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Posts posted by GrammeFriday

  1. For sale: Ernie Ball Music Man Stingray 4, single humbucker, 3 band eq, tobaccoburst high gloss finish, ash body, maple neck and board.













    [b]Collection, delivery and payment options:[/b] £650 collected from Birmingham. Happy to courier to you - I will arrange and add to the price depending on where in the world you live. Payment in cash on collection or via bank transfer only.

    [b]Age and history:[/b] Birthdate is probably some time in March 2007, according to [url="http://www.musicmanbass.org/mycustompage0028.htm"]http://www.musicmanb...tompage0028.htm[/url]
    I am the sole owner - bought it from the now defunct Sound Control in Birmingham, Summer 2007.

    [b]Weight/ergonomics/playability:[/b] standard Stingray weight at 4.49kg/9.90lbs; beautifully balanced and very comfy on the strap. Lovely low action, and the famous EBMM “gunstock oil and hand-rubbed special wax blend” neck finish makes this bass a super-fast and silky dream to play.

    [b]Health and fitness:[/b] Everything is original and in perfect working order. Build quality is really fantastic - the most rock solid and bulletproof bass I have ever owned. This bass has never been to a luthier or repair shop as it has never ever needed anything at all doing to it since the day I bought it. EBMM quality control is often cited as the best in the business in the £1,000 - £2,000 price bracket, and on the strength of this bass it’s easy to see why. The tobaccoburst finish is really beautiful, fading from an almost black brown to a light but lustrous amber/yellow colour that is impossible to capture in photographs. (My pix fail miserably.) The chrome hardware is super-shiny and untarnished, the neck is arrow-straight, and the neck pocket is tighter than a gnat’s chuff. However, this has been my main gigging bass for 7 years, and it thus inevitably bears a few cosmetic scars, hence the low asking price. The main culprit is a small but clearly visible ding on the front, between the pickguard and the lower horn - you can see it in some of the pictures above. There is another small ding at the bottom edge of the body, below the bridge (also pictured), but this is really hard to spot. I did consider touching these dings up before posting this ad, but in the end decided to let the buyer decide whether to fix or just leave them as mojo marks. The only other minuses to report are standard stuff for a seven-year-old bass - the tip of headstock has been bumped a bit, and the pickguard (being black and shiny) shows signs of pick playing use when viewed from certain angles. (I am mainly a fingerstyle player, but I have always grabbed this bass whenever called upon to rock out with a plectrum.)

    [b]Sound:[/b] 100% Stingray, which is to say, jaw-droppingly loud, powerful, authoritative and commanding. Shock and awe on tap for any kind of rock/metal/punk action, and the slap tone is of course legendary. But this is no one-trick (or even two-trick) pony; roll the treble right back, boost the mids a bit, and you're in Chic/Sister Sledge fingerstyle funk heaven. Cutting both treble and mids and boosting the bass right up gives you access to trouser-flapping dub frequencies. And so on. In short, it's a really versatile bass - the only consistent thing is KILLER TONE for all styles.

    [b]Case:[/b] comes in original MM hard case.

    [b]Why selling:[/b] only selling as I've just bought a Stingray 5. In an ideal world I would keep both, but you know how it is. I can’t really do without a low B these days, and can’t afford to have this big-hearted beast just sitting its case, much as I love it. Also, this is a proper kickass gigging instrument, and it really should be out there doing what Stingrays do best: making punters dance, making drummers grin, and making guitarists STFU.

    [b]Trade/part exchange options:[/b]
    As stated above, I'm really after a cash sale, but I would be pleased to hear from you if you are offering any of the following:
    MTD 635-24 (with [b]lots[/b] of cash your way, natch)
    MTD Saratoga 5 fretted or fretless (with cash my way)
    MTD CRB 5 (with cash my way)

    Thanks for looking!

  2. Thanks, Chiliwailer - sage advice from a man who clearly knows his stuff. (I've been amazed at some of the incredible vintage Fenders you've put up for sale over the last year or so!)

    I think my real issue is with the concept of vintage basses as 'investments', especially nowadays, as you say. Clearly they can and do appreciate in value over time, but appreciation is not really the same thing as investment value. There is a big difference between a bass holding its value and a bass actually making you money. If I had some serious money and wanted to invest it - i.e. get a regular capital return on it - I would be opening up a managed fund or taking out a buy-to-let mortgage, not buying a vintage Fender!

  3. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1397295042' post='2422502']
    2007 Bongo in a lim.ed. finish they called Dargie Delight. The colour's called Logan Green aka Olive Green.

    Wow! Love it!

  4. This is not an answerable question - most people take all of these factors (and probably more besides) into consideration, and in various complex ways. I's a pity we cannot rank our choices from the list above - that would give a more realistic picture. Still, it's generated some thought-provoking discussion!

