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Posts posted by JakeBrownBass

  1. Just got back from meeting Barrie with my EBS cabs.

    Really nice guy and had a good chat about bikes!

    Great guy to deal with! Thanks mate


  2. If you can find a local electrical tech guy, they could quote you a price to get it swapped for Uk voltages.

    I know that the guy at my works has done acouple of amps for people.

    I think it tends to be changing the electrolytic capacitors and the transformer!


  3. A band i supported was using one of the stacks!
    The [i]worst[/i] sounding amp i've ever played through!
    I don't know what it was. I really can't stand ashdown amps for the muddy sound but my lord, ashdowns sound amazing compared to the orange!

    I'd always wanted an orange amp but now can't even think about purchasing one. This is deffinately a try before you buy amp, some people love them, i really did hate it :)

    [quote]From what I've heard of both bass and guitar range, they're held in high regard.[/quote]
    My guitarist uses an Orange Rockerverb combo, amazing guitar amp :huh: Wish the bass one was as good.


  4. Make your own :)

    Why pay someone else to make a simple thing like a cable??

    I've made over 200 cables for my pa, bass guitars.

    Made 2 24 channel multicores! now thats a boring job! lol

    But ye, buy a roll of van damme cable, get some neutrik jack ends and make them yourself :huh:

  5. Welcome! good to see another guy from w.yorkshire!

    Check out this thread, gonna have a big bass get together next month near bradford!



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