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Everything posted by JamesBass

  1. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1398267106' post='2432273'] Getting paid to play and have the promoter promote. [/quote] Wayne, in my experience as a promoter and as a musician, is that the bands get asked by their fan base and can get tickets to them/from them easier. All of my friends who have been fans of some of my bands have ALWAYS brought their ticket via me. As a promoter I've found there aren't many "random" people who want to come see a gig, people need to have an invested like/interest in the bands or the music. Trust me when I say, I've promoted in all ways possible, but the lay of local live music is that the majority of people who go are friends of the bands. It's rare you get a person with no prior interest in the bands coming to gigs down this way of the world.
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1398265339' post='2432231'] Well if we both think it, it must be true! The situation is nothing but a pain in the arse I know - but I believe you've made the right decision. [/quote] Great minds think alike! Yeah, just gotta chalk up yet another failed project! Nothing ever seems to stick where I'm concerned! Lots of "naff" Metalcore bands going round down this way currently and though I want to be in a band, I'm just not into that sort of music enough to do that genre! Something will turn up sooner or later I guess!
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1398263588' post='2432194'] Yes, and this makes me think that perhaps the idea is for one of the guitarists to play bass, yet they don't have the balls to just sack you outright, so they're making life difficult for you so you'll leave. Then they can say that you 'left' and carry on with their plan. No proof of this obviously, it's just how my naturally-suspicious, paranoid mind works. [/quote] It certainly has crossed my mind, seeing how the rhythm guitarist was the one to suggest the change and was playing bass before I joined the band! Think I've made my decision to be honest.
  4. [quote name='Bassman Steve' timestamp='1398255626' post='2432086'] What sort of music do you want to play? I don't know everyone around the area but I can certainly put out feelers on your behalf. The ska band sounds a disaster frankly. Don't see the guy from The Beat sticking to just root notes (while being pushed round on castors apparently) and two guitarists is an extravegance (as Lady Whiteadder would say). Only off beat damped chords anyway. [/quote] Honestly Steve, I'm flexible, be it Jazz, Blues, Rock, Punk, Singer-Songwriter backing band work or even Pop. Also don't mind now whether it's covers or originals! Cheers mate, will send you a PM soon about having a meet up and seeing your P's!
  5. From my research, HostPapa seems to be the one that's drawing me in, they've got great reviews and offer everything I think I need!
  6. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1398244965' post='2431933'] I agree, ff, it is difficult but I just don't have much sympathy when it goes wrong. I am glad that BRX points out this is less prevalent that it used to be and it can be bypassed or ignored but it takes resolve to do this...and as I say, there will be more and more bands that will continue to do it as they think doing a 'tour'...that actually costs them to do, is worth it. The sad fact is that some venues think they are doing the bands a favour...and therefore the bands should pay for it. In fact, they ARE doing that band a favour letting them play there as without that favour on those terms, bands might have NO chance of playing/getting heard. Now, put that 'power' in the wrong hands and you get the abuse. The only thing you can really do is not be part of it as you will never convince some bands not to take on a 'tour' than doesn't actually pay you. But, the deal is the deal, and you can't stop people making bad ones, but the important lesson here is to get what you agreed and legislate for people trying it on. The only thing I can offer about your situation is... that you are sensible enough to cut your deal and the money doesn't matter and you are prepared to pay for the priveledge. If you'd said £100 to charity, it may have blown the gig and you didn't need to even muddle the waters with that... of course, it happens The OP couldn't as they knew they had costs to cover. Probably the best thing to come out of this thread has been a 'list' and advice of places to play that don't scam. [/quote] Think this is where bands need to be "educated" for lack of a better word, about the crap people and deals out there. I've been fortunate enough to be really involved in bands and music to the point where I've had to research how to get the best deal for me. The Musicians Union offer a wealth of information and help on all music subjects and they've helped me a lot. Also bands seem unsure of how they can still get paid without even being paid by the venue or the promoter. Registering with the PRS/MCPS will allow original bands to earn some money from a nights work. Getting a list of good and bad venues is only if the promoter is also listed. The venue might well be accommodating but the promoter might cause all the issues. I know in Portsmouth we have some seriously hit and miss promoters.
  7. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1398243552' post='2431915'] Most packages will have the e-mail option, Do you mean marketing via mail chimp etc as some can package that as well? [url="http://www.hosting-review.com/uk-b.php?aff_sub=H-R-UK-EN&aff_sub2=uk%2520web%2520hosting&aff_sub3=b&gclid=%7bgclid%7d&gclid=CMK1uuic9r0CFanjwgoddrsAnQ"]http://www.hosting-r...CFanjwgoddrsAnQ[/url] I've heard good things about 1&1, but favour sites that offer cpanel myself rather their own user admin pack. [/quote] Ok, cool, I've looked at host papa and they do seem very good and reasonably priced, which is always a plus! No, I'm not sure on the whole website and email thing, I'm very much a newbie to it and learning as I go, though I can design and build them on dreamweaver etc. Do you get your own email address included with most websites? So something along the lines of; [email protected]?
