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Born 2B Mild

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Posts posted by Born 2B Mild

  1. I bought "[i]Gig-Getter: How to get more gigs than you can play[/i] is a brand new step-by-step guide for amateur or semi-pro bands and musicians." from [url="http://www.gig-getter.co.uk"]http://www.gig-getter.co.uk[/url]

    It's not rocket science, and like most guides and seminars, you realise you knew most of it already. However this guide serves as a focus and a check list. What's more it is a UK publication, only £15 and is written by a bass player.

  2. [quote name='Mr Bassman' post='226645' date='Jun 25 2008, 12:56 PM']Hi Phil,
    how about a swap for an Ampeg PB-210H?
    Thanks for the offer Kieth, but I'm all cabbed out now. NiceGuyHomer delivered both Bergantinos last night. Now I have to pay for them ...hence the sale of the Schroeder.

    You are welcome to take it away and try it out though.

  3. Found via Google [i]..."Yup-that's right. It's a bass guitar with a midi keyboard mounted on it. Yes, the two are played simultaneously. The bass is played with the left hand alone by means of a guitar technique known as "hammer-ons" while the keyboard (which emulates a distorted slide guitar most of the time. among other things) is played with the right hand. This instrument has a weight equivalent to that of a small motorcycle, and as you might imagine, requires years of time and patience to "master"."[/i]

    [url="http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2008/02/the_swiss_army_bass.html"]Video links 'n all![/url]

  4. I see these and other shiny works of art, and yes, they are great eye candy. Then I see some guy down the local live pub with a worn-out Fender with just enough surviving bits of paintwork to reveal that it was once a sunburst, getting a fat, woody vintage growl... and I yearn to have that old simple, passive veteran under my shoulders, much more than a blinged-up object d'art with NASA electronics.

    I'll get my unfashionable old git coat...

  5. [quote name='mcgraham' post='225182' date='Jun 23 2008, 04:58 PM']What are the odds! I am also home with the flu... and was contemplating selling my Schroeder 1210 in order to fund purchasing these. Crazy!

    Good choice there sir!

    Ah, those two magic words ...[i]Overdraft [/i]and [i]GAS[/i]. A powerful combination.

  6. Schroeder 1210R For Sale

    I can’t praise this cab enough, but I need (and have just acquired) a two-cab solution, for when I do café gigs. i.e. a single cab for my quiet band, and add another for my loud band.

    4 ohms 850 watt in good condition, and comes with a vinyl cover.

    Look up the specs at [url="http://www.schroedercabinets.com/1210.htm"]http://www.schroedercabinets.com/1210.htm[/url] , and I can assure you their claim about easily replacing a 4x10 is completely justified.

    £400 and pick-up only. I live in Harrogate, work in Leeds, and am occasionally allowed a pass to leave Yorkshire, so if I’m going your way…

    [url="http://picasaweb.google.com/ShuteCentral/Schroeder?authkey=OuDzFkRBAkg"]Loads of pics here[/url]

  7. [quote name='Mr Bassman' post='223509' date='Jun 21 2008, 11:52 AM']I've got a Washburn as in the photo, and I'm in Harrogate!

    I was going to take it to the bash next week.[attachment=9873:misc_084.jpg][/quote]

    You Dark Horse, you! I'd love to have a go on it some time Kieth. Unfortunately, I can't do the Bass Bash, as I'm playing at the Blues Bar that afternoon with an acoustic Angie Shaw threesome.

  8. I've searched on the forum (badly, as I anticipate being informed after this), but haven't found anything about bass guitars with twin necks that have one fretless and one fretted (4-string).

    In my quiet band, I am forever changing from one to the other, and it would be so neat to have both to hand. Even to the point of playing with each neck in different parts of the same song.

    I guess you can commission such a beast, but I'm not in that market yet. And, the fretless should be the top neck too!

  9. I have no basis to recommend these, but if it was me, and a Fender Mustang was out of the question, I'd look at a short-scale Jazz Bass copy, such as can be found at [url="http://www.rondomusic.com/bassguitars4.html"]http://www.rondomusic.com/bassguitars4.html[/url]

  10. [quote name='phsycoandy' post='219333' date='Jun 15 2008, 06:15 PM']sure looks nice but not my cup of tea, sorry. I only do 4's[/quote]

    It looks fantastic. I have some 4'rers in case you desire to trade...

    [*]Fender Aerodyne JB black
    [*]Washburn AB10 electro-acoustic
    [*]Crafter BA400 fretless electro-acousic

    :) :huh:

  11. Not many four-string Modulus axes come up for sale in my county of Yorkshire, but here is one [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=120271414212&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=002#ebayphotohosting"]on fleaBay[/url]

    Perhaps the lack of decent photos and description have caused it to have no bids ? (shame the name of the model isn't spelt right either). That doesn't mean the bass or its owner are less than 100% .

    I've never played a Modulus and hope to one day. Anyone got any views/advice about this one? It's a lot of cash to take a punt on!

  12. [url="http://www.reverb-store.co.uk/"]http://www.reverb-store.co.uk/[/url] is the splash page. It's a data-capture excercise, preceeding a full-blown site. Well it can't be any worse than the old SC website, which was my least favourite site to use out of all the music gear e-tailers. I suggest they ask end-user opinions about what we need in a website in terms of navigation etc.

  13. I use a Schroeder 1210R and I know there are a few Shroeder users on BC. Maybe you could add them them to you research list?

    [url="http://www.schroedercabinets.com/home.htm"]Shroeder website[/url]

  14. [quote name='odub' post='213956' date='Jun 6 2008, 04:42 PM']Use CD baby, or the slightly easier Catapult distribution. They'll sort out everything for you and get your songs on iTunes/napster etc. They take a 9% cut and itunes take there bit too. But you don't pay for aanything apart from the barcode and initial set up, anout £35.

    Then knock up a website and use paypal merchandise to create a paypal button. Here's my version: [url="http://www.felt-tip-records.co.uk/"]http://www.felt-tip-records.co.uk/[/url][/quote]
    Thanks. I'll check all of this out!

  15. After a year of recording bits in our spare time, we ...[b]Angie Shaw [/b](band) have produced an album of original songs, entitled [i]The Other Side Of Blue[/i]. We have had a short run of CDs produced and our hope for these is to open doors ...to better gigs, find our audience etc.

    We aren't in it for the money, though wouldn't mind some revenue to pay for the recording/CDs, and recognise that some folk that aren't able to come to gigs, will want to either order a CD or download the songs.

    Can anyone who self-publishes, give us tips on what we should do to make this possible? We aren't able to do our own online things, bar MySpace (see link below), and so would want to use an existing payment/download thing.

  16. I bought back with me a Sansamp Bass Driver. In 2005 it cost me the same in dollars as it would have done in pounds over here ...$179. It has proven to be a good buy. I don't use it much, but when I do, it really is gets me out of a hole. Nice thing to have in your gig bag, just in case.

  17. Thanks for the tip off. I hope to go. I just looked at [url="http://www.picturedrome.net/music_events.htm"]http://www.picturedrome.net/music_events.htm[/url] and whoever is booking the artists, has taste!

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