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Posts posted by julietgreen

  1. This happened to me at the gig last night. Right in the middle of bloody 'Livin' On a Prayer' and first my left hand threatens to cramp up and then my right hand goes into a full on lock with my index finger clamped against my palm! Ouch! I kind of carried on, with the other fingers of my right hand, but not without dropping a couple of bars in the middle. :( I wonder if it's because I'm leaning my right hand on the edge of the bass and cutting off the blood supply/pressing on the tendons. That wouldn't explain the left hand though. Clearly I need to sort it out, and possibly improve my picking so that I have it as a standby.

    Any more thoughts?

  2. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1407504141' post='2521247']
    you could do the 100-150cm as the standard offering but also potentially offer one in 70-100cm for those who like to pick their nose with their bass?

    or for skinny waifs?

  3. I'm another one who started finger style and never learned pick. I gave it a go with a pick today and I was a bit crap. I found it difficult to believe that it's easier to play fast etc. I reckon I'll stick to fingers for now, but attempt to learn pick for when it's needed tonally.

  4. I've been most impressed so far with guitar tab player app (does bass and all the other instruments too). Of course like all TABs you've got to take it with a pinch of salt, but the ones I've used so far have been ok with some tweaking for better fingering. Notes and tabs are juxtaposed and it plays at different speeds and pitches. All for free. Just as a test, I tried searching for some latin jazz stuff and amazingly the TAB was available.

  5. I used to go to jazz gigs locally, with a mate of mine. Sometimes there'd be fewer than 10 people at a gig, and one of them would be the press. The musos never let it get to them, but then perhaps it's just that jazz is a self-obsessed kind of music. I also went to a Alan Price gig at the Hull music festival - I think there were about 20 punters there in the basement floor of a shopping mall. The place was covered in white tiles and Alan Price said something like 'thank you for inviting me to play in your toilet,' but then proceeded with his ace band, to give a performance as if we were 20 000 of us in a stadium.

  6. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1406629402' post='2513120']
    I went and had a listen to "Slither" as I'd not heard it before...

    If I was going to play something like that in drop D I'd want a nice taught low D string to do it, not some down-tuned E string flopping about.

    If I was writing a song like that either I'd play the part on the higher D and use an octave/pitch shifter to add some heft or I'd come up with something completely different on the bass to go under the guitar parts. A riff like that needs definition IMO and if all the definition is coming from the guitars then the bass can get away with playing a different line.

    Well it's Duff's bassline and he should know:

  7. I've compiled a playlist of the numbers included in the Bass TAB White Pages. It's an interesting and eclectic mix - particularly when numbers are juxtaposed alphabetically! Goes up to about Y 2000, I think. Anyway, thought some of you might want to flick through it. If you do, why not post which tracks you lingered on for longer than the others.

  8. I'm kind of with the OP on this one. Maybe it's different if you choose the charity yourself, but I've noticed that frequently when we do freebies, we're not treated very well. When they pay a couple of grand for the band, it makes them value it a bit more.

  9. I have to keep one bass in drop bl**dy C for QOTSA, 'no one knows', innit. I try to adapt the drop Ds if I can (mountains,for example), but others just need it, like the aforementioned Slither. Have also been caught out when not paying attention. Foot pedal tuner has been a life saver.

  10. [quote name='allighatt0r' timestamp='1406195334' post='2509158']
    I now live with my drummer (I'm his lodger, it's great!) so i think i am the top trumper of drummer lock-ins (we lock the doors every night!)

    I live with my drummer too. :rolleyes:

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