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Posts posted by redstriper

  1. [quote name='Major-Minor' post='512651' date='Jun 13 2009, 10:21 AM']That brings back memories - mention of A1 Repairs that is. I used to go into Ann and Grahame's shop regularly in the mid to late 60s. The band i was in could not afford gear from Barratts although we used to go in there and drool over the nice shiny new stuff. A1 was mostly second hand gear. Do you remember when you had to go down through a trap door to view all the stuff in the basement ? The ground floor shop was tiny and packed tightly with gear and there was a musty damp smell down there. I remember buying our first PA system there - Vox I think - and later we upgraded to a WEM. Good ole days!
    Of course they expanded hugely over the years. And then they sold out to one of the big chains (can't remember who) and up until recently when it shut down, it was a Sound Control store.

    As you so rightly say, gear has never been cheaper than now. Having said that, if you want real quality you still have to pay top dollar.

    The Major[/quote]

    I remember Anne was always stood behind the counter in A1 and it was a tiny shop until you squeezed down to the cellar and it was like Alladins cave down there.
    I'll always remember that damp smell and equate it with vintage gear!
    There was a lad down there who helped me a lot in choosing my bass, he was tall with long red hair and always wore yellow dungarees - those were the days!
    Barratts was just too posh for me with the suited salesmen, but I loved walking round their cellar too and just looking at all the shiny Fenders on the walls.
    I never dared ask to try one and soon skuttled back into A1.

    I think a new jazz bass in 1980 was about £250 which was a lot of money then, relative to wages and I don't know if the quality was as good as the earlier ones.
    If I was buying a new one today, I would consider the American Vintage 62 jazz at about £1500 and I would love to try one sometime and compare it to an old one.

    I wonder what the youngsters of today will be saying in 30 years about today's instruments and whether they will lust after a 'vintage' 2009 Fender!

  2. £35 a week was a good wage in 1972 - I was a shop assistant on £12 a week then.
    I bought my first bass in 72 and I remember choosing between 2 - one in Barretts and one in A1 Manchester.
    Barretts was full of new Fenders and the only one I could afford was a music master for £35, but it was at the top of my budget and I went for an old Hofner for £25 from A1 instead.
    It took weeks to pay for at £3.00 a time when I could afford it, (I had to give my mum £3.50 a week for board).
    I immediately stripped all the paint off and varnished it, then I swapped it for a motorbike which I never got running!
    Fast forward to 1979 and I bought a customised 1963 Fender jazz for £150, I still have that one and it's been my only bass ever since.
    It was built buy Lee Osborne in Bolton out of parts and I don't know how much of it is original, but it's one of a kind and feels like another limb.
    I was perfectly happy with it until joining this forum and now I'm thinking of buying a new bass, possibly a precision!
    It's interesting to look back and realise that things are much cheaper relatively nowadays and we have so much more choice (too much IMO).

    Anyway Major, welcome to the forum from a fellow Manc and remember you're only as old as you feel..............

  3. [quote name='The Bass Doc' post='507634' date='Jun 7 2009, 06:31 PM']Anyone out there confirm my recollection that the early imported run of Musicman Stingray basses (circa 1978) were supplied with flats as standard?

    ALSO same recollection on a new (in 1976) Gibson T-bird? - I don't have the bass any more but have just rediscovered a string set put away years ago and indexed 'from Bi-centenial T-bird' - Flats with orange thread wraps.

    DITTO 70s Rickenbacker 4001. I reckon they've always been around but guys re-strung so regularly and kept trying the latest products, usually rounds.[/quote]

    I thought all electric basses came with flatwounds until Jaco came and changed the World.

  4. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='507682' date='Jun 7 2009, 07:29 PM']Wow... until readind this thread I had never even considered the use of flatwounds on a fretted bass. I have always lived by the safe knowledge that flatwounds are for fretless...

    I'm interested now...[/quote]

    I always thought the opposite!
    When I started playing my influences were Jaco who used rounds on his fretless and Jamerson who used flats on his fretted.

    Once I realised where my style was going it was a simple choice.

  5. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='507474' date='Jun 7 2009, 12:44 PM']I don't think it's true that hardly anyone played them.[/quote]

    I've been happily playing flats for over 30 years and I'm not the only one, although roundwounds are certainly much more common especially since Jaco showed what you can do with them.
    I have a good friend who's been playing with rounds for the same time and neither of us would change - he plays jazz funk and I play reggae, we both have old fender jazz basses and neither of us are particularly nostalgic or religious about our string choice - it's simply a matter of having the right tools for the trade.
    The only difference is that he likes to change strings every few weeks, while it's every few years for me.

    The main problem is finding a good range of flatwounds to try.
    New basses are nearly always strung with roundwounds which makes it hard to know how they will sound and feel with flats.
    Maybe more new basses will come strung with flats now that they're regaining popularity and it's funny to think of people resenting it - they're just strings!

  6. [quote name='Brother Jones' post='507007' date='Jun 6 2009, 02:52 PM']I'm sick to death of flats. They have been flavour of the month for a little while, probably because the sounds people are after are increasingly nostalgic.[/quote]

    Funny, I feel just the same way about rounds - never liked em, never will.

