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Posts posted by Jonse

  1. 3 hours ago, Ewan Aitken said:

    Mate I have been trying to sell it for ten months 😐, like the head is in superb condition and the cab is in great condition 

    Yeah, people seem to be moving away from the big (proper) valve jobs and on to class D stuff. I've owned both and I think class D is a bit sterile. I currently use a 300w Traynor. 

    Best of luck with the sale anyway, hopefully somebody will pick this up soon. 

  2. So the switch finally arrived today and its a perfect fit. Five minutes of installation (a small dab of glue holding it in place, not the insane amount of epoxy I had to cut away before) and the micro vr is good for another 6 years of daily service. Thanks all. 


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  3. This switch fell to bits out the front of my Ampeg micro vr the other day and I've been struggling to get my hands on another and I can't seem to repair this one. I've narrowed it down to being a Rong Feng rf-1003 but I can't find one with the red plastic and led. 

    Anybody know where I might find one in the UK? I'd rather not pay for the extortionate shipping from China if possible. Ampeg haven't replied to my emails.

    Thanks all. 



  4. Good: playing with the drummer, playing melodic lines, keeping time, well maintained and good quality gear, turn up to practice and gigs on time, pay my way, lift the gear, drive, good at writing riffs / song composition, good stage presence. 

    Bad: often play too many notes, difficulty singing, often play too loud - too large of a rig (I transport it so why not) little knowledge of theory, don't speak my mind, think I'm better than what I actually am, buy too many nice straps. 

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  5. I'd like mine to have a wider variety of stock. Low tier Squiers, a bunch of Mexican and two MIA Fenders doesn't cut it for me. They may be the more common choice for most players, but I'd say 75% of the stock has been there for the last couple of years. The amplification and string selection is just as bad. The guitar section adversely is pretty well varied and stocked. I know guitarists outnumber us and probably keep the lights on but y'know, I'm biased. 

    I actually applied for a job there at one point as a salesperson for the guitar section, they didn't have / want a bass person and clearly they still don't. 

    I didn't get the job. I could have told them what was missing from their shop bass wise but they essentially didn't employ me because I didn't know how to use the recently released line6 helix 😅

    I still go in there when I'm about in town, but it feels like they may close soon. I suppose what I'm trying to say is that the store suffers from mismanagement. 

  6. I gotta say, no matter what you think of them, it's my 2011 4003 Rick. I've wanted one for about 15 years and have never been in the position to own one, it's one of those childhood basses.

    Anyway, I tried about 5 vintage 4001 basses and didn't bond with any of them. I tried 2 1990's 4003 basses and they were okay. I then made a 500 mile round trip to try this one and it was just right.

    Its the only bass I have ever been truly happy with. I thought it might have been a honeymoon period but no, here we are 3 years later. 


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