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Posts posted by d-basser

  1. Having received a lovely tascam bass trainer for my christmas i need a better set of headphones. my sennheiser HD202s cant handle the bass, they fart at an usable volume.

    i dont want to spend a fortune so cheaper the better if they will work well.

    should i get a set of the cheaper sennheiser closed headphones? are shure e2s gonna be any good?

    advice appreciated

    Dan :)

  2. depends on the type of metal, I am really into my black metal at the mo for which the moves are either a menacing dour stoic look or hand out holding the invisible heart of your foe, tongue out and manic eyes ala Immortal or similar.

    other than the headband like f*ck. though careful when i saw 1349 their bassist got his hair caught in his tunning pegs and ripped a huge chunk out mid set, kept going without flinching thought...now thats true metal.

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