  8. Well I've got an ash and maple combo P which has a more modern feel to it, bit brighter and punchy, closer to a 58 than a 60s era, I'm thinking a 60s era P or one built to be that era, would compliment my stable of options aha, well that's how I'm thinking of it! Thanks for the great knowledge and the book recommendation Bass Happy and best to you States-Side
  9. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1398237971' post='2431845'] What are you going to build it in? Some sites have building software that you can install on the host...so you don't have to fly it onto the site as it is already there. I think it better to use a U.K hosted site for when/if the time comes for 24/7 support. [/quote] That's the thing, I was looking at which host was best, then I have the ability to make it in dreamweaver or on their own software. I'm not really that fussed by that, I've got a design ready and waiting that can easily be transferred or made again. I was thinking I'd need/want 24/7 support just in case. I was also looking at the possibility of an email client as well?
  10. I'm in the process of building up my own personal website for my musical exploits. I've got a domain name and now just need to design and build the website, but, where have people had experience of web hosting and can anyone recommend to a fairly decent host?
  11. So, I'm thinking about building my own 60s inspired P Bass, but I'm at a loss when it comes to body wood?! My great question is; Ash body or Alder body? Which was more prevalent back then and what benefits can I expect from either?
  12. [quote name='topheteatwo' timestamp='1398197119' post='2431602'] Unfortunately I've since deleted the e-mail to clear space and I don't wanna go into so much fuss for it. Once again, I'm looking for a gig in Southampton and it's proving difficult at the moment, but if the e-mails I've sent don't work then I'll get onto you for Portsmouth! Cheers! [/quote] No worries, where are you trying for in Southampton? I'll drop you a PM with my email address in it
  13. [quote name='topheteatwo' timestamp='1398192414' post='2431514'] Hello all, I have some opinions to gather up from you all. As you'll see, I'm from Belfast which is an awkward area of the world considering that we're attached to one country but are part of another country and naturally, we want to tour the UK, even though we're separated from it, a ferry can cost the upwards of £400 for 4 people and a van which for young bands with no money, that is a lot. So we gathered the cash and went on tour back in July, it went well apart from a few scrapes (bands pulling out last minute, van getting towed in London) but we had the last date in Manchester, I'm not gonna name and shame. The venue was great, lovely basement type venue, nice and big with a good bar (Guinness on tap too, extra points) and the gig was good, people seemed to really enjoy it. Prior to the gig we had agreed to a £20 petrol fee in order to get us from Manchester to Liverpool for the ferry to Dublin and right back up to Belfast and they had humbly agreed to this. After the show I approached the promoter to get our pay after she had praised us for being one of the best bands of the night, we even had a nice chat about the venue, who had played and why she loves putting on bands, it was really quite touching to hear passion from someone. That passion was short lived, when I asked her for our pay she pulled out a sheet of paper and consulted this paper for a good 5 minutes and turned and said "Only 3 people said that they came to see you, you'll be getting £3 tonight, we hope to see you again". At first I thought she was joking and I asked "What about the £20 we had agreed on in e-mail" She said that it was the venues policy to only pay the bands who had people to come and see them. In a fit of rage and I kind of caused a ruckus in the venue, saying some things I'm not exactly proud of and ended up being ejected by the bouncers, they wouldn't even let our drummer to go in and collect his drum stool, so that was about £50 lost. We were furious and I was shocked that this policy even existed, thankfully due to the generosity of the local support bands, we got £10 from their pay. This has happened again today trying to book a venue for Sheffield and we were told that we couldn't even get our petrol paid and that they had the same policy. I'm writing this because I know that a majority of Basschat is based in England and I'm just asking, is this normal? We played Scotland and we got paid £50-£100 a night and a place to crash. Why in England does this policy exist, or am I naive in my little Belfast bubble that is this of the norm? [/quote] Please tell me at least one of you or your band mates have looked in to the Musician's Union? They are the people to contact to help sort any and all problems presented by gigging live. If you have it in writing then you can, if you're a member refer the matter to them to try and sort out. As for the venues on the naming and shaming, I'd love to know the Sheffield venue? Sheffield is traditionally meant to be a great music city?! Also, if you're planning on coming as far south as Portsmouth, PM me and I'll try and sort you out with some advice on who and where to avoid!
  14. So if I were to go, other than join my band and the open mic nights, where else can I find other musos?!
  15. I wasn't suggesting my lines were perfect, but that's the thing, it was their lines and I just delivered them, they wanted it simplified so I simplified it and then they wanted it to be root notes, again I did that, but it wasn't right still. It was duck off a waters back, but sadly my back was up at the sudden change and lack of communication I'd had! This sudden change which has come before the first Pop-Punk styled album, hasn't even been finished, just shows some lack of focus for me.
