, but they're playing drums, guitars or keyboards. I have sometimes had those crises of confidence and wonder how I can keep fooling people into thinking I'm 'the bass player', but I took it up for fun, and occasionally the punters (yeah, ok, what do they know?) come up to me after a gig and compliment me, so I know I'm fooling some of the people some of the time...

    Oh yeah, and I bought myself some rock cuffs. That's helped! :lol:

  8. Hi there. Also a fellow sax player here, also having a lot of fun on the bass. I was asked recently (by a percussionist) if playing the saxophone was difficult. Of course it's bloody difficult - it takes years of practice to make it sound passable as an instrument! A bass sounds pretty ok, the first time you pick it up - but then the work really starts!

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