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Posts posted by Jonse

  1. I can't really comment on the paint colour, but I've heard of it being dark brown and not black before. 

    Regarding the solder, the control cavities are often coated in a metallic shielding paint. Looks as though those blobs of solder could be connecting the brass plate to the paint, so as to retain continuity. 

    I could be totally wrong of course. 

  2. I experienced something similar with my barefaced six10, it would distort on the low G. I ignored it and played as normal and it just went away. Maybe it's the speakers breaking in. 

    You've had your one10 around six months, I'd say my problem occured around the same time. 


  3. 4 minutes ago, oldslapper said:

    On a more serious note. Guild are such class aren’t they. I'd probably keep that one, just coz it’s a Guild. 
    Which one do you like playing most of all? Which one do you pick up first? Apart from the nearest one....😊

    Used to have a Guild D15 acoustic. Wonderful guitar. 

  4. 13 minutes ago, 4000 said:

    Thing is, with a Roadworn or similar, the finish is thin enough that after a while playing & gigging they start to take on their own personality. 

    Here’s a Nate Mendel I nearly bought before I found out it weighed over 10lbs.






    They're great basses. That's heavy though. 

  5. 2 hours ago, martthebass said:

    I've had a Limelight and a roadworn Mex Jazz (red).  I've currently got one of the relic JMJ mustangs and have to say that it's the most convincing roadworn I've had. 

    I like limelights and the roadworn range. I feel the Fender road worns are a great starting point that feel and look played in, but it's easy to make your own mark too. 

    The bass below isn't mine. But it shows you how these uniform, factory-worn basses can get their own character after time. 


  6. 4 hours ago, Leonard Smalls said:

    Not sure WB is the best for contemporary music - country or 70s pastiche perhaps!

    But new music doesn't exist on TV as far as I can tell - occasional very mainstream stuff at the end of One Show or Graham Norton perhaps but nothing at all interesting. Even if it's only Top of the Pops it's better than nowt; I remember watching with bated breath when I was a kid just in case something I liked came on - the joy of seeing the Ruts, or Siouxsie, or the UK Subs was indescribable!

    And during the 80s there was all sorts; Rock Goes to College, the Tube, those BBC2 shows at tea time with Magenta Devine looking down her nose at those less cool than her. Now there's just YouTube - which has the disadvantage of keeping obscure stuff obscure!

    Yes, in hindsight (one too many pops last night) Bob wouldn't be the best choice for contemporary, underground bands / audiences. 

    I suppose the closest thing we have at the moment would be BBC introducing, but it'd be cool to have something televised and presented to the masses. 

  7. I've used the DI for recoding and that sounded good, but I'm sure I read somewhere that they were made to be miced up. Might have read that on talkbass. 

    Ample power with the matching 210 cab for recording and at - home practice. 

  8. It's been my at - home practice amp for the last six years or so. Used every day, never failed to power up or anything. The only think I had to replace was the switch since I use it so often. Sounds great! My only criticism is that the fan noise is a bit loud but hey, turn it up! 

  9. 2 hours ago, Jono Bolton said:

    I think the Tele headstock works best on a Telecaster. It looks ok-ish on a 51-style P Bass but I think it best suits the Telecaster body shape. That said, I absolutely detest Telecaster-shaped basses. You know the ones; a standard Tele guitar shape, blown up to bass size. I think Squier made them as part of the Vintage Modified range, and I've seen a few rubbish home-made jobs too. it really, really doesn't work for a bass. And that's not 'IMO'; it's stone-cold fact.

    When I was about 13 I had a go at putting a parts bass together. I got an awful Tele body from eBay or somewhere and a full scale P bass neck. Needless to say that the bridge was in the wrong position so it wouldn't intonate but I didn't understand that at the time. I mixed creosote with red food colouring to stain the body and that really didn't look too bad. It had two 51 P style pickups in the Tele positions and I seem to remember that I wired up them pretty good. 


    Think it was all firewood after a year or so 😁

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