  5. Sorry to disagree, but if the Basschat 'For Sale' forum is anything to go by, high-end basses are terrible financial investments. Recently there was a gorgeous MTD 635 up for sale on BC - must have cost well over £4,000 new, and couldn't have been more than a couple of years old. Seller was asking £2,900 for it. Look at ads for any other hi-end gear on BC - Fodera, Ken Smith, W&T, Roscoe, Laurus, etc etc - and you'll see it's the same story. It's also true of premium mass-produced stuff like US-made Fenders, Lakands etc. Modern basses depreciate like modern cars - they lose anything between a third and a half of their value the moment you drive them out of the showroom.

    Personally I even doubt whether vintage basses make good investments nowadays. An original 62 Jazz bass in good condition would set you back somewhere between £10-15k at present, I think. How long would you have to hang on to it before it turned you a decent profit, let alone gave you a return worth pinning your retirement hopes on? I would also really like to know how much that vintage Jazz cost back in 1962, and what that original price would translate into in today's money. I have a sneaking feeling that basses cost more (as a proportion of the average persons pay packet) in 1962 than they do now. Which would mean that the real appreciated value of the bass between 1962 and 2014 is much less than it might seem on paper.

    In short, I think basses are for playing, not investing in.

    ... Having said that, it might be a cunning way of getting your significant other to agree to you buying that MTD/vintage Jazz you've always wanted to own! ;)

  6. But to answer your original question, no, I'm not tired of the merry-go-round yet, although I do know what you mean. I suspect that the problem might be that we are sometimes too impatient with new basses - if we don't dig them straight away, we immediately feel that we have made a mistake in buying them, so we sell them on and try something else, repeat ad infinitum, when really we should take more time and try to get to really know an instrument and to understand what it can do.

    As for the 'happiness is a warm P' thing, I've never understood that. Don't get me wrong - I love Precisions, and learned to play on a Fender USA P. But over the years I have always found them far too limited to cover all of the different kinds of music I want to play. Try playing Chic's 'Good Times' on a P - it sounds terrible!

    Conversely, I've never understood why Stingrays are always thought of as a 'one-trick pony'. I think Rays are far more versatile than Ps - in fact, if I was only allowed to have one bass I would probably go for a Ray. But of course YMMV.

  7. [quote name='bassman344' timestamp='1397199849' post='2421644']
    I like the P sound and also the MM sound, but ain't that fussed on a jazz setup. I prefer passive basses most of the time because I think the sound is easier for me to work with so I need a passive/active option because I don't want to be caught without active just in case I need it. Deep deep blood red finish on a maple top wood body and clear finish on the maple board and neck. 34" scale and 18mm spacing.

    If this is your ideal bass, then you might consider getting one of these:


    P and MM pickups; push-pull active/passive; any wood/colour/finish/fretboard you want, they'll do it; boutique build quality for just a fraction more than Fender American Standard money (and WAY cheaper than Fender Custom Shop, Sadowsky, Lull et al). Not sure what the standard spacing is on these but if not 18mm they will do it for you as a custom option, and without charging you an arm and a leg for it.

  8. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1396943957' post='2418885']
    I'd be willing to bet that the MTD Kingstons are made by Cort :)

    I wouldn't put the house on it if I were you, Howie - MTD Kingstons used to be made in Korea, but production shifted to China a few years ago.

    It's very possible that Cort was the manufacturer when Kingstons were MIK - here's what the Wikipedia entry for Cort has to say:

    "Cort’s main production focus is not on Cort-brand guitars, but rather on contract work for numerous other companies. Generally, large companies contract Cort to build lower-priced guitars that have that company’s brand on them. Ibanez, Parkwood, Squier, G&L Tribute series line of guitars are among the most well-known brands that Cort produces. In recent years, small companies known for extremely high quality (and high-priced) guitars have begun contracting Cort to produce budget line models. Avalon, based out of Northern Ireland, sold 8,000 guitars and more than doubled their income from the previous year when they contracted Cort to build a lower-priced guitar for them."

    Interestingly, the same entry then goes on to document serious [color=#252525]allegations of mistreatment of factory workers, leading up to mass hunger strikes by Cort workers and even one worker setting himself on fire in protest. Wonder whether that explains why MTD Kingston shifted production to China?! (Not that China's record on factory workers' rights in anything to write home about, but hey ...)[/color]

    [color=#252525]Anyway, to get back to the OP: [/color]
    [color=#252525]if (and that's a big 'if') you can find a secondhand Kingston Heir, snap it up - problem solved. [/color]

  9. [quote name='GremlinAndy' timestamp='1335275671' post='1628441']
    Maple is chosen for it's properties for the neck and rosewood for the fingerboard for different reasons. I don't think that making a rosewood neck with maple fingerboard would yeild a desirable neck tbh. Maybe an actual lutier could explain why that isn't done...?
    I have offered my opinion on a single Fender P with minimal differences ...Same body, same pick-ups the same strings, with a swapped out neck and I can say that, that was definitely enough for *me* to form an opinion.
    I have many basses which all sound different too, but I agree with what you say, that's not such a useful test for forming opinions.

    Never heard of a rosewood neck with a maple board, but there is this:


    Looks nice, but must weigh a ton!

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