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Posts posted by mewsie

  1. awesome!

    nice to hear of other girls taking up, or wanting to take up bass, for one.

    i think that bass is an infinitely 'cooler' instrument to play, and she will hopefully get a few friends who play too and torment you with band practise in her bedroom!

    i think that anything to get anyone into any kind of musical instrument is totally worth every penny spent.


  2. [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='196917' date='May 12 2008, 09:16 AM']I'll give this another week to see if there is any more interest: I might be wrong but 6 or 8 bassists does not strike me as viable?[/quote]

    depends what you want from it really. i don't think regional meetings are ever likely to be on the grand scale that 'The' bassbash is, and at the end of the day, theres always the option of sitting out in the sun in a beer garden and having a chat?


  3. urgh, i wish i could have made it.

    spent all day fixing peoples sunglasses that had been dragged out of bottom drawers/glove compartments/handbags/safe places with parts missing and most of them unbelievably mangled, instead of being outside wearing my own. bah.



  4. sheesh. thats terrible!
    can't believe you are actually getting turned down because you are a girl. i like to think that my having skinny girlish fingers makes them nimble!

    definitely keep looking, sounds like you weren't 100% happy, so don't go back.

    i'm looking for a new tutor too, as it happens. (previous one was lovely, but lessons were moving way too slowly for me, and the guy was pretty down on a lot of the stuff i love). it should be you turning the tutors down not the other way around imo. [i]you[/i] are paying [i]them[/i].

    good luck finding a new one...


  5. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='193151' date='May 6 2008, 06:11 PM']This thread is for the ladies only (excluding tBBC who only dreams of being one). Give a shout to the other ladies and let them all know you're here! :) Tick the Enable Email Notification of Replies box before you post and you'll get sent an email every time someone else shouts out.[/quote]

    i'm a girl! i'm a girl!


  6. [quote name='Stu-khag' post='187274' date='Apr 28 2008, 03:01 PM']Pavement already taken... one of the greatest slacker bands of the 90's on domino records.[/quote]

    awesome band, a personal favourite of mine.

    re: name ideas. the two words that flashed into my head were 'pond' and 'unbearded'. but to be honest, words like that often pop up randomly in my mind. i don't usually pay much attention to it.


  7. [quote name='greyparrot' post='187270' date='Apr 28 2008, 02:55 PM']I want to add photos of basses that i am selling, but it says i have used my space. Is their a way to clear old photos?


    i always use [url="http://www.photobucket.com"]photobucket[/url] when i am inserting images.
    you then just paste the

  8. [quote name='paul, the' post='185968' date='Apr 26 2008, 03:48 PM']The choice to introduce will tell me more than an introduction ever could.[/quote]


    i haven't voted though, as i don't think either 'yes' or 'no' really say it. its nice if people do introduce themselves, but not essential.


  9. [quote name='Inca' post='181400' date='Apr 20 2008, 10:01 PM']Anyway - thought i would say hi and that i look forward to being a part of this forum![/quote]

    back atcha!

    welcome to the forum, its good to have you here! where are you based?

    plenty to read through on the boards, and i find everyone very willing to answer questions.
    i've learnt a thing or two since i've been here. :)


  10. absolutely.

    if it was me, i'd go in there assuming they would give me a replacement.
    i'd ask them something like if they would prefer to replace the amp on the spot for a new one or if they would rather give me a loan amp while that one is fixed.

    get 'em with the ol' double bind. don't even let you [i]not [/i] getting a replacement be an option, but yeah, stay happy and relaxed!
    good luck, i'm sure they will come good on it.


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