  16. [quote name='JazzBassfreak' timestamp='1397913596' post='2428559'] Well it's like, for Versatility I've got 3 go to basses. ATM I think I'm fed up of Having to EQ as much as I do, just looking for simplistic, easy playing but badass sounding [/quote] I find that for me, the EQ on the MM basses is too much of an incentive to twiddle! I've gigged and recorded with a MM before, borrowed it from a mate to use whilst gigging and recording as I was interested in buying one myself, however I just couldn't get on with it. I've instead opted for a P and a 4003. I certainly find my P is my main bass currently, partly due to the fact it's easy to stick in the soft case and carry around and partly cause the ric could do with a setup!
  17. Hmm, I've briefly spoken to them while at practice yesterday, the feeling was mixed from the drummer who seems more than happy to just do whatever, but I've certainly felt that the two guitarists, who have up till now done the majority of writing, want me to play exactly what they've written and are a bit hesitant to have me improv things and input too much, might just be the way i've been reading things, but I must say there's always been an underlying feeling there. I think I have my answer, so thank you ladies and gents of bass chat!
  18. So I joined a POP-Punk/Punk Rock band about 2 months ago, they were about 60% done on their first album having recorded bass drums and guitars before I joined. In the 2 months I've been playing with them, not much more has been done on the album, we've been getting me up to speed, which is fair enough. However, yesterday at practice, the singer and guitarist have announced they want to take the second album and sound of the band in a different direction. They want to look to head more in a ska direction, now I'm not a huge lover of ska, it's never been my thing. So we were jamming an idea out yesterday to get a feel for this possible new sound, and the second guitarist pipes up with, I think the bass is too loud in the mix, it's also playing too much, you need to play root notes mate nothing more than root notes. Now I'm not a huge ska aficionado but that's not typical of ska bass. So my dilemma is do I fight to keep the style or should I just walk away now?
  19. My personal website is being built on squarespace as we speak, it's a great deal even if it's US based. They are one of the best rated hosting sites around currently. http://www.squarespace.com
  20. I leave my CTM300 for about 5 minutes while I pack the rest of my gear down then another 5 minutes with the case on then it's in the car and home
  21. [quote name='Bassman Steve' timestamp='1397722108' post='2426724'] James, you're a Pompey lad. I'm in Waterlooville if you ever want to dive up and see what I mean on the bass front. [/quote] Hi Steve, I'm actually Purbrook based so only round the corner! I'll drop you a PM sometime soon and might have to take you up on that offer!
  22. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1397696831' post='2426633'] You can get them for less than that, I'm sure [/quote] I'm sure you can, however this was about the best condition 60s P I've ever seen in the flesh/wood. Even my 2011 Mex is in worse shape than that P and I take great care of my basses, well I'd like to think I do aha!
  23. So I was in our Nations Capital today, and had some free time, my guitarist friend whom I was with, revealed on our travels he's never been to Denmark Street. So I took him there, we went in all the usual places, Wunjos, Regents Sounds, Hanks and my personal favourite No.Tom Vintage and Rare guitars. While in No.Tom, I spy a 66 P Bass, I just HAD to have a play. So I ask and I'm given the bass and got plugged in to an Ampeg B2, from the second I had the P in my hands, I knew that I'll ALWAYS be a P man, the feel of the bass itself was sublime! It just felt great in the hands and wasn't too heavy. Then I played the first few notes and boy was it good! The tone knob did so much more than it does on my 2011 Mex P bass, the sound was awesome! It could go from woody and deep to bright and clanky! Perfection in my eyes! I just wish I had the £6k to drop on it! But a huge +1 to all the shops down Denmark Street as always!
  24. Forever on my GAS list shall be a slab bodied P Bass and a 60s regular P that has all original parts! Oh and a fretless stingray and a fretted stingray!
  25. [quote name='Mark Dyer' timestamp='1397465894' post='2424051'] Hi James, I'm a freelance designer by day (and most nights) I would be more than happy to put together a business card design for you. If you need only a small print run (250+) initially then I would suggest using these [url="http://uk.moo.com/products/?gclid=CNexxNzL370CFW7MtAodkQEAdg"]http://uk.moo.com/pr...CFW7MtAodkQEAdg[/url] I would recommend you avoid Vista Print, nothing wrong with them if you're a plumber/builder/white van driver (apologies to all the white van driving tradesmen here). [/quote] Hi Mark thanks for the offer! Fortunately my girlfriend(Who's at art uni) has finished up on her work now and is designing everything for me now, even if I did have to force her to take a small payment of a nice romantic meal out in exchange for her hard work aha! Will check that link out for printing when it comes to it!
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