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Posts posted by uk_lefty

  1. I think the stage your band is at is the key here. If I was still getting a band off the ground and everyone was available without too much inconvenience I'd probably do the gig. Reason being you can iron out a lot of issues, even things like why the PA is making that hissing noise, how to set up quickly or different venues, all the boring stuff, as well as working on your act: song endings, new songs, how to get the four punters tapping their feet, how you respond to requests etc. You say you haven't got a following but if you want to turn down small gigs how will you earn the following to get you in the door for the bigger gigs? I know I'm being very idealistic here but it's hard work building up a band and takes a lot of ups and downs. 

    • Like 4
  2. On 18/11/2023 at 00:16, tobiewharton said:

    Some years ago I had a super cheap Hartke chorus (in a purple housing I think?) that was amazing value; it wouldn't win any robustness plaudits but it sounded great. 

    Those were fantastic! I had one too and only sold it when I went to multi fx. They are listed at £70ish second hand these days. I did hear that they were the same as NUX or Joyo or something but can't be sure on that one...

  3. On 17/11/2023 at 08:36, alexa3020 said:

    I turned up to my rehearsal room last night and the ABM I normally use was being serviced & in its place was a Trace Elliot AH600. Man, they are bright sounding in comparison and super heavy too. Lovely amp & I quite enjoyed playing through it though. Given that Ashdown came from Trace, its quite interesting to see how different they are - seems like they are almost aimed at different markets. The trace is really bright and quite clinical sounding, bit of a throw back to the 80s maybe - I prefer the warmth of the ashdown. Both great amps though.

    If only Ashdown did some kind of a Trace tribute amp.... They'd sell about fifty to those of us on Bass chat who long for those sounds!

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    • Haha 1
  4. Not coming back in on the one after a stop... Really throws me! 

    Really fast chord changes that make little sense to me

    That thing the Killers do where they do half or three quarters of what you think is the verse, skip the pre chorus, throw in a bridge, go back to the second part of the chorus, hold onto a chord where you'd usually change.... When you're learning this stuff on the fly it's so hard to keep up, then commit it to memory out of a set of 100 songs. 


    Those things can often beat me. Sometimes I'm up for the challenge (Killers songs being worth the effort to get right) other times it's just not worth the effort.

    • Like 2
  5. Artec Les Paul bass pickups ordered. I'm seduced by the chrome. I will get myself some Sadowsky lightweight tuners, they're lightweight but have the clover leaf, and then I am almost set. I just need to find someone brave enough to do the trickier parts of the assembly. With their being no pilot holes in the body for the bridge and the neck pocket requiring a small amount of adjustment (or maybe better to adjust the neck rather than the body...) These are jobs that need to be done at the same time by the same person to ensure I get a proper scale length for the strings. 


    With the bridge in, neck fitted, pickups in place I'll just be missing the wiring loom and then a custom pickguard to finish it off. Might take a while to get more kit sold to find the rest of the parts and build but hoping it will all be done before Easter.

    • Like 2
  6. It depends on how you transport it and how careful you can trust yourself to be. Hard case, foam lightweight case, padded gig bag, no case at all... If it's going to get chucked in a van you probably want some protection, if it's being carefully carried about and never leaving your side maybe a gig bag is enough. 


    Whatever you do, don't take a brand new US Fender out, leaving the case in your car and think "I'll be ok carrying this back to the car to save on trips back and forth" and then tw4t it into a brick wall, removing a chunk of paint. That's not clever.

    • Like 1
  7. Can't go wrong with a TC Corona Chorus. The onboard settings are ok but the toneprint function lets you upload any other sound you'd want or need and you can even tweak those once they're loaded onto the pedal. Also, if you play guitar too you can use it as a bass chorus or guitar chorus so it's flexible. 

    • Like 1
  8. Marshall Vibratrem pedal in good condition. Who else saw the Ian Allison video where he does delay into trem and thought "I want that!!!" Yep, I'm a sucker! Just trying to rationalise my board and raise funds for a project. Great condition, very good pedal, sounds great with fretless. Stereo output, shape control is really helpful, velcro on the bottom.




  9. Hate so say it but no matter what gear I use, and I try to use some diverse stuff, I fundamentally sound like me. Not saying I have a highly cultivated and unique sound, far from it, but the gear seems to only make a small difference. Maybe I'm just not using it right. But those small differences matter to me, even if nobody else, even in the band notices!

    • Like 1
  10. On 09/11/2023 at 17:30, TheGreek said:

    Nasty rumours are going around that I'm not good with money. 


    Well,  it's actually completely true!!


    I bought this on impulse - the name makes it sound like it's something that you must have.


    I haven't had a chance to try it in anger yet - neighbours upstairs just had a new baby and we all know about sleep deprivation, right.


    I tried to find some info online but what I could find wasn't that helpful TBH. 


    Has anyone had one? What style of music does it suit? 

    What did/ do you think of this?

    Was that on eBay?? If so I could have been bidding against you! Glad I didn't bid now. What's it like?

  11. 38 minutes ago, kodiakblair said:

    I bought a Fazley surf green guitar just I could convert to short scale bass and Install a Warman quad rail. Turned out great. Another Warman favourite of mine is the Jazz Bar, used them plenty of times. 

    If it's got your endorsement I'm in! 

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