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Posts posted by Jonse

  1. 11 minutes ago, TorturedSaints said:

    It might be worth having a chat to Alex. 


    5 minutes ago, Pea Turgh said:

    I had a weird sound with my One10. Alex and co were ace in helping me diagnose the issue. Turned out it wasn’t the cab!

    Thanks, he was the next port of call after this evening. Some people think its probably loose piece of wood or service sticker that has came loose and lodged itself against a speaker. 

    I guess I'll know more later this evening. 

  2. Been using my barefaced six10 for the last year or so and it's been solid. The other night I noticed a high pitched farting / almost electronic distortion noise coming from the cab but only when I played F# / G. I was using plenty of drive that night but well within the limits of what the cab can take. 

    I was beginning to chalk it up to a damaged speaker but thought it was strange that it only affected a couple of notes. Could this still be the case? At lower volumes this sound doesn't happen.

    I haven't had time to remove the grill and take a look but I was going to investigate this evening.

    Can anyone arm me with some information before I go and pop the hood? 

    Cheers all. 

  3. 37 minutes ago, dave_bass5 said:

    Blimey, imagine if they weren't good friends.

    Gotta love BC for this type of crap. In the real world friends support friends, not make threads about it expecting strangers to tell you how to behave.


    I was unnecessarily riled up yesterday but thought through the situation logically and came out with a supportive decision. Normally I don't hold my tongue and tell it how it is, but I felt differently yesterday. 

    This is what basschat is good for, I asked some "strangers", who may have been in a similar position in the past, their opinion and we all came out better for it when I could have caused an unnecessary rift between mates. 

    I don't expect people to therapize me on here but it doesn't hurt to have a little perspective every now and again. 

  4. 17 minutes ago, TheGreek said:

    I will lend gear but generally this is only to very close friends. You need to balance which is more valuable to you - your gear or your friendship. Thing is, sometimes friendships fall to pieces over damage to gear...

    Let it be known that if gear is lent, you do so reluctantly and that you are just covering your derrière...

    Make it clear, as Jimothey says, that any damage has to be paid for - "it got dropped...it was an accident" still means that your mate is putting his hand in his pocket. If he believes nothing will happen then he won't mind leaving a cash equivalent as he'll be getting it all back.

    Make sure that you end the conversation on a positive - "good luck with the gig...we'll be in the crowd cheering" sort of thing..


    Sage advice, this is the route I took. 

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  5. 18 minutes ago, skankdelvar said:

    Though it would be understandably satisfying to point at these guys and make a loud raspberry noise it might be more diplomatic explain that you'd be very happy to lend them the gear but unfortunately the amp's been playing up so it's going down the mender's and you'll be needing the bass as a shovel in case it snows.

    Had considered this but going to do the supportive thing and lend them my equipment. 

    Frustrating to think though that if they didn't expect to borrow my stuff they'd be screwed. Perhaps this time it's been bugging me because they're not very thankful. 

  6. Some context: 

    I play in a rock originals band with my brother (guitar) and two other fellas (drums, singer/guitar.) We are all good friends. 

    The drummer has another band which do acoustic/folk originals which he sings and plays acoustic guitar in and the singer plays bass in. (Sorry if that is confusing.) 

    We have a practice room that both bands share, however the rock originals band pays the rent for this room and I leave some of my stuff in there. (backup bass, gig rig, pedals.) 

    They have a gig coming up where some local bands are doing covers from a Fleetwood Mac album. I initially heard about this event when talking to a promoter in a local bar and put the rock originals band forward to cover a song (they said we weren't suitable so whatever) however I believe my drummer's acoustic band then went on to be accepted for this gig after I mentioned that we should play it with the rock group (okay that's fine, great.) 

    Essentially, the drummer and bass player are now asking to borrow a practice amp of mine and my back up bass to play the gig with. Do I tell them they are royally taking the p*ss or do I let them borrow my gear? On a recent gig the bass player used my back up bass without asking (I told him it was okay to use it within the practice room if he wished, to save him lugging his own bass down.) I care very much about the rock originals band and I don't want to cause any bad blood between us. 

    Sorry if this essay of a post is confusing but my brain is feeling fried here. 


  7. 7 minutes ago, Nicko said:

    I suggest you get yourself a KFC bargain bucket and after eating the lot neglect to use the lemony clean up wipe before playing the new bass.  That should fill all the gaps in the windings nicely.

    Oh god, thanks for reminding me...


  8. Lovely all valve Orange up for sale. 

    I've owned and used this for a few months at band rehearsal but I'm moving it on since picking up a Traynor Yba-300 which I prefer.  

    Cosmetically the amp is in excellent condition, there's a small nick in the tolex on the front (pictured) and that's about it. 

    The rubber encased metal strap-handle on top shows sign of use, however it works fine. I've never trusted these personally and insisted on making a necessary improvement by adding the two large handles on the side (supplied by Ampstack.) These are mounted off-centre ensuring that the amp's centre of gravity remains balanced. With these handles the amp is (almost) a joy to lift, after all, it does weigh 26.5kg. 

    Valves sound very good and deliver ample power, I'm not certain how old the valves are but there's still plenty of life in them - no pops or odd noises. Pots are smooth without crackle. 

    There's a tatty vinyl cover included that does the job, I'll also include the relevant power and speaker cables. 

    PAT test expired this January. 

    Somewhat sad about moving this on as I really do like the sound however I can't justify owning two valve behemoths. I'll definitely miss the excellent valve saturation you get at higher volume, which the Orange delivers in spades. 

    Will not ship, simply too heavy and fragile. I will consider driving reasonable distances to meet, or alternatively you can come try this amp through my Barefaced 610 if you fancy deafening yourself. I am in Leicester.

    Offers considered, no trades though thanks, too much gear already. 

    Thanks for looking,






  9. Absolutely has to be Big Walnuts Yonder. Great musicianship from all four players and moreover a fantastically mixed album, you can really pick out each instrument and each note. 

    I wanted to really like the new War on Drugs album but it just doesn't have the same sparkle as the previous one. Give it time... 

  10. Picked this beast up off Bill @binkybongo(who is a pure gentleman by the way) after a mammoth journey up from Leicester. 

    I've always been a fan of big amps and after half an hour this one takes the top spot. It's tonally rich, deep and articulate,  plus,  there's power for days. 

    The amp looks great when all the glass is lit up plus the side handles make it (almost) a dream to lift. 

    Thought about turning it up past 2 but we've just had new windows so...better not. 

    Thanks Traynor and thanks Bill. 



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  11. 1 minute ago, Quatschmacher said:

    Not quite - you may want to try connecting the envelope jacks to each other on the two Chunk pedals if you’re running the fuzz into the filter - it makes a huge difference to the response:

    Skip to 7.30 to see the comparison.


    Tried that already, it sounded good however I'm gonna try them separately at practice tomorrow. 

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