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Posts posted by barneyg42

  1. [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1462448015' post='3043063']
    Stringsdirect have a number of brands of double ball strings. You can use single ball strings with the grub screws in the head piece as well.
    [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1462450583' post='3043090']
    I've happily used Elites double ball end from Stringbusters on assorted 5-string headlesses, including a Status.

    Had a look at Stringsdirect, Elites are not in stock so it's either very expensive Rotos (nearly twice the price) or various flats which is not me. Thought about the grub screw, I'm just concerned that flattening the string as opposed to winding would cause damage that could result in a failure. I'm not a particularly hard player but do like to dig in with confidence. Anyone tried this and had any issues?

  2. Saturday night at the Cock and Bull in Sutton, sunny Surrey!
    What an absolute cracker! We played a blinder and the crowd were up for it from song one!! Got a bonus from the manager as well as it was one of their busiest nights down there. Did a totally unrehearsed version of Nothing Compares to You in memory of his Princeness!! Hopefully this link comes over ok!!


  3. I don't play with a pick often, sometimes by the end of a gig my fingertips are a bit sore and there's one particular song we play as an encore that would totally rag them so I grab one. Have nothing against pick players and I think that anyone who criticises them should listen to this man........

    John Paul Jones!!!!

  4. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1461591779' post='3035901']
    Pretty much my last contribution to TB was on a thread about celebrities who play musical instruments. I mentioned that Tony Blair (who was PM at the time) played guitar at one time. That was all -- but it was enough to earn me a public bollocking for supposedly contravening their 'no politics' rule..!

    Hmm, and you, a mod, mention a politicians name on here?
    Put yourself in the corner young man and prepare for a good flogging!!'

  5. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1461578178' post='3035726']
    Mind you, if you criticise Spector bridge screws failing you're rounded on pretty quick!

    TB is the Uni Library.
    BC is the local.

    Sounds like Spector is the TB equivalent of Barefaced on here!!


  6. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1461447066' post='3034772']
    Whitesnake, I thought ?

    You may be thinking of drummer Carmine Appice who played with John Sykes,ex of Whitesnake, in Blue Murder!

    And yes Bub, details details!!! I love his playing with Bonamassa and would love to see him!!!

  7. [quote name='Left Foot' timestamp='1461369793' post='3034178']
    Im quite disappointed with how much milage Basschat has found from being bitter over this. Its really not that bad or even worthy of much hostility. The guy noodled with a farty tone at a sports event - where people get drunk and shout obscenities, its no big deal. Do you really need to use this as an opportunity to reflect on the bassists craft, really basschat.
    All we need is a bass rendition of starspangled banner and BC turns into little old lady doris nags over the fence. Saying he bombed as a statement, jeeeeeze, I doubt he cares, I almost respect the performance even more knowing how its offended tone precious bassists, lol. I mean, people paid to watch man netball, not listen to him, he knew that. BTW, im not a flea fan, just think it wasnt so bad and it fit for the occasion.

    But you forget, we are Basschat, we are perfect and expect perfection no matter who you are!!

  8. Playing in a covers band we tend to be able to turn our hand at most songs, it seems over the past few years songs have been thrown in to our set because of the demise of a band member or artist. Gary Moore got the treatment, myself and guitard being big fans, White Room for Jack Bruce, more recently Lets Dance for Bowie. These songs now actually form a big part in our set list, they are great songs irrespective of the sentiment of playing them in the first place. Unfortunately we don't know any Victoria Wood (wow, what a shock that was) but we do Purple Rain occasionally anyway, tonight we'll also do Nothing Compares, a fairly easy song to play, our singer is a big Prince and Sinead fan so I know she'll nail it unrehearsed, well her and hubby guitard will have rehearsed in their front room we'll just add the backing! Sad sad times, whatever the outcome to his demise (let's not get all tabloid speculating eh!!) a truly massive loss to the industry and a massive personal loss to his family, friends and fans!
    Life is short, live it!!!

    RIP Prince :-(

  9. [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1461325791' post='3033686']

    The only 'power hungry' cabs we ever made were possibly the original Big One and the original Big Baby. Even then its debatable whether they were. The rest are all very efficient for their size and that amp will be plenty for most players.

    Thanks Alex! I'll bear this in mind.

  10. Hmm, tough one,I don't tend to use any grit with my sound so the F500 sounded ideal but if it has trouble pushing a power hungry cab (ie Barefaced) then maybe an LM2 would be better! I've also been eyeing up the TC RH750, I use a BH500 currently so know the system quite well, foot switchable presets are tempting me though!!

  11. First gig for a few weeks last night at the Penny Black in Leatherhead. Not played there for while during refurb and landlord change. A bit of ring rust to be honest, guitarist in particular for some reason. I went back to 3 pedals (chorus, overdrive and eq) as opposed to my multi effects and ran everything flat. Quite a big pub so bought my 2x10 to go with my 2x12 (TC). Monster sound it has to be said. Had an old guitarist of mine come up from Devon, his missis surprised him, he didn't have clue he was coming in to see my band! A good dancing crowd, all in all despite the odd cock up a great night!! Obligatory kebab afterwards!!! Rock n roll!!

  12. I wonder if he has a brewery budget towards entertainment?
    Brewery give him say £250, he does a pot and takes say £80 and literally pockets the change!! We've played a pub for the first time on a loss leader, ie take £50 less than our usual fee on the understanding that if we fill the pub we'll be on a better rate on further bookings. We duly filled the pub and in a the second half noticed a jug going round. Of course it was just to go towards our fee and not a bonus, the landlady said that she didn't get enough budget or takings to cover the bands. We were not happy and said that she might as well have charged at the door and of course she didn't reveal how much was collected but we could see notes in the glass! We didn't go back, we felt we couldn't justify our friends and fans dropping a few quid extra when they are being deceived that it is going to us.
    Dodgy practice IMHO!!

  13. If some money promised comes through soon and it's still available I'm thinking of pulling the trigger on one of these. I play in a classic rock band and occasionally dep in a funk/soul group. I'm looking to go ultra lightweight (getting old and knackered) with a 4ohm (probably Barefaced) cab. Any thoughts on these little amps? Is the parametric mid good?

  14. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1439762104' post='2845629']
    Our web site has now been updated with some audio files.
    Two more tracks from the same gig have been mixed, so as well as the aforementioned Stay, you should now be able to hear Ashes to Ashes and Rock'n'Roll Suicide.

    Here's the link - http://www.changestwobowie.co.uk/sound.html

    Most excellent!!!

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