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Born 2B Mild

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Posts posted by Born 2B Mild

  1. [quote name='BassManKev' post='255732' date='Aug 5 2008, 08:21 PM']not really my thing, but how does it sound?[/quote]

    Ah, now BMK you touch upon one of my pet subjects. He had a sophisticated bass playing through a Trace head and a Trace 4x12 but there was no distinctive tone coming through. It was tight and audible, but no more interesting than something coming out of China that costs under a ton.

    And here's my point... OK, the feel/playability may be enhanced by a fancy bass, but in general I think the gigging bass player has to recognise that fancy gear CAN BE wasted in the mix.

    In a loud band and particularly when using fingers and not a pick, your subtle wood types, deluxe strings, pre-amps, and amps with more knobs than Eton, will not get you much further than if you used equipment costing a fraction of the price.

    Different in a jazz or semi-acoustic set-up, I grant you. But we rock bassists can be guilty of getting sexed up over boutique gear that frankly is guilding the lilly.

    There. I've got it off my chest. It's funny how I see things a bit differently now, since hitting an economically challenging time!

  2. I saw a Spanish Ska band in Majorca last week, at an open air festival in Pollenca.

    The bass looked tasty, but not one I recognised. Just before I was going to ask for help on BC to identify it, I stumbled across a similar one on [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Jerzy-Drozd-Excellency-6-string-bass-Roland-GK-3B_W0QQitemZ130243537917QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item130243537917&_trkparms=72%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14.l1318"]ebay[/url]

    It appears to be a [url="http://www.jerzydrozdbasses.com/excellency.htm"]Jerzy Drozd Obsession Excellency[/url] . It may be customised as it's sporting a pair of barts.

    Anyone know owt about these woody wonders?

  3. Er, I think this kind of fits this thread...

    True story. House party in Woodley, Berks in the mid 1970s. (me thinks, the Woodley Wine Circle, but it might have been the local horticultural Soc, I don't know, I wasn't there but my [u]parents were[/u]),

    My late mum told me the next day that she was chatting to a nice lady at the party and found that they had in common that both of their sons played in bands (me in teenage amatuer rehearsal bands). "What was her name Mum?" "oh, 'so and so' Page". (I've since forgotten her first name)

    Yes, it was [i]Jimmy's [/i]mum.

    After all that PIAT D'ORE, MATEUS ROSE, LIEBRAUMILCH, BLACK TOWER & LAMBRUSCO, all bands probably were about the same!

  4. I'd like to jam to a drum track, paticularly something funky, but can't find anything instantly playable online.

    A search of topics on BC lead me to look up Hammerhead (http://www.threechords.com/hammerhead/introduction.shtml) but that's more for rave type stuff. My son put me on to jamstudio.com but that wasn't what I wanted.

    Can anyone suggest a source please? If not streaming, then downloadable.



  5. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='242496' date='Jul 18 2008, 10:56 AM']I just got hold of a book called 'Sibelius: a comprehensive guide to Sibelius Music Notation Software' by Thomas Rudolph and Vincent Leonard. Got it from Amazon Marketplace for less than £12. Its incredibly easy to use and has really opened some doors (and reduced a lot of wasted time) on the software for me.

    I just wanted to register how useful this software is, not only in preparing charts and composing, but also for transcribing and study. Highly recommended to anyone who hasn't got it already! Probably a lot more use than a third, fourth or fifth bass!![/quote]
    I'll pass this on to Mrs B2BM. She's learning to use Sibelius for composing classical pieces, and coming up with some nifty stuff. She has it linked in with sample suite Garritan, so she can actually hear her orchestral scores played back audibly.

  6. [quote name='Maxcat' post='242540' date='Jul 18 2008, 11:30 AM']+1 on the Optostomp. Very transparent but levels the playing field nicely and adds a nice dollop of sustain. I put it through the effects loop on the shuttle and it does the job nicely. I leave it on all the time and really notice the difference when I switch it off. Cheap and good value.[/quote]
    Yeah, I intend to leave it (once I've got one) sitting next to the Shuttle using the effects loop. I guess you can string stomp boxes together in the loop, with the compressor coming last.

