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Posts posted by julietgreen

  1. [quote name='bigjohn' timestamp='1439761311' post='2845617'] If the venue want to pay in beer, that's fair enough, that's their prerogative. As is yours to take the gig or not. It's also yours and their to negotiate. What's the problem? [/quote]

    The problem is that I'm not a soloist. I'm in a band, so it's a collective decision. If the other members of the band want to accept the gig, it puts me in an awkward position and potential conflict with the band, which I don't want.

  2. We've been offered a NYE gig at what I would consider an unreasonably low fee. It's difficult to explain to the band that it's not good on principle to accept less and less for gigs, not through over-inflated ego, but because it denigrates the whole business and gives people the impression that musicians don't need to get paid much. I know this is an old argument, but what bugs me further, is that we're often given the bonus of '...and free drinks.' For the heavy drinkers in the band, this could amount to an extra £30 - £40 quid's worth, each. For the non-drinkers, it's worthless. Saying anything makes me feel churlish.


  3. [quote name='adamg67' timestamp='1436191619' post='2815765']
    Obviously you need to get it checked out properly, but if it is focal dystonia, you might want to check this out: [url="http://www.scottsbasslessons.com/odds-and-sods/the-gloves"]http://www.scottsbas...sods/the-gloves[/url] - if Scott can play like he does with focal dystonia, there might be no need to panic.

    I can't speak for the man himself but if you got in touch with Scott he might have some advice on working out what it is.

    Yeah - I'll definitely get it checked out if it happens again. I'm going to go back to my De Armond for now and see if that helps. I've been playing a different bass recently and it's not quite as comfortable as the Pilot, which is a long-scale and a dream to play. I changed because I wanted a passive bass and to try a shorter scale. I'm hoping it's regular cramp, but the symptoms are pretty clear and the triggers were all there: stress, trying to overreach myself, a change in instrument, increase in playing/complexity/speed. :(

  4. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1436113371' post='2815058']
    My advice would be to... [u]be sure[/u]... by a visit to a medical expert. It is not
    recommended that you use the Internet to diagnose medical problems.

    Hope you get it sorted. :)


  5. This happened to me again at my gig on Friday night - in the same number. I think I had taken every precaution and piece of advice offered - so thanks for all of those. However, I suspect what is going on is actually [url="http://dystonia.org.uk/index.php/about-dystonia/types-of-dystonia/focal-hand-dystonia"]focal dystonia[/url]. It describes the symptoms pretty well. The fingers 'lock' and won't do what I want them to do, but there's no real pain associated with it. It's to do with the mapping of the fingers in the brain. It's a bit of a bummer, if it is, because it may well put paid to my playing. :mellow:

  6. As a less than confident player myself, I really welcome proper band criticism. I hate the feeling that I might be making a fool of myself. If anyone in the band plays something obviously wrong and doesn't seem to notice, then someone else will say something like, 'something was wrong in that bit, can we just have a listen?' We don't improvise solos in our band, but I'm sure your guitarist would appreciate you saying, 'what chords were you playing in that solo? Something didn't sound right', and maybe even giving him some pointers as to what to play that would easily fit.

  7. I did reach a point where I swore and put the bass back in the bag, messaging my band that they were going to have to get a 'better bass player'. Very girly of me, yes! Anyway, we still had a go at the last rehearsal and apparently it wasn't that bad - so it's just as well I spent some time plugging away.

  8. I was rushing to get to a wedding gig and had to walk the dog (no euphemism) quickly before going. I was supposed to be a guest at the wedding and then play in the band later that night. On the way home, the dog spotted a cat and pulled me straight into an iron bar on the 'gate' (keeping bikers out?) across the path. Knocked me out cold. I woke up on the path with a bemused looking dog standing next to me. I staggered home, took some painkillers, went to bed for about an hour and then drove to the gig. I don't think I played any worse than normal.

  9. Replies have been useful and encouraging. Well i get more time to practise in the school holidays, so shall try to nail the actual line before I adapt it. Part of the reason it's buried is that it's in drop c tuning. Can we really distinguish pitch all that well that low? I take the point that it's good to be stretched. Still, it would be nice to have a few new ones that we could knock out without too many hours of learning.

  10. Well I am sticking with it and yeah, I am getting there like you all said. It's just a matter of getting up to speed.

    To answer an earlier question, I haven't mastered the plectrum yet, though I have started trying to use one.

    Funnily enough we have suggested some Rush - the drummer's favourite band - but strangely haven't incorporated any into the set yet!

  11. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1427841360' post='2735063']
    Maybe use audacity or something similar to slow it down a bit to a speed you can play it at then slowly build it up. Play it after a warm up a couple of times then have a break, then play it again slightly faster, do that a couple of times a day & you'll be up to speed in no time.
    It's a similar process that athletes use for speed work, short repetitions of a speed that's just slightly faster than your ability.
    Don't look at it negatively, you've identified an area of your playing that you can improve on so work towards that goal & have fun.
    Yes - in fact I have already done that (as well as put it into drop D instead of drop C as per the singer's request)!

  12. Top responses, folks! Thanks. Of course I agree that I need to keep going till I 'nail' stuff. Sometimes that seems a bit far off. I don't suspect foul play. It's more likely that the choices are indifferent to the demands on the bass player! The latest is 'stricken' by disturbed.

  13. My band is adding to our repertoire again and although I'm slightly peevish - why does it always seem that what I want to play isn't 'quite right' or 'a bit lame' or... well yeah. I'm not that attached, though, so I'm happy to have a go at whatever numbers they want to play, but lately they seem to be picking numbers that are really beyond my playing ability - just too damned fast etc. I'm doing my best, but bass is a late discovery for me.

    Anyone else had that?

    Do I suggest they get a better bassist?

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