  7. Nice one Stevie - you are a gentleman, I'll pm you my address unless you've still got it from the time you sent me the speakon sockets.
    I have GHS 45-105 flats on my jazz bass at the moment, which have been on for about 8 or 9 years I think, (I lose track of time).
    The E and A are fine, but I find the D and G a bit thin and toppy.
    I've heard very good things about the TIs, although I'm surprised at the dead D because they aren't cheap and they make a big thing about quality on their website.
    I was thinking of ordering some, but I'll hold on for a while until they sort the problem out.
    It will be interesting to try the Ernie Ball Chromes and compare them to the GHSs, I like a very deep tone, but I also like flexible strings and it might be a case of mixing string types to get the best of both worlds.
    Played in is better for me because I'm not bothered about sparkle, just deep smooth bass.

    Thanks again Stevie and please let us know how your replacement TIs shape up.


  8. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='505849' date='Jun 4 2009, 09:33 PM']I'm just about to change out a set of La Bellas after seven years.[/quote]

    Do you want to sell me your old La Bellas cheap?
    I want to try some for size before I buy a new set.
    I'd also like to try some TIs if anyone's getting rid of an old set.

  9. [quote name='jezzaboy' date='Jun 2 2009, 06:34 PM' post='504084']
    Now then. I can help you out there.I was looking for a Jazz and tried a:

    I can't decide which jazz bass to buy and the Mexican classic series seem very cheap compared to the US vintage series.
    I'm considering the classic 60s jazz at £520 compared to the US vintage 62 jazz at £1380.
    Then there's the USA Highway 1 model, which is a similar price to the Mexican classic 60s and I wonder how they compare and why is the Highway 1 almost half the price of the American Standard model?

    Fender seem to have a bass for every budget and I really need to try a few before I can begin to understand why there are so many - so much choice makes it very hard to decide which one to go for.

    Any advice would be gratefully received - lightweight is good and I only play reggae and fingerstyle jazz using just the neck pup with the tone rolled off for a very deep smooth sound.

    Maybe I'll just get a Squier classic vibe at only £250!

  10. Fender basses are the sound on nearly all the great rock, soul, funk, reggae etc. etc. from the past 50 years.
    To me, it's how a bass should sound and the USA vintage range are still great instruments.
    I don't think they're relatively much more expensive than they've ever been.
    I also don't think you can beat them for sound and they still seem quite popular amongst pros, but it's all a matter of taste and I don't like Ampegs or Stingrays :)

  11. [quote name='henry norton' post='500022' date='May 28 2009, 04:46 PM']The EB's playing really well by the way, and I've managed to keep it away from my router so far :)[/quote]

    Glad you're enjoying it, I thought it was well meaty without any need for uprades and just wanted a good playing in - which it sounds like it's getting now :rolleyes:

  12. I agree with Henry Norton about short scale basses, they're cool and not just for kids.
    You might not notice such a big difference though, try playing your full scale bass as if the first two frets don't exist (use a capo if it helps), detune by a tone and it's suddenly a short scale - you still need to stretch those fingers!
    Short scale can mean a more clanky sound because the strings have less tension, this can be alleviated by fitting higher gauge strings.

    I've used Squier Bronco, EB-0 and Cort and my quick review would go like this -

    Bronco - plays well with a punchy tone but let down by poor electrics and cheap fittings.
    EB-0 - better build quality and great for 'that' traditional deep growly sound.
    Cort - beautifully made, highly playable, smaller and lighter than the others with more tonal options.

    I think you've made the right choice with the Cort, but I haven't tried every short scale bass out there by a long way and there could be something more suitable for you - there's so much choice these days!
    The price at Thommans depends on the exchange rate and can go either way, hopefully it will move in your favour.

    Good luck.

  13. Go for the Cort if you like a modern sound, it's much better quality than the Squier and more versatile than the EB-0.
    You can get it within budget [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/cort_action_junior_bass.htm"]here[/url].
    Thomanns are very good to deal with and I think they will give you a refund (less postage) if you don't like it (check first).
    I've bought various gear from them and always been pleased with their service.
    There's a review of the Cort [url="http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews/Electric+Bass/product/Cort/Action+Bass+Jr/10/1"]here[/url] which I didn't write but totally agree with.

  14. Most classic reggae was recorded with a Fender jazz bass and it's still favourite for dub/reggae - ask Familyman or Robbie S.
    A precision will do it very well too, as will any bass - it's all in the heart and the fingers not the instrument.

    You can hear 3 different jazzes playing reggae [url="http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=ALIONBASS&view=videos"]here[/url].

    Jazz bass ain't too shabby for jazz and blues either I hear.

  15. [quote name='chris_pokkuri' post='493008' date='May 20 2009, 09:46 AM']Ha! Thats exactly what i'm buying! Thanks for the reply. Did you call them to get the lead thrown in?[/quote]

    No, I emailed them to ask if I could have a lead thrown in and they immediately replied saying yes.
    I then placed the order and the amp arrived next day with a long speakon good quality cable.

    It's a very heavy, very loud amp with a rich gutsy tone - ideal for rock music.
    Not smooth enough for my taste and too heavy for my back !

    Great value too - enjoy !

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