  7. [quote name='synaesthesia' post='242235' date='Jul 17 2008, 10:31 PM']Pop over to Talkbass and have a look at Bongomania's Compressor reviews. He's checked out probably 80 - 90% of common compressors that bass players would use, ar some really high end studio ones.[/quote]
    That was good suggestion synaethesia.

    All in all, I think the BBE Opto-stomp will suit my purposes. Haven't found a used one yet, but if anyone wants to sell me one...

  8. This thread has come at a good time, as I also seek the pearls of emperical wisdom of BC'ers on choosing a compressor.

    I was used to the dual compressor built in to the Trace that I was borrowing, but now I've got a Shuttle, I feel a bit bereft without one. Being a bit skint at the moment, I'd have to go second hand.

    More thoughts welcome!

  9. [quote name='TG Flatline' post='240003' date='Jul 15 2008, 01:35 PM']Anyone else got one of these? I picked one up on ebay a couple of years ago, a red one, never seen one in that colour before so convinced the missus to lend me the money to get it (good girl) and have always thought it was the absolute tits. The studio we're recording at at the mo cream over it and can't believe it is 1) a fender, 2) a stock fender, and 3) that it is not active, as it sounds immense recorded.

    I'm on about getting another so I can shelve this one for studio only, but not at the expense of having a good bass live. Does anyone else use these? If so, is mine a one-off fluke and so I should not get another Aerodyne, or do they all sound great?

    I'm in two minds, and if I buy another and don't like it my bird is going to cut my nuts off![/quote]
    Bought my black Aerodyne Jazz as a spare for gigs and fellin love with it. The 'P' PUP adds so much mid and bass, so I find it great for changing to different sounds/styles in my cover band. I've just replaced the bridge PUP with a Wizard '84 to add a bit more bite. I've actually got mine up for sale (see Bass for Sale forum, as I've got the GAS for a particular axe, but if no one comes in for it, I'll still be happy to keep it!

  10. Not exactly answering the OP, but in keeping with this thread, I can't help thinking that there's a cab-building opportunity out there.

    As I see it, the LMIIs, F1s & Shuttles are great & increasingly popular. However, for cafe/rehearsal/practice rigs, I think a single speaker cab, in similar proportions to these new micro amps could be made.

    I look at my Shuttle, and think that I'd really like a cab that is not much wider than it's 10" case, that has feet recesses for the amp to snuggly fit in to on the top, and comes with side grab handles. So I guess that means an 8" speaker, which I suppose I'll get the response from my fellow BC'ers that that is not going to deliver much.

    Oh, well, I can dream. -_-

  11. Through searching on the internet, I've identified an old valve amp that I bought, well used, in the mid '70s.

    It is a Dallas Scala 519! And here's some pics of someone else's on a site which has more info on it and others from that stable. [url="http://www.vintagehofner.co.uk/amps/scala1.html"]http://www.vintagehofner.co.uk/amps/scala1.html[/url] (mine isn't in as nice condition, though it might be restorable).

    Dallas were the forerunner to Sound City, and stopped making amps under this brand in the mid 60's, so I reckon it's about 45 years old. Many years a go, I put a wooden back on it, and had the valves replaced. Otherwise it works OK and I'll never sell it. In my yoof, I used to lay it on the bed, speaker facing down, then plug a guitar in it on full to get Total Harmonic Distortion overdive!

    I wondered how old it was and about its history for the last 30-odd years ...and now I know!

  12. Oh, and I just remembered two other soundtracks that I was moved enough to buy in recent times...

    [i]Bend It Like Beckham[/i] ...good mix of bollywood & pop


    [i]River Queen[/i] (Karl Jenkins) ...which I've just bought the DVD of and will watch for the first time tomorrow night. It will be weird, as I am so familliar with the soundtrack, which I've listened to for the past 12 months

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